Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes

Yes..I can place a lot of teh blame on property owners. Stuffing a house full of college students because they can? No. They shouldn't be able to take advantage in that manner. Property taxes do not amount to 6000 bucks a month that they are getting.
Yes..I can place a lot of teh blame on property owners. Stuffing a house full of college students because they can? No. They shouldn't be able to take advantage in that manner. Property taxes do not amount to 6000 bucks a month that they are getting.
It would depend on how much they have in the property Gracie, if they make payments, pay insurance, repair cost and have to pay interest their property cost could require that much. I have seen what some college students can do to rentals.
The town not far from me is a college town. A 3 bedroom is owned by someone in los angeles. They rent the house HERE for 500 bucks PER HEAD. 2 sets of bunk beds in ONE ROOM is 2000 bucks. Its a THREE bedroom house. 12 students to each house...add it up.

Rent control is needed. Period.

And just who should control this rent?

I was having a nice evening with my tenants in our yard by the fireplace a few weeks ago. We got into a discussion of property bills. Their mouths dropped when I told them what I pay in property taxes, insurance, and water and sewer bills for the property. I didn't even get into the mortgage payments.

Until that time, I'm guessing they looked at me as the money collector, even though they see me leave for my full time job at 6:30am every day. I drive an older car than some of my tenants. I haven't been on a vacation in over 25 years. I spend my vacation catching up on things I need to do on the property or apartments.

Don't kid yourself. It's always prettier on the outside looking in.
There should be rent control in all cities in all states. If there is a set minimum wage for employees, the same should be done for housing.

San Fran is ridiculous. Same as here. 1 bedrooms 2k and up. STUDIOS are 1K and up. Unless you want to live in the ghetto, then its 600 bucks and up for a studio. Its asinine.

If that's what you actually believe, then I suggest you buy rentals yourself and see how rich you get.
The town not far from me is a college town. A 3 bedroom is owned by someone in los angeles. They rent the house HERE for 500 bucks PER HEAD. 2 sets of bunk beds in ONE ROOM is 2000 bucks. Its a THREE bedroom house. 12 students to each house...add it up.

Rent control is needed. Period.

And just who should control this rent?

I was having a nice evening with my tenants in our yard by the fireplace a few weeks ago. We got into a discussion of property bills. Their mouths dropped when I told them what I pay in property taxes, insurance, and water and sewer bills for the property. I didn't even get into the mortgage payments.

Until that time, I'm guessing they looked at me as the money collector, even though they see me leave for my full time job at 6:30am every day. I drive an older car than some of my tenants. I haven't been on a vacation in over 25 years. I spend my vacation catching up on things I need to do on the property or apartments.

Don't kid yourself. It's always prettier on the outside looking in.
Many things are like that and most have tunnel vision. Its human nature. I do know if we do not all come together and lift one another up we will lose these freedoms we have.

Not everyone wants to own property, manage a business or work sixty hours or more a week. We were on call 24/7 for years and we lived in an unfinished house as we built the business and raised children. Too many people resented that and people can make up more lies and bullshit than one can shake a stick at but the unfettered corruption of the mega corps is what took us out. We may have been able to survive all the local bullshit if it had not been for the major crooks.
I don't think that can be that simple either. Companies like Walmart have abused the system also.

No, Walmart is a company that sells goods to people. They offer a wage for jobs and people accept or decline those offers. There is no system to abuse here.
Many things are like that and most have tunnel vision. Its human nature. I do know if we do not all come together and lift one another up we will lose these freedoms we have.

Freedom is the idea of being able to lift yourself out--not have others do it for you.

If God told you before you were born that you would be poor all of your life, and then asked which country you would want to be poor in, what other country would you pick than the United States of America? Some of our poor live better lives than our working who support them. For crying out loud, our so-called poor have government cell phones!!!!!
I don't think that can be that simple either. Companies like Walmart have abused the system also.

No, Walmart is a company that sells goods to people. They offer a wage for jobs and people accept or decline those offers. There is no system to abuse here.
When you have people like the Clinton's and the Bush's giving away jobs to foriegn interest or subsidizing companies taking their business to foriegn countries and stripping the jobs out of the country there is abuse of the working class involved. Walmart and others skirt and use grey areas in their workforce development programs. Sorry but there must be balance and there is not when people are stuck with limited options and political decisions have brought us to the point of diving off of the cliff.

FYI, I was a single mom that went off of welfare and built her own company so I am not just talking out my ass on this one.
Just like during the last economic crisis, homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty grows at a very alarming rate. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half a million people are homeless in America right now, but that figure is increasing by the day. And it isn’t just adults that we are talking about. It has been reported that that the number of homeless children in this country has risen by 60 percent since the last recession, and Poverty USA says that a total of 1.6 million children slept either in a homeless shelter or in some other form of emergency housing at some point last year.

"We don't have time for this shit, these Americans - we have millions of violent illegals and refugees to bring in who are higher priorities right now! It's an election year, man!"

Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes | Zero Hedge

When congress has more to do with the economy than the President, far-righties still try to blame the executive branch.

Executive branch does enforces laws and policies already on the books.

If Congress ignores every budget request or tax policy submitted by the WH, please explain why this is the executive branch and former Sec of State's fault.

Go ahead, tell us...
Just like during the last economic crisis, homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty grows at a very alarming rate. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half a million people are homeless in America right now, but that figure is increasing by the day. And it isn’t just adults that we are talking about. It has been reported that that the number of homeless children in this country has risen by 60 percent since the last recession, and Poverty USA says that a total of 1.6 million children slept either in a homeless shelter or in some other form of emergency housing at some point last year.

"We don't have time for this shit, these Americans - we have millions of violent illegals and refugees to bring in who are higher priorities right now! It's an election year, man!"

Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes | Zero Hedge

When congress has more to do with the economy than the President, far-righties still try to blame the executive branch.

Executive branch does enforces laws and policies already on the books.

If Congress ignores every budget request or tax policy submitted by the WH, please explain why this is the executive branch and former Sec of State's fault.

Go ahead, tell us...
Hazelweirdo I don't really think you are worth taking the time to tell, sorry.
When you have people like the Clinton's and the Bush's giving away jobs to foriegn interest or subsidizing companies taking their business to foriegn countries and stripping the jobs out of the country there is abuse of the working class involved. Walmart and others skirt and use grey areas in their workforce development programs. Sorry but there must be balance and there is not when people are stuck with limited options and political decisions have brought us to the point of diving off of the cliff.

First off, there are no subsidies to promote companies giving business to foreign entities. If you need the FactCheck link, just ask, I'll be happy to provide.

Secondly, I'm a local truck driver, and as such, I spend a lot of time in industrial areas. Those complexes are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. In my industry alone, we need over 60,000 American workers that industry can't find. They are now turning to foreigners to take these well paying jobs Americans don't want.

The problem is our social programs, not industry. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times: if you pay people not to work, then don't be surprised when they don't!
Just like during the last economic crisis, homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty grows at a very alarming rate. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half a million people are homeless in America right now, but that figure is increasing by the day. And it isn’t just adults that we are talking about. It has been reported that that the number of homeless children in this country has risen by 60 percent since the last recession, and Poverty USA says that a total of 1.6 million children slept either in a homeless shelter or in some other form of emergency housing at some point last year.

"We don't have time for this shit, these Americans - we have millions of violent illegals and refugees to bring in who are higher priorities right now! It's an election year, man!"

Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes | Zero Hedge
When congress has more to do with the economy than the President, far-righties still try to blame the executive branch.

Funny how that wasn't the case when Congress was run by a near super-majority control by Democrats Bush's last 2 years in office, when libs claim the economy began to decline. Bush was the only one they blamed, not the Democrats who ran Congress and whose economy Barry really inherited.
When you have people like the Clinton's and the Bush's giving away jobs to foriegn interest or subsidizing companies taking their business to foriegn countries and stripping the jobs out of the country there is abuse of the working class involved. Walmart and others skirt and use grey areas in their workforce development programs. Sorry but there must be balance and there is not when people are stuck with limited options and political decisions have brought us to the point of diving off of the cliff.

First off, there are no subsidies to promote companies giving business to foreign entities. If you need the FactCheck link, just ask, I'll be happy to provide.

Secondly, I'm a local truck driver, and as such, I spend a lot of time in industrial areas. Those complexes are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. In my industry alone, we need over 60,000 American workers that industry can't find. They are now turning to foreigners to take these well paying jobs Americans don't want.

The problem is our social programs, not industry. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times: if you pay people not to work, then don't be surprised when they don't!
Again I am sorry to say this; you have tunnel vision. You are seeing things from a very limited point of view.
Again I am sorry to say this; you have tunnel vision. You are seeing things from a very limited point of view.

How so? Look.....if you need links, I can provide them. The transportation industry needs tens of thousands of new drivers they can't find. Some are not only willing to train you, but pay you while you learn. You have to sign a contract with them and work for them for a year, but after that, you have an entirely new career that not only provides you with well more than a working job, but allows you to get employment anywhere in our country. That's not tunnel vision, that's fact.
Again I am sorry to say this; you have tunnel vision. You are seeing things from a very limited point of view.

How so? Look.....if you need links, I can provide them. The transportation industry needs tens of thousands of new drivers they can't find. Some are not only willing to train you, but pay you while you learn. You have to sign a contract with them and work for them for a year, but after that, you have an entirely new career that not only provides you with well more than a working job, but allows you to get employment anywhere in our country. That's not tunnel vision, that's fact.
Not everyone can drive truck, not everyone has the ability to do certain things. You live in an area and see jobs but it is not like that throughout the country. Not all states have the same needs nor do all areas in those states have the same needs. We have gotten so screwed up at this point it will take time to fix it all.

We have thousands upon thousands of people with severe health issues and a congress that thought taxing everyone with a health care plan would fix it. It is not that simple. It may sound good but it does not all work that away.

Like I said 'you have tunnel vision'. Rush has tunnel vision. He is a great entertainer but that does not mean he can strategically put a plan that will fix everything by saying just go get a job. A few pages of ideas on this message board won't fix it either. Neither can a few college brains as they also most generally have tunnel vision in whatever their specialty is.

We have a failed educational system. Children growing up and being dumped into life with no life skills. They do not have them because their own parents were either deficient or too busy trying to pay for the interest on that American dream. Everything is specialized from auto mechanics to medicine and the teams of the right hand and the left hand do not meet together to see that main issue when something is broken. We have taxes that have outpaced just about everything. Employees for the government make more than the private sector in many areas and everyone feels like their piece or part is more important than anyone else's and I would be the ignorant one at this point because of my age, lack of formal education and limited physical abilities. You are judging things from again your very limited perspective. My children have done the same thing (they have adult children of their own now and they did not give theirs the same attention that they got for they wouldn't be totally ignorant know nothings when they went out on their own. So it won't be as easy for theirs as it was for them). That happens when people get a little too big for their own britches and believe that they know what is best for everyone else without looking at all of the ramifications involved in their limited perspectives.
Not everyone can drive truck, not everyone has the ability to do certain things. You live in an area and see jobs but it is not like that throughout the country. Not all states have the same needs nor do all areas in those states have the same needs. We have gotten so screwed up at this point it will take time to fix it all.

We have thousands upon thousands of people with severe health issues and a congress that thought taxing everyone with a health care plan would fix it. It is not that simple. It may sound good but it does not all work that away.

Like I said 'you have tunnel vision'. Rush has tunnel vision. He is a great entertainer but that does not mean he can strategically put a plan that will fix everything by saying just go get a job. A few pages of ideas on this message board won't fix it either. Neither can a few college brains as they also most generally have tunnel vision in whatever their specialty is.

It's not tunnel vision, it's reality. There are all kinds of jobs out there that Americans won't do. Our company had a hell of a time finding new employees; not because the job didn't pay anything, but because we couldn't find an applicant that could pass a drug test. Apparently smoking pot is higher on the priority list than getting a job and securing a paycheck.

Not everybody can be a truck driver? Why not? I can't be a brain surgeon either, or an engineer, or a professional athlete, but that doesn't give me the excuse not to work. And if there is no work where you live, then it's time to move to where the work is. Millions of Americans do it every single year.

If you are so disabled that you can't do any job, then we have government programs for that reason. If you can't get on any of those programs, then apparently you can work, but you just don't want to.

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