Someone explain the supposedly 30,000 ventilators for New York?

6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
Tell me... the MSM according to you does it's best and by and large succeed.
Then why haven't I seen any stories, investigations, etc. regarding this issue:
THE WHO states based on studies that:
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive."

From this source: In a coronavirus crisis, who deserves a ventilator?
So if there are as of 3/28/20 at 2:45 PM 652,079 cases world wide.
According to the WHO out of the 652,079 with Covid-19
30,313 or about 4% have died.
1 in 7 (14%) need hospitalization or 117,374 hospitalized.
Of the 117,374 hospitalized 5% or 5,868 need ventilators.

Please explain where the math where 30,000 ventilators will be needed in NY?

Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 3.20.27 PM.png
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187

For someone so inept at basic analysis my advice is to just not worry your pointy little head about it and leave it to professionals.

If you think Cuomo and New York hospitals are scrambling for ventilators because they just don't know math you need to think again and much harder.

Well I am asking a simple math question... how does 1 out of 7 Covid-19 cases or 85,136 and 5% according to WHO require a ventilator that works out to 4,267 ventilators of which by the way
as of right now the state of New York has over 4,000 ventilators now!

So why haven't those experts explained their needs instead of hollering about RIGHT NOW WE NEED 30,000 ventilators!
And in fact check out the above article and you'll find just that !
6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
Tell me... the MSM according to you does it's best and by and large succeed.
Then why haven't I seen any stories, investigations, etc. regarding this issue:
THE WHO states based on studies that:
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive."

From this source: In a coronavirus crisis, who deserves a ventilator?
So if there are as of 3/28/20 at 2:45 PM 652,079 cases world wide.
According to the WHO out of the 652,079 with Covid-19
30,313 or about 4% have died.
1 in 7 (14%) need hospitalization or 117,374 hospitalized.
Of the 117,374 hospitalized 5% or 5,868 need ventilators.

Please explain where the math where 30,000 ventilators will be needed in NY?

View attachment 316454t
There were 1,450 reported hospitalizations for the virus in NYC that went to 5,250 in 7 days. That's a growth rate of 3.6x a week. Unless the growth rate can be slowed those numbers imply over 800K hospitalizations for COVID-19 in NYC in one month.

5% of 800K is 40K.
6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
Tell me... the MSM according to you does it's best and by and large succeed.
Then why haven't I seen any stories, investigations, etc. regarding this issue:
THE WHO states based on studies that:
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive."

From this source: In a coronavirus crisis, who deserves a ventilator?
So if there are as of 3/28/20 at 2:45 PM 652,079 cases world wide.
According to the WHO out of the 652,079 with Covid-19
30,313 or about 4% have died.
1 in 7 (14%) need hospitalization or 117,374 hospitalized.
Of the 117,374 hospitalized 5% or 5,868 need ventilators.

Please explain where the math where 30,000 ventilators will be needed in NY?

View attachment 316454t
There were 1,450 reported hospitalizations for the virus in NYC that went to 5,250 in 7 days. That's a growth rate of 3.6x a week. Unless the growth rate can be slowed those numbers imply over 800K hospitalizations for COVID-19 in NYC in one month.

5% of 800K is 40K.
So you are saying Cuomo is inept and over his head.
6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
Tell me... the MSM according to you does it's best and by and large succeed.
Then why haven't I seen any stories, investigations, etc. regarding this issue:
THE WHO states based on studies that:
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive."

From this source: In a coronavirus crisis, who deserves a ventilator?
So if there are as of 3/28/20 at 2:45 PM 652,079 cases world wide.
According to the WHO out of the 652,079 with Covid-19
30,313 or about 4% have died.
1 in 7 (14%) need hospitalization or 117,374 hospitalized.
Of the 117,374 hospitalized 5% or 5,868 need ventilators.

Please explain where the math where 30,000 ventilators will be needed in NY?

View attachment 316454t
There were 1,450 reported hospitalizations for the virus in NYC that went to 5,250 in 7 days. That's a growth rate of 3.6x a week. Unless the growth rate can be slowed those numbers imply over 800K hospitalizations for COVID-19 in NYC in one month.

5% of 800K is 40K.
So you are saying Cuomo is inept and over his head.

His Expert in medicine is
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187

Was already explained by Dr. Birx of the CDC Wed or Thurs... THe numbers don't add up.. Apparently YOUR 'envelope calculation" far exceeds the planning/analysis capabilities of the govt of NY state...

She really lashed out this stopping just short of calling it irresponsible.. ALSO if you want to refine that calculation, there's the matter of NEED over "time"... Not all of that 5% would have a need at the same time and IF they did -- patients could be shifted out of NYC to nearby counties.

It WOULD be possible to need something like 1/2 that number if the population was demographically aged or sick... But that's more of a Florida scenario than NYC... Not many aged "retire" in NYC anymore...

I was angry this morning because there was this story being reported everywhere that "NYC had 420 deaths on Wed alone".. Moron journalists didn't QUALIFY that statement. Turns out that on ANY DAY -- the 24 hospitals and all the coroners there have about 440 deaths.. There's a lot of hypochondriacs in NYC.. It's just their nature...
^^^THIS^^^ most of the news media cannot be trusted. So we need daily briefings to garner the truth.

Problem is -- that 45% of the country WONT WATCH a WH Press Briefing.. Makes their TDS rage or something.. But THAT is where the COVID command center and they need to regain their sense of self preservation and FORCE themselves to watch it... That's also 45% of USMB members who are really ill informed on the critical life/death issue....
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187

For someone so inept at basic analysis my advice is to just not worry your pointy little head about it and leave it to professionals.

If you think Cuomo and New York hospitals are scrambling for ventilators because they just don't know math you need to think again and much harder.

Well I am asking a simple math question... how does 1 out of 7 Covid-19 cases or 85,136 and 5% according to WHO require a ventilator that works out to 4,267 ventilators of which by the way
as of right now the state of New York has over 4,000 ventilators now!

So why haven't those experts explained their needs instead of hollering about RIGHT NOW WE NEED 30,000 ventilators!
And in fact check out the above article and you'll find just that !

You don’t know wtf you are talking about. Just stop.

Before you do “math” you need to understand THE GIVENS, otherwise it’s garbage no matter how well your arithmetic is.

Did you know for example that there are actually patients other than covid-19 that need respirators?
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.
Still doesn't add up to the 30000 Cuomo is whining about.

The feds sent him 4000 and all he did was say that 26000 people were going to die
According to the World Health Organization,
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive.

SO explain this math...
595,953 total cases as of 3/27/20 at 8:27 PM..
So according to the above:
1 in 7 cases require hospitalization or 595,953 divided by 7 equals 85,136 hospitalized Covid-19 patients .
AND of the 85,136 hospitalized.... 5% require ventilators or 4,257 ventilators....hmmm....

Please some one explain because IF I use 5% of the 595,953 cases need ventilators... that is 29,798 ventilators world wide!

Something doesn't make sense here...
View attachment 316187

For someone so inept at basic analysis my advice is to just not worry your pointy little head about it and leave it to professionals.

If you think Cuomo and New York hospitals are scrambling for ventilators because they just don't know math you need to think again and much harder.

Well I am asking a simple math question... how does 1 out of 7 Covid-19 cases or 85,136 and 5% according to WHO require a ventilator that works out to 4,267 ventilators of which by the way
as of right now the state of New York has over 4,000 ventilators now!

So why haven't those experts explained their needs instead of hollering about RIGHT NOW WE NEED 30,000 ventilators!
And in fact check out the above article and you'll find just that !

You don’t know wtf you are talking about. Just stop.

Before you do “math” you need to understand THE GIVENS, otherwise it’s garbage no matter how well your arithmetic is.

Did you know for example that there are actually patients other than covid-19 that need respirators?

Ok, how many?
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.
Still doesn't add up to the 30000 Cuomo is whining about.

The feds sent him 4000 and all he did was say that 26000 people were going to die

Next they'll make an ad...Just replace Ryan, with Trump pushing Granny off the cliff.
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.

Not enough for 30K ventilators....I think you are reaching.

It is my understanding that the 30k numbers stems from worst case scenarios of the virus spread.
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.
Still doesn't add up to the 30000 Cuomo is whining about.

The feds sent him 4000 and all he did was say that 26000 people were going to die

Next they'll make an ad...Just replace Ryan, with Trump pushing Granny off the cliff.

If I were the DNC every add between now and Nov would end with Trump saying 'I don't take responsibility at all'
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.

Not enough for 30K ventilators....I think you are reaching.

It is my understanding that the 30k numbers stems from worst case scenarios of the virus spread.
So not the actual cases.

If you wait for the actual cases to start trying to get them, then it is too late.
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.

Not enough for 30K ventilators....I think you are reaching.

It is my understanding that the 30k numbers stems from worst case scenarios of the virus spread.
So not the actual cases.

If you wait for the actual cases to start trying to get them, then it is too late.
The feds already sent 4000 additional ventilators to NY

The actual numbers indicate that 4000 was just a little less than would be actually needed but Cuomo acted like it was a death sentence for 26000 people
You guys know that it is not only the COVID patients that use ventilators....right?

There are actually other people still in the hospital, as crazy as that sounds to you all.
Still doesn't add up to the 30000 Cuomo is whining about.

The feds sent him 4000 and all he did was say that 26000 people were going to die

Next they'll make an ad...Just replace Ryan, with Trump pushing Granny off the cliff.

If I were the DNC every add between now and Nov would end with Trump saying 'I don't take responsibility at all'

You should call them, if you don't already work in some capacity for them...
The feds sent him 4000 and all he did was say that 26000 people were going to die
I believe you are "overstating" the number by 3600. Can you provide a link to your claim?
And then there's this

6th and long after the Trump travel ban. So if she didn’t know and she is the medical expert in the largest city in the US how would Trump? Do explain that one.
Trump should have known because he had the benefit of folks like Dr. Fauci telling him opinions like Trump's, and that moron woman from NY, were wrong.
BTW, blaming the media for airing an interview with a public health person, instead of blaming the ignorance of the public health person, puts you in the same idiot column Trump belongs in.
The media did it's best, and by and large succeeded, in providing the public with accurate info from experts. Unfortunately, that message was undermined by Trump's lies and misinformation.
Tell me... the MSM according to you does it's best and by and large succeed.
Then why haven't I seen any stories, investigations, etc. regarding this issue:
THE WHO states based on studies that:
"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 7 cases require hospitalization
and 5% require intensive care with ventilators to survive."

From this source: In a coronavirus crisis, who deserves a ventilator?
So if there are as of 3/28/20 at 2:45 PM 652,079 cases world wide.
According to the WHO out of the 652,079 with Covid-19
30,313 or about 4% have died.
1 in 7 (14%) need hospitalization or 117,374 hospitalized.
Of the 117,374 hospitalized 5% or 5,868 need ventilators.

Please explain where the math where 30,000 ventilators will be needed in NY?

View attachment 316454t
There were 1,450 reported hospitalizations for the virus in NYC that went to 5,250 in 7 days. That's a growth rate of 3.6x a week. Unless the growth rate can be slowed those numbers imply over 800K hospitalizations for COVID-19 in NYC in one month.

5% of 800K is 40K.

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