Surviving the DNC Pandemic


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

They say the best things in life are free. But according to a woman on TikTok, that’s simply not true.

Heather, who goes by @heathersidehustleskeptic on TikTok, posted a viral video in September about how money would make her life a little better.

“Things I’ve given up since the cost of living has become outrageous,” is how the mom of two begins her video.

Among the items she now forgoes: olive oil and bread. Not exactly luxuries.

In another video, Heather explains that she works full-time at a 9-5 job that she’s been at for 12 years. Her husband has a full-time job, too, but they still don’t make enough money to pay the mortgage and feed their family of four.

Heather details a few areas of life where she has severely cut costs so that she can afford her life.


Heather explains that, in place of olive oil and bread, she now buys the cheapest vegetable oil and has learned to bake bread.

Hard to blame her given the extent to which the cost of food has increased in the past few years. Since 2020, grocery prices have increased by 25%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The price of a 750-milliliter bottle of Bertolli’s extra virgin olive oil increased from $9 in October 2022 to $11 in October 2023 — a nearly 22% increase, according to New York Times reporting on data by IRI (now called Circana). The spike is due in part to a drought in Spain, the world’s largest olive oil producer.

The cost of a loaf of bread hasn’t gotten up as much but still saw a nearly 6% increase from February 2023 ($1.90) to February 2024 ($2.01), according to the CPI.

Fun presents

In the past, Heather says, she used to take her kids out on a Saturday and get them a toy — just for fun. But now, that’s no longer possible.

Fun is something of a luxury item for many. Even at-home streaming subscriptions have become a splurge: Consumers spend an average of $219 per month on subscription services, whether that be Netflix or clothing delivery, according to a 2022 study by C+R Research.

Read more: Cost-of-living in America is still out of control — use these 3 'real assets' to protect your wealth today, no matter what the US Fed does or says

But there is good news on this front: Reuters reported last year that the 2023 holiday season had some of the lowest toy prices in years.

What do you do to try and survive under Joe Biden?
Fascinating, all the stupid things Trump cultists get told to melt down over.

Votto clearly gets a constant feed of them, and he then immediately runs to repost them here. And that's in addition to the regular MSM telling him what to melt down over.

Needless to say, there's nothing like it on the liberal side. The "you must get hysterical" thing just doesn't work with liberals.

And yes, scammers know that. Conservatives sites are overrun with scam ads, liberal sites aren't.

They say the best things in life are free. But according to a woman on TikTok, that’s simply not true.

Heather, who goes by @heathersidehustleskeptic on TikTok, posted a viral video in September about how money would make her life a little better.

“Things I’ve given up since the cost of living has become outrageous,” is how the mom of two begins her video.

Among the items she now forgoes: olive oil and bread. Not exactly luxuries.

In another video, Heather explains that she works full-time at a 9-5 job that she’s been at for 12 years. Her husband has a full-time job, too, but they still don’t make enough money to pay the mortgage and feed their family of four.

Heather details a few areas of life where she has severely cut costs so that she can afford her life.


Heather explains that, in place of olive oil and bread, she now buys the cheapest vegetable oil and has learned to bake bread.

Hard to blame her given the extent to which the cost of food has increased in the past few years. Since 2020, grocery prices have increased by 25%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The price of a 750-milliliter bottle of Bertolli’s extra virgin olive oil increased from $9 in October 2022 to $11 in October 2023 — a nearly 22% increase, according to New York Times reporting on data by IRI (now called Circana). The spike is due in part to a drought in Spain, the world’s largest olive oil producer.

The cost of a loaf of bread hasn’t gotten up as much but still saw a nearly 6% increase from February 2023 ($1.90) to February 2024 ($2.01), according to the CPI.

Fun presents

In the past, Heather says, she used to take her kids out on a Saturday and get them a toy — just for fun. But now, that’s no longer possible.

Fun is something of a luxury item for many. Even at-home streaming subscriptions have become a splurge: Consumers spend an average of $219 per month on subscription services, whether that be Netflix or clothing delivery, according to a 2022 study by C+R Research.

Read more: Cost-of-living in America is still out of control — use these 3 'real assets' to protect your wealth today, no matter what the US Fed does or says

But there is good news on this front: Reuters reported last year that the 2023 holiday season had some of the lowest toy prices in years.

What do you do to try and survive under Joe Biden?
While I agree with most of this, investing in rental properties comes with a whole bunch of other considerations--chief among these are taxes. During the hot CA market of the late 90s and early 2000s, I considered buying a rental until I found out that when I sold, I would be subject to an increased tax load unless I reinvested into another rental. The government wants their pound of flesh.
While I agree with most of this, investing in rental properties comes with a whole bunch of other considerations--chief among these are taxes. During the hot CA market of the late 90s and early 2000s, I considered buying a rental until I found out that when I sold, I would be subject to an increased tax load unless I reinvested into another rental. The government wants their pound of flesh.
They are making it so that making money legally is no longer lucrative.

This will only move the economy to a Black market type of economy like the former USSR had.
Funny, we all knew we were poking at the inflation tiger when we first started the QE flood in 2009, even though it was needed.

And nobody complained when the trillions kept pouring in from the Fed, buoying the economy year after year after year. What a great economy, they all said.

Then global supply chains collapse coming out of the lockdowns and the shit hits the fan everywhere.

Now nobody wants to talk about all those trillions in easy money. Ignorance is (political) bliss.
Funny, we all knew we were poking at the inflation tiger when we first started the QE flood in 2009, even though it was needed.

And nobody complained when the trillions kept pouring in from the Fed, buoying the economy year after year after year. What a great economy, they all said.

Then global supply chains collapse coming out of the lockdowns and the shit hits the fan everywhere.

Now nobody wants to talk about all those trillions in easy money. Ignorance is (political) bliss.
Then you are one blissful hack.
Funny, we all knew we were poking at the inflation tiger when we first started the QE flood in 2009, even though it was needed.

And nobody complained when the trillions kept pouring in from the Fed, buoying the economy year after year after year. What a great economy, they all said.

Then global supply chains collapse coming out of the lockdowns and the shit hits the fan everywhere.

Now nobody wants to talk about all those trillions in easy money. Ignorance is (political) bliss.
The US federal government no longer represents voters.

They spend their days finding ways to wreck society, not save it.

When did you first realize this?
Fascinating, all the stupid things Trump cultists get told to melt down over.

Votto clearly gets a constant feed of them, and he then immediately runs to repost them here. And that's in addition to the regular MSM telling him what to melt down over.

Needless to say, there's nothing like it on the liberal side. The "you must get hysterical" thing just doesn't work with liberals.

And yes, scammers know that. Conservatives sites are overrun with scam ads, liberal sites aren't.

true, and thank you for this post
Funny, we all knew we were poking at the inflation tiger when we first started the QE flood in 2009, even though it was needed.

And nobody complained when the trillions kept pouring in from the Fed, buoying the economy year after year after year. What a great economy, they all said.

Then global supply chains collapse coming out of the lockdowns and the shit hits the fan everywhere.

Now nobody wants to talk about all those trillions in easy money. Ignorance is (political) bliss.
uh huh.....
fast forward to the plandemic , were those trillions multiplied like rabbits


either lack of regulation, or over regulation

by government, who's printing press never quits to act as economic salve to it's failed economic machinations

No mention of the amount of their mortgage, credit card, and car payments. Buying a McMansion to live on a shoe string budget might impress the Jones, but it's no way to go through life.
What everyone has to realize is, the US Federal government's prime function now is to take things from people, whether it be through inflation, taxation, or letting citizens rob us.

The US federal government has never been as despotic as it is now, and will only get worse.

All of this will be justified by saying "they are trying to save the planet"

Shrug. Learn to eat bugs and to own nothing and like it.

They are making it so that making money legally is no longer lucrative.

This will only move the economy to a Black market type of economy like the former USSR had.
But then they can selectively prosecute as they are doing with Trump vs. Jon Stewart who reportedly is guilty of what James prosecuted Trump for. Don't cross the powers that be. The reverse happened in the late 90s when Gingrich republicans went after Microsoft.
But then they can selectively prosecute as they are doing with Trump vs. Jon Stewart who reportedly is guilty of what James prosecuted Trump for. Don't cross the powers that be. The reverse happened in the late 90s when Gingrich republicans went after Microsoft.
My guess is that the push will be digital currency.

Then everything is traceable

The beauty will be, you will no longer own money. You have to go to government to ask to use it.
Funny, we all knew we were poking at the inflation tiger when we first started the QE flood in 2009, even though it was needed.

And nobody complained when the trillions kept pouring in from the Fed, buoying the economy year after year after year. What a great economy, they all said.
Sure we did. Every time they sent free money out. conservatives were constantly stating issues with obammy and handing out free money and its affects. You're not feeling well again,
Then global supply chains collapse coming out of the lockdowns and the shit hits the fan everywhere.
demofk induced global shutdowns. Yep, WEF and WHO and any other elitist demofk organization. Trying to obliviate humans. The stones in Georgia say exactly that, the demofk effort has been ongoing. klaus schwab hates humans. planned parenthood.
Now nobody wants to talk about all those trillions in easy money. Ignorance is (political) bliss.
I'm always willing to let you know how corrupt DC is.

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