Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
OK, its official. the read-line has been passed by Syrian dictator/IRAN/MUSCOVY , whats gonna do the "strong" PRESIDENT ( Trump) ?
UN war crimes investigators say they have evidence that Syrian government forces were behind a chemical attack that killed scores of people in a rebel-held town in April.

The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Syria said on Wednesday it had gathered an "extensive body of information" showing that the Syrian air force was responsible for the sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun."

Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe
OK, its official. the read-line has been passed by Syrian dictator/IRAN/MUSCOVY , whats gonna do the "strong" PRESIDENT ( Trump) ?
UN war crimes investigators say they have evidence that Syrian government forces were behind a chemical attack that killed scores of people in a rebel-held town in April.

The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Syria said on Wednesday it had gathered an "extensive body of information" showing that the Syrian air force was responsible for the sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun."

Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe
Ssssh! Don't tell Bleipreister, he might blow a gasket............
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OK, its official. the read-line has been passed by Syrian dictator/IRAN/MUSCOVY , whats gonna do the "strong" PRESIDENT ( Trump) ?
UN war crimes investigators say they have evidence that Syrian government forces were behind a chemical attack that killed scores of people in a rebel-held town in April.

The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Syria said on Wednesday it had gathered an "extensive body of information" showing that the Syrian air force was responsible for the sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun."

Syria forces behind Khan Sheikhoun gas attack: UN probe
You are way out there dude. Some say it was the rebels manufacturing chemical bombs, some say it was some foreign intelligence agency to create a false flag.
Either way why would Assad order such an attack when days before the U.S. declared: "Assad's future should be determined by the people of Syria."
Why would he do such a stupid think to "murder" a dozen civilians triggering international uproar? Are you really that stupid?
Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question | Zero Hedge
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Lovely picture of a man just wearing a cotton mask collects "evidence" from the bombing. Because all you need to collect evidence of a sarin gas attack is a zip lock, cotton mask and plastic gloves.

ETA: I think he's wearing sandals. What awesome protection gear.


Syria government behind sarin gas attack in April: UN probe
ISIS is losing badly and needs support from the West. But there is already a new chief in the WH and he clearly made a message about stopping supporting ISIS. Putin is on his final approach on beating the crap out of ISIS in Syria:
Syrian army defeats strongest ISIS group in Euphrates valley – Moscow
Deir ez-Zor: Why city’s liberation is so important to crush ISIS

Looks like OP hates to see ISIS losing.

They aren't giving up and seem to be in a panic now that Putin is kicking the shit out of ISIS. And credit where credit is due, the Kurds have been busting ISIS's balls as well.
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.

whats about reuters?

#World News
September 6, 2017 / 12:19 PM / 2 hours ago
Syrian government forces used chemical weapons more than two dozen times: U.N.
Syrian government forces used chemical weapons more than two dozen times: U.N.

Oh I've found my own links. It's all in the spin. They only used photographic evidence, satellite imagery and eyewitness reports. And eyewitness reports by Assad's opposition mean jack shit.
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OP seems to be a Ukrainian Nazi, he spreads those crazy myths about Russia/Ukraine which official Kiev is now trying to make all Ukrainians to believe: even poor Ukrainian children are taught at schools that Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that Kievan Rus (old Russia in 988 with the capital in Kiev) was Ukraine (Ukraine has not even existed in 988), that those Ukrainian Nazis who fought on Hitlers' side were heroes and so on and on.

Soros&Co created both ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis. Putin is almost done with ISIS in Syria, OP is afraid Ukrainian Nazis will be next.
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OP seems to be a Ukrainian Nazi, he spreads those crazy myths about Russia/Ukraine which official Kiev is now trying to make all Ukrainians to believe: even poor Ukrainian children are taught at schools that Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that Kievan Rus (old Russia in 988 with the capital in Kiev) was Ukraine (Ukraine has not even existed in 988), that those Ukrainian Nazis who fought on Hitlers' side were heroes and so on and on.

Soros&Co created both ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis. Putin is almost done with ISIS in Syria, OP is afraid Ukrainian Nazis will be next.

tell it to Yale University’s" Timothy Snyder , the world’s leading historian of Eastern Europe, "Kiev Rus has nothing to do with "Russia", ;)
Has it not been for decades snowflakes / liberals who have always been declaring 'The United States Is not The World's policeman'?!

Although President Trump has spoken boldly and clearly regarding North Korea / Kim, despite promising 'fire and fury' if Kim attacks the US or its allies, however, he has not stepped up and openly declared to the world that he has drawn a 'Red Line', one that if Kim crosses THE ENTIRE WORLD will attack.
Trump has had Rep Nikki Haley successfully 'work' the UN to get extremely strict sanctions placed on North Korea.

Only Barry was idiotic enough to issue such an arrogant bluff...and when it was called, he tried to blame THE WHOLE WORLD for the blunder. Syria is Obama's cluster-fark, one he dumped into Trump's lap.

I was disappointed to see Trump embrace / carry on with Barry's plan, but it was good to see Trump ended the CIA's running weapons to Syrian terrorists / ISIS to Barry's allies can continue fighting with the US military in Obama's Un-Constitutional war intended to oust Al Assad.

The UN was created for a reason - this is part of that reason. The UN should be the one handling / dealing with the Syrian mess.

The US has no business being in Syria. There is no positive outcome for the US. There is a civil war going on. The options are ISIS being in control, filling the void IF Al Assad is overthrown, and Assad. Why would we want to help either one of those things happen? And Assad isn't going anywhere, though - Russia is fully committed to keeping Assad in power. So, what's left?

Time to GTFO!
Has it not been for decades snowflakes / liberals who have always been declaring 'The United States Is not The World's policeman'?!

Although President Trump has spoken boldly and clearly regarding North Korea / Kim, despite promising 'fire and fury' if Kim attacks the US or its allies, however, he has not stepped up and openly declared to the world that he has drawn a 'Red Line', one that if Kim crosses THE ENTIRE WORLD will attack.
Trump has had Rep Nikki Haley successfully 'work' the UN to get extremely strict sanctions placed on North Korea.

Only Barry was idiotic enough to issue such an arrogant bluff...and when it was called, he tried to blame THE WHOLE WORLD for the blunder. Syria is Obama's cluster-fark, one he dumped into Trump's lap.

I was disappointed to see Trump embrace / carry on with Barry's plan, but it was good to see Trump ended the CIA's running weapons to Syrian terrorists / ISIS to Barry's allies can continue fighting with the US military in Obama's Un-Constitutional war intended to oust Al Assad.

The UN was created for a reason - this is part of that reason. The UN should be the one handling / dealing with the Syrian mess.

The US has no business being in Syria. There is no positive outcome for the US. There is a civil war going on. The options are ISIS being in control, filling the void IF Al Assad is overthrown, and Assad. Why would we want to help either one of those things happen? And Assad isn't going anywhere, though - Russia is fully committed to keeping Assad in power. So, what's left?

Time to GTFO!

Well said.

The only thing I beg to differ with you on is this was never ever a civil war. When the so called opposition is comprised of almost 30,000 foreign Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries, I call that a freaking invasion.

Not a civil war.

"It is estimated that over 27,000 foreign fighters have travelled to Iraq and Syria since fighting broke out in 2011."

Iraq and Syria: How many foreign fighters are fighting for Isil?
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OP seems to be a Ukrainian Nazi, he spreads those crazy myths about Russia/Ukraine which official Kiev is now trying to make all Ukrainians to believe: even poor Ukrainian children are taught at schools that Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that Kievan Rus (old Russia in 988 with the capital in Kiev) was Ukraine (Ukraine has not even existed in 988), that those Ukrainian Nazis who fought on Hitlers' side were heroes and so on and on.

Soros&Co created both ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis. Putin is almost done with ISIS in Syria, OP is afraid Ukrainian Nazis will be next.
It's not really fair to call the Ukrainians that fought with the Germans Nazis. They had plenty of reasons to hate and fear the Soviets. They had a choice between devil nos 1 and devil nos 2.
Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OP seems to be a Ukrainian Nazi, he spreads those crazy myths about Russia/Ukraine which official Kiev is now trying to make all Ukrainians to believe: even poor Ukrainian children are taught at schools that Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that Kievan Rus (old Russia in 988 with the capital in Kiev) was Ukraine (Ukraine has not even existed in 988), that those Ukrainian Nazis who fought on Hitlers' side were heroes and so on and on.

Soros&Co created both ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis. Putin is almost done with ISIS in Syria, OP is afraid Ukrainian Nazis will be next.
It's not really fair to call the Ukrainians that fought with the Germans Nazis. They had plenty of reasons to hate and fear the Soviets. They had a choice between devil nos 1 and devil nos 2.
They were fighting on Hitler's side and it doesn't matter against whom. You seem to be willing to rewrite the history.

International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
Nuremberg trials - Wikipedia

On December 17, 1942, the leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union issued the first joint declaration officially noting the mass murder of European Jewry and resolving to prosecute those responsible for violence against civilian populations.
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Your link is to Al Jazeera which is the media arm of the government of Qatar. Qatar has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow Assad.
OP seems to be a Ukrainian Nazi, he spreads those crazy myths about Russia/Ukraine which official Kiev is now trying to make all Ukrainians to believe: even poor Ukrainian children are taught at schools that Ukrainians were the first people on the Earth, that Kievan Rus (old Russia in 988 with the capital in Kiev) was Ukraine (Ukraine has not even existed in 988), that those Ukrainian Nazis who fought on Hitlers' side were heroes and so on and on.

Soros&Co created both ISIS and Ukrainian Nazis. Putin is almost done with ISIS in Syria, OP is afraid Ukrainian Nazis will be next.
It's not really fair to call the Ukrainians that fought with the Germans Nazis. They had plenty of reasons to hate and fear the Soviets. They had a choice between devil nos 1 and devil nos 2.
I tend to agree with your post in the reflection of Holodomor. Stalin and his "people" who also ran the Gulag Archipelgo were monsters. Many Ukranians saw the opportunity to strike back against evil communists who murdered an estimated 7-10 million them.

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