Tea Party Candidate Routed in Alabama!


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
'Gather your armies' imbecile, a perfect example of the Tea Party, gets his ass kicked in AL congressional primary:

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A mainstream Republican rolled past a tea party activist Tuesday in the GOP runoff for a southeast Alabama congressional seat that Republicans hope to reclaim.

Montgomery City Councilwoman Martha Roby was drawing 60 percent in the unofficial count in the 2nd Congressional District GOP runoff Tuesday against Rick Barber, a former Marine who operates a Montgomery pool hall that hosts tea party meetings.

Wow, when you're too rightwing nutty for Alabama...

Tea party favorite falls in Alabama GOP runoff - Politics - msnbc.com
What do you care? Don't you have enough to keep you busy planning the next Kristallnacht?
Oh brother, YAWN

and the Obsession with the "tea party" marches on.

we now live inside their heads.:lol:
wow, you missed the part about Martha Roby "just failing" to get a majority in the first vote
she was the front runner going in
Out of curiosity, was the candidate that lost one of the ones Sarah Palin endorsed?

A lot of the other times when a Tea Party candidate won his/her primary, we had some threads about Palin's 'influence' or some such.
Only an idiot would think this is some sort of referendum on the Tea Party movement...

There are plenty of fine conservatives poised to make little democratics weep come November...

The real referendum is on the One-Party-Rule failed experiment...

You idiots had your chance and fucked it up...
Only an idiot would think this is some sort of referendum on the Tea Party movement...

There are plenty of fine conservatives poised to make little democratics weep come November...

The real referendum is on the One-Party-Rule failed experiment...

You idiots had your chance and fucked it up...

If only an idiot would think this is some sort of referendum on the Tea Party movement, then what does it say about the fools on this thread implying that it's a referendum on the Republican Party?

Oh brother, YAWN

and the Obsession with the "tea party" marches on.

we now live inside their heads.:lol:


Conservatives are throwing the Tea Party under the bus!!!

Hey, we tried to tell you. Nice to see you slow learners are catching up.

right. :lol:
first we were IRRELIVANT, now we are all consuming.
what fun it is.

No, you're losers. The Tea Party's efforts to move the GOP to the fringe right are a disaster.
Only an idiot would think this is some sort of referendum on the Tea Party movement...

There are plenty of fine conservatives poised to make little democratics weep come November...

The real referendum is on the One-Party-Rule failed experiment...

You idiots had your chance and fucked it up...
yeah, and the GOP fucked up their chance too
how sad that we only have these two party's to choose from

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