Taylor Swift avoids answering critical question about Kamala who she endorsed

She is just a citizen, voicing her opinion, WHY WOULD SHE have to explain her self or answer questions?
She is not in or running for any government job .

Exactly. She is private citizen expressing her choice for President of the United States. She does not have answer questions, nor does she need to explain herself.
Exactly. She is private citizen expressing her choice for President of the United States. She does not have answer questions, nor does she need to explain herself.
Not even to her loving crowd who made here a billionaire?
Not that I recall. He might if been wrong. It’s not like he repeated debunked lies like harris.
He claims crime is up when the FBI says it's not.

Tell me the state babies are being murdered after they are born.

His claim of illegal immigrants are committing record crimes.
He claims crime is up when the FBI says it's not.

Tell me the state babies are being murdered after they are born.

His claim of illegal immigrants are committing record crimes.
It is up. NY and Cali stopped reporting crime to the Xiden/Harris DOJ

Don’t recall if he said murder, but in some states, tampon Tim’s for example, if a baby survives an abortion, they can be left to die and not carried for…tampon Tim made that law

Hard to say if it’s a record, since some states aren’t reporting crimes as I already mentioned
Why the hell does it matter? You can only embarrass pop stars by asking them who George Washington was. Holding them responsible for their political beliefs in the 21st century is way too much to ask.
Her endorsement was known before she gave it, which is why Harris quickly posted her policies.

Another Useless Idiot elite without brains who should be influencing no ones vote.
Yeah. It is actually rather funny how much hypocrites the left are. Over the last several years they have made people like Elon Musk and Big Pharma richer, actually passing laws which make them richer while claiming to be against the one percenters (such as them, Taylor Swift, et-al) and having fundraisers with mega rich Hollywood, etc in order to help them defeat Donald Trump, all the while trying to claim to the sheeple that they are for the little guy.
Candidates get the questions, and generally skirt around answering them. Celebrities that make an endorsement, are not required to be grilled on the issues facing amerika. That's just plain dumb.
He did no prep. Ms. Harris did prep. She won, by the time the debate was over he was a slouching defeated old man.

A lot easier to prepare when you know the questions in advance.
Taylor Swift is an American success story. A middle class upbringing and a loving supportive family have made her the most successful pop star in history. But she wasn't Time Magazine's Person of the Year because she writes catchy tunes.

Swift has completely rewritten how artists can control their music and rewritten the economics of the music business, using her success to negotiate better deals and more creative control for all artists. When her American tour ended, she gave all of roadies $100,000 each. The economy of cities where she has performed have been positively impacted by tourists coming to her concerts. Stories of her kindness and generosity abound.

She wanted her tour movie to be released as she toured so fan could relive the live experience, or go to the movie if a concert wasn't an option, which she was still on tour. The movie company wanted to release it 2 years after the tour. Swift made the movie using her own money, and acted as her own distributor, making a deal with AMC, and thus keeping a larger share of the profits for herself.

She has 36 million die hard fans known as "Swifties". 53% of Americans consider themselves fans. The radical right hate her and call her a "bad role model" for young women because she's not married.

When her management company sold her back catalogue to a hedge fund for millions, with so much as consulting her, or offering them to her first, so she could own her own music, she painstakingly re-recorded each of the albums over a period of 2 years, and re-released them as "Taylor's Versions", rendering the back the hedge fund purchase worthless.

Hardly a "useless idiot elite without brains" at all. And unlike Donald J. Trump, she really is a billionaire, and a self-made one at that.

I don't think she's a role model for women, I think she's a role model for little girls.

I've long thought, no matter her politics, she was not a bad influence on children because she never got into any scandals, got caught doing drugs, even drinking. Just wearing flashy outfits and makeup and dancing on stage. Every little girls dream. I wouldn't be upset if my daughter would like Taylor Swift. But unlike most "swifties" I remember her as a teenage girl, singing innocent songs like "our song", which she wrote a young teen girl, a freshman, in high school. I thought they were cute, didn't think SHE was that cute. I thought "Tim McGraw" as a nice song too.

I always thought Leann Rimes was a much classier type of girl and a FAR better singer. And I had a huge crush on her in the music video "Blue".

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Millions of American citizens are still waiting for Taylor Swift, now that she has endorsed Kamala Harris, to explain Kamala’s plan to deal with the millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, un-vetted terrorist and religious fanatic foreign nationals, which have been invited into our country under the Administration Kamala is part of, and are now taking over our public schools, emergency care rooms, public housing, and even taking over recreation centers which are financed with tax dollars from American citizens and are meant for their children.

I know Taylor Swift is able to live large and in complete safety in her $BILLION private bubble without suffering the consequences and effects of massive, un-regulated immigration. But Swift ought to be able to explain how the candidate she has endorsed will confront the destructive and often fatal consequences inflicted upon American Citizens and their children, by the 20 million or so illegal entrant foreign nationals, who now plague many of our country’s inner cities and have been invited into the United States while Kamala was Biden’s, Vice President.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story
400 years ago Native Americans thought to themselves "What are we going to do with these poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, criminal, un-vetted terrorist, fanatic foreign nationals (Whites) who have been invading our land?"
What would you have told those Native Americans?
Millions of American citizens are still waiting for Taylor Swift, now that she has endorsed Kamala Harris, to explain Kamala’s plan to deal with the millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, un-vetted terrorist and religious fanatic foreign nationals, which have been invited into our country under the Administration Kamala is part of, and are now taking over our public schools, emergency care rooms, public housing, and even taking over recreation centers which are financed with tax dollars from American citizens and are meant for their children.

I know Taylor Swift is able to live large and in complete safety in her $BILLION private bubble without suffering the consequences and effects of massive, un-regulated immigration. But Swift ought to be able to explain how the candidate she has endorsed will confront the destructive and often fatal consequences inflicted upon American Citizens and their children, by the 20 million or so illegal entrant foreign nationals, who now plague many of our country’s inner cities and have been invited into the United States while Kamala was Biden’s, Vice President.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story

What bothers you more, that she a Billionaire in her own right or her being a Strong, Intelligent, Articulate Woman is not afraid to speak her mind.
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Millions of American citizens are still waiting for Taylor Swift, now that she has endorsed Kamala Harris, to explain Kamala’s plan to deal with the millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, un-vetted terrorist and religious fanatic foreign nationals, which have been invited into our country under the Administration Kamala is part of, and are now taking over our public schools, emergency care rooms, public housing, and even taking over recreation centers which are financed with tax dollars from American citizens and are meant for their children.

I know Taylor Swift is able to live large and in complete safety in her $BILLION private bubble without suffering the consequences and effects of massive, un-regulated immigration. But Swift ought to be able to explain how the candidate she has endorsed will confront the destructive and often fatal consequences inflicted upon American Citizens and their children, by the 20 million or so illegal entrant foreign nationals, who now plague many of our country’s inner cities and have been invited into the United States while Kamala was Biden’s, Vice President.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story

Taylor Swift is a citizen of the United States and as such has the Constitutionally Protected to Freedom of Speech. She does NOT have explain a fucking thing to you or anyone else.
Soon to be released....a Taylor Swift song about Kamala the Great.
Millions of American citizens are still waiting for Taylor Swift, now that she has endorsed Kamala Harris, to explain Kamala’s plan to deal with the millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, un-vetted terrorist and religious fanatic foreign nationals, which have been invited into our country under the Administration Kamala is part of, and are now taking over our public schools, emergency care rooms, public housing, and even taking over recreation centers which are financed with tax dollars from American citizens and are meant for their children.

I know Taylor Swift is able to live large and in complete safety in her $BILLION private bubble without suffering the consequences and effects of massive, un-regulated immigration. But Swift ought to be able to explain how the candidate she has endorsed will confront the destructive and often fatal consequences inflicted upon American Citizens and their children, by the 20 million or so illegal entrant foreign nationals, who now plague many of our country’s inner cities and have been invited into the United States while Kamala was Biden’s, Vice President.


“If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges." - Joseph Story
No, they are not, you goofball.

Taylor's Instagram endorsement only mentioned women's reproductive rights and gay rights as a rationale for her support for the Democratic candidate. Neither Taylor nor Kamala know much about other issues. Voters still trust Trump more on economic policies. Kamala's economic platform got bad reviews from the press. Kamala Harris supports raising taxes for corporations and the highest incomes and giving tax breaks to small businesses.

President Biden had a 28-point advantage among voters under the age of 30. Harris managed to reach a 15-point advantage with the critical voting bloc. But she is still significantly lagging behind Biden's 2020 numbers. It won't change unless Swift becomes more active in Harris' campaign, including attending rallies in her home state of Pennsylvania. Taylor and Kamala are not that close.

Such a goofball.
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