SNL writer says she'll give a blowjob to anyone who punches the Covington smiling kid.

Blaming the kids because: a) they were white; b) they were wearing MAGA hats; and c) they had been in town to participate in an anti-abortion rally. Three strikes and you're out, right?
No, the kid got blamed because of an image of him staring down an old timer as he played drums. The media ran with the impression of an image before seeking the whole picture. It was a lazy and wreckless mistake

Would that be the adult activist who deliberately waded into a crowd of teenagers on a school trip...picked out one of those kids who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat...and got right up in his face? Would THAT be the "old timer" you're referring to?
Yes, although I wouldn’t describe his actions as deliberately as you just did.

Who moved to confront the other? Was it the teen? Or was it the adult activist? You're the one who just said that getting in someone's face was the real provocation. So who was it that caused that?
Seriously, sometimes I cannot understand how dimwits like you make it through life. I also don’t understand why I waste my time explaining elementary things to people like you but I’ll give it a shot. We can all see in the video what happens. There were two groups the Israelites and the kids that were bantering back-and-forth. The Native Americans got in the middle to try and defuse it. The native American may have walked up to the boy but he sang and beat a drum in an effort to defuse The situation. The boy clearly stood there and stared down the old man staying right in his face. We can all see who did what in the confrontation. The old man was not staring down the kid. The old man was not glaring in the kids face. Let’s be honest about the situation. I’m not saying the kid should get thrown in jail or expelled but I am saying that your characterization of the event is not even close to accurate. Grow up
You've got an adult who deliberately sought out confrontation by wading into the middle of a group of people, picking out one person because of the hat he was wearing and then getting right up in his face. Then when he couldn't get the youngster to respond he had the audacity to claim that HE felt threatened because the teenager smirked at him!
This is exactly how it all went down.

Clearly he thinks they're "very fine people" who would "like to punch him in the face" until Pocahontas is "bleeding from his wherever".

Yeah it's amusing that Rump was all over the NFL, the corporation he tried to get into and FAILED --- over some of its players kneeling, yet nothing to say about Smirk-Boi.

He's a teenage boy who fucking smirked when some deranged man banging on a drum jumped in his face.

If that had been a group of black boys and some MAGA white douche had jumped in their faces they would have assaulted him.

OMG A WHITE TEENAGER SMIRKED , he' a witch, burn him!!!

You people are absolutely deranged.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

you liberals are truly brain damaged , fucking Obama praises clock boy for scaring the fuck out of an entire town with is early attempts at bomb making and the left cheers, but a white boy smirks at an asshole as teenagers often will and off with Trump's fucking head!!!!
TDS is alive and well.
It's now "offensive" and "threatening" to smile at someone. The Main Stream Media at it's finest! I can't believe some ass hats were making death threats to that high school kid because he "smirked" at someone. Are you kidding me? You folks on the left are so freaking unhinged these days it's not even funny anymore!
Are you trying to say that kid was simply smiling at the guy? Seriously? You gotta get your eyes checked. Death threats for that are apprehensible, but also don’t pretend like he was innocently standing there smiling at the guy

You tell me...what was he doing other than standing there smiling?
He was standing inches away staring the dude down. Are you blind? Tell you what, go to a bar tonight and do that exact same thing to any guy in the room. See if you walk out without a black eye.

So the white guy should have cowered and left when the red guy got in his face.

Cowering when confronted might be what YOU do, but not me friend. (Though in truth no one confronts me, I'm not a dorky , scrawny high school kid)
Cowering when confronted by bullies is recommended only for white people, particularly those wearing MAGA hats. Only lefty bullies are acceptable.
PS: bullies hate it when you smile or laugh at them.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

No idea. There were lots of people in lots of groups with cross-taunting going on. But the video in question simply shows Smirk-boi smirking in the Indian's face. There's no need to complectify it beyond what it is.
The parents should press charges for inciting hatred and child endangerment.

It's a valid charge. Inciting violence.


Oh you mean like "knock the crap out of 'im"?

I dunno, the best offer Rump put on the table was "defending you in court" which he reneged on anyway. In fact some of his incitees turned around and sued Rump back.

OTOH this new deal offers a blowjob.

Now I'm not a professional negotiator but I know the better deal when I see it.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

No idea. There were lots of people in lots of groups with cross-taunting going on. But the video in question simply shows Smirk-boi smirking in the Indian's face. There's no need to complectify it beyond what it is.
We definitely need a law against smirking, then. But whose definition of smirking should we use?
OMG!! Smirking teens!! Where is this country going?
It's now "offensive" and "threatening" to smile at someone. The Main Stream Media at it's finest! I can't believe some ass hats were making death threats to that high school kid because he "smirked" at someone. Are you kidding me? You folks on the left are so freaking unhinged these days it's not even funny anymore!
Are you trying to say that kid was simply smiling at the guy? Seriously? You gotta get your eyes checked. Death threats for that are apprehensible, but also don’t pretend like he was innocently standing there smiling at the guy

You tell me...what was he doing other than standing there smiling?
He was standing inches away staring the dude down. Are you blind? Tell you what, go to a bar tonight and do that exact same thing to any guy in the room. See if you walk out without a black eye.

He was standing inches away staring the dude down. Are you blind?

Because the Indian dude walked right up to him and got in his face. Are you blind?
I know that’s what you want to believe, but photo and video show otherwise. The Native American guy may have walked up there to get inbetween the kids and the Israelites, but at that point it’s pretty obvious who is staring who down
The parents should press charges for inciting hatred and child endangerment.

It's a valid charge. Inciting violence.


Oh you mean like "knock the crap out of 'im"?

I dunno, the best offer Rump put on the table was "defending you in court" which he reneged on anyway. In fact some of his incitees turned around and sued Rump back.

OTOH this new deal offers a blowjob.

Now I'm not a professional negotiator but I know the better deal when I see it.

If someone infringes on your rights, yes you should knock the fuck out of them.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

No idea. There were lots of people in lots of groups with cross-taunting going on. But the video in question simply shows Smirk-boi smirking in the Indian's face. There's no need to complectify it beyond what it is.

Bullshit you lying shit stain on the underpants of society. We know for 100% fact that the non native american approached the red hat wearing teenager and got in HIS face. That i indisputable.

I'm done talking to a lying sack of shit. Have a nice day
It's now "offensive" and "threatening" to smile at someone. The Main Stream Media at it's finest! I can't believe some ass hats were making death threats to that high school kid because he "smirked" at someone. Are you kidding me? You folks on the left are so freaking unhinged these days it's not even funny anymore!
Are you trying to say that kid was simply smiling at the guy? Seriously? You gotta get your eyes checked. Death threats for that are apprehensible, but also don’t pretend like he was innocently standing there smiling at the guy

You tell me...what was he doing other than standing there smiling?
He was standing inches away staring the dude down. Are you blind? Tell you what, go to a bar tonight and do that exact same thing to any guy in the room. See if you walk out without a black eye.

So the white guy should have cowered and left when the red guy got in his face.

Cowering when confronted might be what YOU do, but not me friend. (Though in truth no one confronts me, I'm not a dorky , scrawny high school kid)
I’m not surprised that Trump people glorify the whole tough guy act, but if that was my kid he’d be grounded for acting that way. If he keeps pulling that crap he is going to get knocked out one of these days. And I honestly would hate to see that happen to anybody
No, the kid got blamed because of an image of him staring down an old timer as he played drums. The media ran with the impression of an image before seeking the whole picture. It was a lazy and wreckless mistake

Would that be the adult activist who deliberately waded into a crowd of teenagers on a school trip...picked out one of those kids who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat...and got right up in his face? Would THAT be the "old timer" you're referring to?
Yes, although I wouldn’t describe his actions as deliberately as you just did.

Who moved to confront the other? Was it the teen? Or was it the adult activist? You're the one who just said that getting in someone's face was the real provocation. So who was it that caused that?
Seriously, sometimes I cannot understand how dimwits like you make it through life. I also don’t understand why I waste my time explaining elementary things to people like you but I’ll give it a shot. We can all see in the video what happens. There were two groups the Israelites and the kids that were bantering back-and-forth. The Native Americans got in the middle to try and defuse it. The native American may have walked up to the boy but he sang and beat a drum in an effort to defuse The situation. The boy clearly stood there and stared down the old man staying right in his face. We can all see who did what in the confrontation. The old man was not staring down the kid. The old man was not glaring in the kids face. Let’s be honest about the situation. I’m not saying the kid should get thrown in jail or expelled but I am saying that your characterization of the event is not even close to accurate. Grow up
Have I left you speechless or something? That’s the second blank response you’ve posted.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

No idea. There were lots of people in lots of groups with cross-taunting going on. But the video in question simply shows Smirk-boi smirking in the Indian's face. There's no need to complectify it beyond what it is.
We definitely need a law against smirking, then. But whose definition of smirking should we use?
OMG!! Smirking teens!! Where is this country going?

Once AGAIN nobody said anything about "laws". Let's add that to the list of what the incident is NOT about, shall we?
  • whether smirking is "illegal"
  • "Conservatives"
  • "Liberals"
  • "Democrats"
  • "Republicans"
  • "Politics"
  • "Catholics"
  • "Hillbillies"
  • "Who approached who when"
  • "The media"

I'm sure I missed a few canards that have been brought up but that's the quick list off the top of my head
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.
So smiling by conservatives is now considered "taunting"? Is that what you're going with, Pogo?'ve become as much of a joke as R-Derp and Danielpalos!
The Three Stooges of leftist duplicity.

Once AGAIN there's nothing "leftist" or "rightist" or "conservative" or "liberal" about a simple social transgression. This is the inevitable faux pas of those whose tiny little simplistic minds cannot conceive of a world beyond their own little echobubble doll house populated exclusively by "Democrats" and "Republicans". As if all matter is one of that simplistic dichotomy. :rolleyes:

Then again you're the same asshat that tried to base your entire echobabble on the source, until I called you on it.

Yes, let's talk social transgressions, shall we.

In the incident we are discussing, who entered into who's personal space, an obvious social faux pas?

No idea. There were lots of people in lots of groups with cross-taunting going on. But the video in question simply shows Smirk-boi smirking in the Indian's face. There's no need to complectify it beyond what it is.
We definitely need a law against smirking, then. But whose definition of smirking should we use?
OMG!! Smirking teens!! Where is this country going?

It's going to civil war... Now that Ginsberg is dead.


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