Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather

A delusion the government shares strongly as well, so maybe a lot of these assclowns work for the government!

A perception that could easily be rectified if everyone just suddenly refused to pay any taxes for a year.

Of that you can be sure.
Total BS, total BS, total BS. Tax the rich again and invest in America again -much longer under GOP tax rates and we'll be a Banana Republic
A delusion the government shares strongly as well, so maybe a lot of these assclowns work for the government!

A perception that could easily be rectified if everyone just suddenly refused to pay any taxes for a year.

Of that you can be sure.
You guys parrot total ******** so beautifully, just like pavlov's dog...
Total BS, total BS, total BS.

Hey idiot, you'd think so if you actually HAD any money, worse, giving it to the government just so they can piss it away on any number of idiotic, senseless, treasonous causes? I don't think so.

There is no greater waste of money than government--- they are the literal EXPERTS on how to spend the most to get the very least.
Hey idiot, you'd think so if you actually HAD any money, worse, giving it to the government just so they can piss it away on any number of idiotic, senseless, treasonous causes? I don't think so.

There is no greater waste of money than government--- they are the literal EXPERTS on how to spend the most to get the very least.
None of you morons are rich either lol. The people who need to be taxed more. You people are so brainwashed it's pathetic
Hey idiot, you'd think so if you actually HAD any money, worse, giving it to the government just so they can piss it away on any number of idiotic, senseless, treasonous causes? I don't think so.

There is no greater waste of money than government--- they are the literal EXPERTS on how to spend the most to get the very least.
That's the GOP way, obstructing all the popular things people want.
Total BS, total BS, total BS. Tax the rich again and invest in America again -much longer under GOP tax rates and we'll be a Banana Republic

The Communists have had total control over our federal government for two years now. Why haven't they taxed the rich like you want? I'll give you a hint: Because you're stupid.

Even the Communists know very well that taxing people at a higher rate will only encourage more automation, more outsourcing, more jobs and companies moving overseas. Oh, they tell you what you want to hear, but when in power, laugh at you for your support. You're like that dumb cat and your leaders are like the owner using a laser pen to ram your head into the coffee table over and over again, but you're not smart enough to figure it out yet.
What about payroll taxes and all the other federal taxes that hit regular folks harder than rich people? Give it up for crying out loud. Why don't the rich pay the same percentage in local and state taxes as regular people? Why are we the richest country in the world the only one that doesn't have healthcare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card for illegal immigration and taxing the rich as much as they should be? Rich people are wonderful as long as they pay their fair share not this GOP garbage...

Are you this slow or what? Let me try to make you understand with an analogy:

You give me $50,000. In time I give you that $50,000 back plus more. Did you really give me anything since I gave you $60,000 in return? Of course not. That's payroll taxes. You pay now but get it all back later on in life, therefore you didn't really pay anything in taxes. You say you're retired, so now you are getting back every dime (plus more) than you put in all your life. So you're not paying much of anything when it comes to taxes.
Are you this slow or what? Let me try to make you understand with an analogy:

You give me $50,000. In time I give you that $50,000 back plus more. Did you really give me anything since I gave you $60,000 in return? Of course not. That's payroll taxes. You pay now but get it all back later on in life, therefore you didn't really pay anything in taxes. You say you're retired, so now you are getting back every dime (plus more) than you put in all your life. So you're not paying much of anything when it comes to taxes.
A lot of people never live long enough to collect, and payroll taxes pay for all kinds of things and Much goes into the general fund. Who cares, the point is the rich need to pay more in taxes. Trickle down failed ignominiously, only the brainwash keeps this mess going
A lot of people never live long enough to collect, and payroll taxes pay for all kinds of things and Much goes into the general fund. Who cares, the point is the rich need to pay more in taxes. Trickle down failed ignominiously, only the brainwash keeps this mess going
The rich shouldn't pay any taxes at all. They use the fewest services. The poor cheat on their taxes the most.
The Communists have had total control over our federal government for two years now. Why haven't they taxed the rich like you want? I'll give you a hint: Because you're stupid.

Even the Communists know very well that taxing people at a higher rate will only encourage more automation, more outsourcing, more jobs and companies moving overseas. Oh, they tell you what you want to hear, but when in power, laugh at you for your support. You're like that dumb cat and your leaders are like the owner using a laser pen to ram your head into the coffee table over and over again, but you're not smart enough to figure it out yet.

The rich shouldn't pay any taxes at all. They use the fewest services. The poor cheat on their taxes the most.
Right they don't use the military or electricity or roads. and
A lot of people never live long enough to collect, and payroll taxes pay for all kinds of things and Much goes into the general fund. Who cares, the point is the rich need to pay more in taxes. Trickle down failed ignominiously, only the brainwash keeps this mess going

Some don't collect everything, that's the way the system works and survives, however others get back ten times what they put in. My father in 92 years old. I can't tell you how much was spent on him with surgeries, doctors visits, treatments and so on. It's just like any insurance. I paid all these years for auto insurance and never had a claim, nor do expect to since I'm a retired professional driver. Somebody who's been in multiple and much more serious accidents got all their money back and more.

The point is that it's stupid to say the wealthy pay less than the working in taxes when they don't get anything back from paying income taxes, only payroll taxes if they list themselves as an employee of the company. So as always, you're wrong again. The wealthy basically support our entire federal government with the taxes they pay, so if we need more tax money, it's about time the non-wealthy start paying their fair share, and yes, that includes you.
The rich shouldn't pay any taxes at all. They use the fewest services. The poor cheat on their taxes the most.
Franko only believes in options for him and his buddies, not for the producers of the economy. He thinks a successful corporation should operate with CEOs at the top of the company living hardly better than he does yet putting 100,000X more work, risk, sweat and capitol into making it happen.

Franko refuses to accept that these people ARE paying their fair share of taxes according to every tax law in the land written by congress since most of that money is business or corporate earnings and not money he can just stick in his back pocket!

Franky believes in lobbying power for himself and his sick bunch of socialist clowns to get lobbying go his way, but when the economic cornerstones of our country lobby congress, they should just get the finger.

Franky wants all of the benefits of capitalism, but with his pie-in-the-sky featherbed protections of socialism.

Franky is so far gone he thinks socialism is just capitalism "done right."

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