Signing Your Name in Blood for a Contract with Satan

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This video has some of the most shocking footage you will ever see concerning Hollywood stars who have signed their name in blood for a contract with the devil. It is admitted by at least one star on this video that he sold his soul to Satan. Another warns it isn't worth it - to sign your name in blood for a contract with the devil - that she has witnessed so much - her words are chilling - there is more video footage of Michael Jackson telling his audience about how the music industry has treated him and that Tommy Mottola is a devil. He tells his audience that he was leaving Sony and would own half of it when he left. He only had two more songs to do for them and he was free. And shortly after? Michael Jackson died - with his sister claiming he was murdered. Was he? Was the rumors about him true or was it part of a very clever plot to keep him in line? There is a song on this video he sings trying to let the world know what was really happening to him. It is the first time I have ever heard this information about Michael Jackson. I was shocked. And there are many more musicians who are examined in this video. See for yourself and note the Scriptures the maker of this video gives which clearly proves that God has an enemy and his name is Satan. The truth is people must wake up and realize that this world is in a spiritual warfare and selling your soul to the devil without repentance and turning from him is a one way ticket to hell and eternal torment. Is it worth it? No. Ten thousand times no.

Watch this:

Keep in mind that while the maker of this video is right that the Illuminati is behind it - the Illuminati was founded by the founder of the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola. Of the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is in control of Hollywood and is destroying the lives of millions of people. Wake up, America and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your hearts! If you've sold you soul to the devil? Call upon the LORD and repent of this. You can still receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. It is not too late.
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Is this more of that 'star whacking' nonsense? Gotta feel sorry for someone like Quaid. He had it all before mental illness hit.

In any event, there's no such thing as "satan" and no way I'll watch a 40 minute video about it.
The New England Patriots made a deal with Satan

You don't think they got that interception on their own do you? Belichick is the devil himself


Now, The New Orleans Saints....that is Gods team
But for some reason, God hates the Anaheim Angels
New England made a deal with the devil himself to win that game

Have you noticed all the snow God has sent at them in retribution?
Damn, the rules have tightened up since I was a kid!

When I signed my contract with Santa, chocolate syrup was considered good enough.
New England made a deal with the devil himself to win that game
Have you noticed all the snow God has sent at them in retribution?
Yea, I live in New England and the snow just keeps falling.

I wonder if snow was one of the biblical plagues mentioned in the OT ?? ...... :cool:


The devil pulled a fast one with that interception

Now God is calling payback time
Please stay on topic or find another thread. Thank you.

Returning to the OP and the content it presents. I do not know who made this video but I believe it is the most articulate, well thought out, well presented video I have ever seen. I have not seen part two yet but plan on it and will add that - God willing.

So let's begin with some of the scriptures he uses to expose the work of Satan in Hollywood.

One of the first scriptures he uses is Love not the world..........

It is written:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

What are we being warned about? To love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Why? Because if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

What is another scripture he uses?

Matthew 4:8,9 and what does Matthew 4:8,9 say? Let's see - it's about the temptation of Jesus Christ. As we can see in verse 7 here. It is written:

Jesus said to him, "On the other hand, it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.' Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."

- Matthew 4:7,8,9

So who offers people the world if they will fall down and worship him? What does falling down really mean? I think it means much more than falling on your knees. I believe it means falling away from God and doing the most heinous acts imaginable - including blood sacrifice because this is the history of Baal worship, people. If you've sold your soul to the devil you can be sure it isn't going to end there. He's going to require you to break God's commandments - thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not have any other gods before Me, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shall not covet......... <------------------those. Why would Satan want you to sell your soul to him and commit such acts? In order to use you to take others to hell and in order to take you to hell. Which leads us to the next scripture....

What shall it profit a man............

It is written:
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36
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Please stay on topic or find another thread. Thank you.

Returning to the OP and the content it presents. I do not know who made this video but I believe it is the most articulate, well thought out, well presented video I have ever seen. I have not seen part two yet but plan on it and will add that - God willing.

So let's begin with some of the scriptures he uses to expose the work of Satan in Hollywood.

One of the first scriptures he uses is Love not the world..........

It is written:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

What are we being warned about? To love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Why? Because if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

What is another scripture he uses?

Matthew 4:19 and what does Matthew 4:19 say?

I am on topic about how God and satan get involved in the sports world

My team wins....Thank God
My team loses and I blame the devil
Please stay on topic or find another thread. Thank you.

Returning to the OP and the content it presents. I do not know who made this video but I believe it is the most articulate, well thought out, well presented video I have ever seen. I have not seen part two yet but plan on it and will add that - God willing.

So let's begin with some of the scriptures he uses to expose the work of Satan in Hollywood.

One of the first scriptures he uses is Love not the world..........

It is written:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

What are we being warned about? To love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Why? Because if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

What is another scripture he uses?

Matthew 4:19 and what does Matthew 4:19 say?

I am on topic about how God and satan get involved in the sports world

My team wins....Thank God
My team loses and I blame the devil

This video has some of the most shocking footage you will ever see concerning Hollywood stars who have signed their name in blood for a contract with the devil. It is admitted by at least one star on this video that he sold his soul to Satan. Another warns it isn't worth it - to sign your name in blood for a contract with the devil - that she has witnessed so much - her words are chilling - there is more video footage of Michael Jackson telling his audience about how the music industry has treated him and that Tommy Mottola is a devil. He tells his audience that he was leaving Sony and would own half of it when he left. He only had two more songs to do for them and he was free. And shortly after? Michael Jackson died - with his sister claiming he was murdered. Was he? Was the rumors about him true or was it part of a very clever plot to keep him in line? There is a song on this video he sings trying to let the world know what was really happening to him. It is the first time I have ever heard this information about Michael Jackson. I was shocked. And there are many more musicians who are examined in this video. See for yourself and note the Scriptures the maker of this video gives which clearly proves that God has an enemy and his name is Satan. The truth is people must wake up and realize that this world is in a spiritual warfare and selling your soul to the devil without repentance and turning from him is a one way ticket to hell and eternal torment. Is it worth it? No. Ten thousand times no.

Watch this:

Keep in mind that while the maker of this video is right that the Illuminati is behind it - the Illuminati was founded by the founder of the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola. Of the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is in control of Hollywood and is destroying the lives of millions of people. Wake up, America and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your hearts! If you've sold you soul to the devil? Call upon the LORD and repent of this. You can still receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. It is not too late.

Have you watched the video yet? Watch the video and share your thoughts about what the maker of the video is telling the world.
This video has some of the most shocking footage you will ever see concerning Hollywood stars who have signed their name in blood for a contract with the devil. It is admitted by at least one star on this video that he sold his soul to Satan. Another warns it isn't worth it - to sign your name in blood for a contract with the devil - that she has witnessed so much - her words are chilling - there is more video footage of Michael Jackson telling his audience about how the music industry has treated him and that Tommy Mottola is a devil. He tells his audience that he was leaving Sony and would own half of it when he left. He only had two more songs to do for them and he was free. And shortly after? Michael Jackson died - with his sister claiming he was murdered. Was he? Was the rumors about him true or was it part of a very clever plot to keep him in line? There is a song on this video he sings trying to let the world know what was really happening to him. It is the first time I have ever heard this information about Michael Jackson. I was shocked. And there are many more musicians who are examined in this video. See for yourself and note the Scriptures the maker of this video gives which clearly proves that God has an enemy and his name is Satan. The truth is people must wake up and realize that this world is in a spiritual warfare and selling your soul to the devil without repentance and turning from him is a one way ticket to hell and eternal torment. Is it worth it? No. Ten thousand times no.

Watch this:

Keep in mind that while the maker of this video is right that the Illuminati is behind it - the Illuminati was founded by the founder of the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola. Of the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is in control of Hollywood and is destroying the lives of millions of people. Wake up, America and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your hearts! If you've sold you soul to the devil? Call upon the LORD and repent of this. You can still receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. It is not too late.

I just noticed this is Part 1 and Part 2 so he has combined both videos into one.
Please stay on topic or find another thread. Thank you.

Returning to the OP and the content it presents. I do not know who made this video but I believe it is the most articulate, well thought out, well presented video I have ever seen. I have not seen part two yet but plan on it and will add that - God willing.

So let's begin with some of the scriptures he uses to expose the work of Satan in Hollywood.

One of the first scriptures he uses is Love not the world..........

It is written:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

What are we being warned about? To love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Why? Because if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

What is another scripture he uses?

Matthew 4:19 and what does Matthew 4:19 say?

I am on topic about how God and satan get involved in the sports world

My team wins....Thank God
My team loses and I blame the devil

This video has some of the most shocking footage you will ever see concerning Hollywood stars who have signed their name in blood for a contract with the devil. It is admitted by at least one star on this video that he sold his soul to Satan. Another warns it isn't worth it - to sign your name in blood for a contract with the devil - that she has witnessed so much - her words are chilling - there is more video footage of Michael Jackson telling his audience about how the music industry has treated him and that Tommy Mottola is a devil. He tells his audience that he was leaving Sony and would own half of it when he left. He only had two more songs to do for them and he was free. And shortly after? Michael Jackson died - with his sister claiming he was murdered. Was he? Was the rumors about him true or was it part of a very clever plot to keep him in line? There is a song on this video he sings trying to let the world know what was really happening to him. It is the first time I have ever heard this information about Michael Jackson. I was shocked. And there are many more musicians who are examined in this video. See for yourself and note the Scriptures the maker of this video gives which clearly proves that God has an enemy and his name is Satan. The truth is people must wake up and realize that this world is in a spiritual warfare and selling your soul to the devil without repentance and turning from him is a one way ticket to hell and eternal torment. Is it worth it? No. Ten thousand times no.

Watch this:

Keep in mind that while the maker of this video is right that the Illuminati is behind it - the Illuminati was founded by the founder of the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola. Of the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is in control of Hollywood and is destroying the lives of millions of people. Wake up, America and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your hearts! If you've sold you soul to the devil? Call upon the LORD and repent of this. You can still receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. It is not too late.

Have you watched the video yet? Watch the video and share your thoughts about what the maker of the video is telling the world.

Are you nuts?
You think I am going to watch a 40 minute video?

I already know Hollywood is the devil

Need I say........Pornography?
Please stay on topic or find another thread. Thank you.

Returning to the OP and the content it presents. I do not know who made this video but I believe it is the most articulate, well thought out, well presented video I have ever seen. I have not seen part two yet but plan on it and will add that - God willing.

So let's begin with some of the scriptures he uses to expose the work of Satan in Hollywood.

One of the first scriptures he uses is Love not the world..........

It is written:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15

What are we being warned about? To love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Why? Because if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

What is another scripture he uses?

Matthew 4:19 and what does Matthew 4:19 say?

I am on topic about how God and satan get involved in the sports world

My team wins....Thank God
My team loses and I blame the devil

This video has some of the most shocking footage you will ever see concerning Hollywood stars who have signed their name in blood for a contract with the devil. It is admitted by at least one star on this video that he sold his soul to Satan. Another warns it isn't worth it - to sign your name in blood for a contract with the devil - that she has witnessed so much - her words are chilling - there is more video footage of Michael Jackson telling his audience about how the music industry has treated him and that Tommy Mottola is a devil. He tells his audience that he was leaving Sony and would own half of it when he left. He only had two more songs to do for them and he was free. And shortly after? Michael Jackson died - with his sister claiming he was murdered. Was he? Was the rumors about him true or was it part of a very clever plot to keep him in line? There is a song on this video he sings trying to let the world know what was really happening to him. It is the first time I have ever heard this information about Michael Jackson. I was shocked. And there are many more musicians who are examined in this video. See for yourself and note the Scriptures the maker of this video gives which clearly proves that God has an enemy and his name is Satan. The truth is people must wake up and realize that this world is in a spiritual warfare and selling your soul to the devil without repentance and turning from him is a one way ticket to hell and eternal torment. Is it worth it? No. Ten thousand times no.

Watch this:

Keep in mind that while the maker of this video is right that the Illuminati is behind it - the Illuminati was founded by the founder of the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola. Of the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is in control of Hollywood and is destroying the lives of millions of people. Wake up, America and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your hearts! If you've sold you soul to the devil? Call upon the LORD and repent of this. You can still receive Salvation in Jesus Christ. It is not too late.

Have you watched the video yet? Watch the video and share your thoughts about what the maker of the video is telling the world.

Are you nuts?
You think I am going to watch a 40 minute video?

I already know Hollywood is the devil

Need I say........Pornography?

How are you going to discuss the video contents if you refuse to watch it? What are you in fear of? Hearing the Scriptures from the Bible that expose this work of darkness that is damning the souls of men and women to hell for all eternity?
Let's move forward with examining the Scriptures in which the LORD warns those who have the idea that are in love with the world and have sold their souls for it - that believe they are safe, secure and will never answer to God for turning against the Lord God Almighty.

First, it is written:

Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children.

Isaiah 47: 8

Isaiah 47 9 Both of these will overtake you in a moment on a single day loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure in spite of your many sorceries and all your potent spells.

and here is the context........

8"Now, then, hear this, you sensual one, Who dwells securely, Who says in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one besides me. I will not sit as a widow, Nor know loss of children.' 9"But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day: Loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in full measure In spite of your many sorceries, In spite of the great power of your spells.10"You felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one besides me.'…

What is God's warning? Loss of children and widowhood - in spite of their many sorceries and in spite of the great power of their spells. Why? Because God Almighty is in full control and He alone is the Lord. There is no other God. God is merciful and long suffering and He does not wish for any to perish in hell but if a person does not turn from these sins and call on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved? What other hope is there for them? Once saved always saved is a lie. If you have turned from Jesus Christ and are living for the world and its pleasures? You must repent and return to the LORD. There is no hope outside of Jesus Christ. None.
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Now, lets start examining Hollywood stars who have made a pact with Satan

Exhibit #1 Adam Sandler


Now there is no way someone with as little talent as Sandler can make so much money without signing on the bottom line with.......SATAN
If you would watch the video you would note that Beyonce speaks of someone else who takes over when she is on stage - Sasha Fierce - is the name she called it. It's a demon. Not another person. She needs deliverance. She needs to repent and return to the LORD while she still is able to. That is what she needs to do.

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