Slippery Slope of Same Sex Marriage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.
If marriage can mean anything then it means nothing. So much for "gay marriage won't affect your marriage one bit."
Fags lying. Like it never happens.
Slippery Slope

Interfaith marriage
Interracial marriage
Gay Marriage
Becoming a conservative
The bible has nothing bad to say about plural marriage, seems like the Christian Taliban would welcome such a move.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News

Let's see, the ruling does not say what you claim it says. The decisions strikes the anti-cohabitation law. It does not make polygamy legal.
If marriage can mean anything then it means nothing. So much for "gay marriage won't affect your marriage one bit."
Fags lying. Like it never happens.

The court's decision is based on the free exercise clause. I've never heard anyone say that gay marriage is a constitutionally protected right under the free exercise clause. Therefore, claiming that gay marriage has led to the outcome of this court case via a slippery slope is factually false and logically incoherent.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Slippery slope is a logical fallacy.

This case involves living together. No GAMY (look up the meaning of the word)

"Accordingly, in Part II below, the,court finds the Statute facially unconstitutional and therefore,strikes the phrase “or cohabits with,another person” as,a violation of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United,States Constitution and as without a rational basis under the Due Process Clause of the,Fourteenth Amendment,,both,in lig,ht of established Supreme Court precedent."

Do you want the State to tell you who you can live with next?
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.
Your right-out-of-the-gate go-to of comparing same-sex marriage to incest and child rape is despicable.
If marriage can mean anything then it means nothing. So much for "gay marriage won't affect your marriage one bit."
Fags lying. Like it never happens.

The court's decision is based on the free exercise clause. I've never heard anyone say that gay marriage is a constitutionally protected right under the free exercise clause. Therefore, claiming that gay marriage has led to the outcome of this court case via a slippery slope is factually false and logically incoherent.
That's a legal nicety. It's a mindset issue. Once you accept that marriage is not between one man and one woman then it can mean whatever you want. And thus has no meaning.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.
Your right-out-of-the-gate go-to of comparing same-sex marriage to incest and child rape is despicable.

Why? Child rape maybe you could make a case. But incest? Absolutely. Why should the state ban a relationship between two adults just because they happen to be consanguinous?
It's worked that way everywhere there is same sex marriage. Once a nation starts becoming degenerate it goes all the way to the end.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy...


This case concerns cohabitation – ‘living together’ – having nothing to do with marriage law, and having nothing to do with the merits of same-sex couples accessing marriage law.

Utah's bigamy law is stricter than the laws in 49 other states — most of the other states prohibit people from having multiple marriage licenses. Utah makes it illegal to even purport to be married to multiple partners or live together.

Under Waddoups' ruling, bigamy remains illegal in Utah only in the literal sense, such as when someone fraudulently acquires more than one marriage license.

Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
Consequently, the OP's slippery slope ‘argument’ is indeed a fallacy.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

Who didn't see this coming?

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.
Your right-out-of-the-gate go-to of comparing same-sex marriage to incest and child rape is despicable.


It’s also hateful, ignorant demagoguery.
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.
Your right-out-of-the-gate go-to of comparing same-sex marriage to incest and child rape is despicable.


It’s also hateful, ignorant demagoguery.

No. Hateful ignorant demagoguery is what the fag lobby employs when it tries to shut down opposition by screaming Homophobe!
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

Who didn't see this coming?

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.

And this is an example of the hate and ignorance the Framers feared, motivating them to create the Constitution, to protect citizens from such hate and ignorance.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy

That was not what a federal judge ruled.

He threw out cohabitation criminal statutes without touching bigamy laws.

Alla youse betta unner'stan da difurunce

He says people can spiritually marry but cannot commit bigamy.

Learn the difference.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy

That was not what a federal judge ruled.

He threw out cohabitation criminal statutes without touching bigamy laws.

Alla youse betta unner'stan da difurunce

He says people can spiritually marry but cannot commit bigamy.

Learn the difference.

Why shouldn't polygamy be legal? Why should it be illegal to have multiple marriage partners?
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy

That was not what a federal judge ruled.

He threw out cohabitation criminal statutes without touching bigamy laws.

Alla youse betta unner'stan da difurunce

He says people can spiritually marry but cannot commit bigamy.

Learn the difference.

Why shouldn't polygamy be legal? Why should it be illegal to have multiple marriage partners?

Absolutely no reason. You are correct.
If homosexual marriages are legal so is polygamy a Federal Judge rules. Read decision @

Who didn't see this coming?

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Polygamy advocates hail judge's ruling in Utah
December 14, 2013 - 7:04 PM
By MARTIN GRIFFITH, Associated Press

Advocacy groups for polygamy and individual liberties on Saturday hailed a federal judge's ruling that key parts of Utah's polygamy laws are unconstitutional, saying it will remove the threat of arrest for those families.
- See more at: Sister Wives: Judge Rules Key Parts of Utah Anti-Polygamy Law Unconstitutional | CNS News
Being liberal is a mental disorder, they opened a pandoras box with this. I'm sure incest and pedofiles will be next. Turning a once great country into a cesspool.

And this is an example of the hate and ignorance the Framers feared, motivating them to create the Constitution, to protect citizens from such hate and ignorance.

Unlike today's rw's, the Framers could actually read AND think.

What the right wants is more and more laws and fewer freedoms. They're nothing more than Peeping Tom's. All the time they say they want less government, they really want the state to control who they live with, who they marry, when they reproduce and exactly what sexual acts are legal.

Next, they'll be demanding motion-activated video cameras be mounted in our bedrooms ...

... while demanding that children be forced to be homeless and starving.

If its between consenting adults, its no one's business.

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