Should the treasonous UK be returned to the authority of the Catholic Church?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
The treasonous UK or Britain has been a rouge state since the heretical King Henry the VIII defected from the Catholic Church and started his own heretical sect and heathen nation, primarily for the sole purpose of being allowed to divorce his wife.

As a result, the nation of Britain continues to perpetuate itself as a result of this treason, in continual violation of its rightful Sovereign, the Pope of Rome and the Vatican.

I'd argue that Britain's rouge government should voluntarily disband itself, it's heretical monarch, parliament, and Common Law system of government should be hereby disbanded, and rightfully re-established as a Catholic monarchy.

Perhaps, if Britain refuses to atone for its heresy and treason unto God and the Church, the remaining Catholic Nations of Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the like - would be well-justified in making a declaration of war, conquering and reclaiming Britain and its petulant Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the like - having its heretical royal family, parliament, and Anglican clergy executed for treason and heresy against their rightful sovereigns.
The treasonous UK or Britain has been a rouge state since the heretical King Henry the VIII defected from the Catholic Church and started his own heretical sect and heathen nation, primarily for the sole purpose of being allowed to divorce his wife.

As a result, the nation of Britain continues to perpetuate itself as a result of this treason, in continual violation of its rightful Sovereign, the Pope of Rome and the Vatican.

I'd argue that Britain's rouge government should voluntarily disband itself, it's heretical monarch, parliament, and Common Law system of government should be hereby disbanded, and rightfully re-established as a Catholic monarchy.

Perhaps, if Britain refuses to atone for its heresy and treason unto God and the Church, the remaining Catholic Nations of Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the like - would be well-justified in making a declaration of war, conquering and reclaiming Britain and its petulant Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the like - having its heretical royal family, parliament, and Anglican clergy executed for treason and heresy against their rightful sovereigns.
Declaration of war, conquering, having executed... Yeah, why not? It is so Christian. Now I am sure that Catholic church is a direct way to God.
The Pope is a bender...fuck him and the Catholic Church. Disgusting papal animals.
You are so gonna get hit by lightning for that.....
I have no fear of your bead rattling religion. Your pope is a disciple of Satan. Thank God for Martin Luther who helped free us from your idol worshipping hocus pocus.
LOL I'm somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist and the closest I ever came to being Catholic was visiting a Catholic church once on Sunday morning with a friend after sleeping over her house. Her mom had to pin a fancy lace hanky onto my head because females needed to wear a head covering.

I just think your hatred of the Pope is quite misplaced. Pope Francis is not like that Pope back in the Middle Ages who had all those children and was as close to a Mob boss as you could come back in those days. Francis is a humble guy who thinks of the poor and the powerless and reminds us to be good. What's the harm in that?

You sound like a Puritan. Get with the program, Tijn. They faded away a couple hundred years ago, thank goodness.
The Pope is a bender...fuck him and the Catholic Church. Disgusting papal animals.
You are so gonna get hit by lightning for that.....
I have no fear of your bead rattling religion. Your pope is a disciple of Satan. Thank God for Martin Luther who helped free us from your idol worshipping hocus pocus.
LOL I'm somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist and the closest I ever came to being Catholic was visiting a Catholic church once on Sunday morning with a friend after sleeping over her house. Her mom had to pin a fancy lace hanky onto my head because females needed to wear a head covering.

I just think your hatred of the Pope is quite misplaced. Pope Francis is not like that Pope back in the Middle Ages who had all those children and was as close to a Mob boss as you could come back in those days. Francis is a humble guy who thinks of the poor and the powerless and reminds us to be good. What's the harm in that?

You sound like a Puritan. Get with the program, Tijn. They faded away a couple hundred years ago, thank goodness.
The truth is the truth. How people are still Roman Catholic is beyond me.
The treasonous UK or Britain has been a rouge state since the heretical King Henry the VIII defected from the Catholic Church and started his own heretical sect and heathen nation, primarily for the sole purpose of being allowed to divorce his wife.

As a result, the nation of Britain continues to perpetuate itself as a result of this treason, in continual violation of its rightful Sovereign, the Pope of Rome and the Vatican.

I'd argue that Britain's rouge government should voluntarily disband itself, it's heretical monarch, parliament, and Common Law system of government should be hereby disbanded, and rightfully re-established as a Catholic monarchy.

Perhaps, if Britain refuses to atone for its heresy and treason unto God and the Church, the remaining Catholic Nations of Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the like - would be well-justified in making a declaration of war, conquering and reclaiming Britain and its petulant Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the like - having its heretical royal family, parliament, and Anglican clergy executed for treason and heresy against their rightful sovereigns.
Declaration of war, conquering, having executed... Yeah, why not? It is so Christian. Now I am sure that Catholic church is a direct way to God.
god of what world ?
The Pope is a bender...fuck him and the Catholic Church. Disgusting papal animals.
You are so gonna get hit by lightning for that.....
I have no fear of your bead rattling religion. Your pope is a disciple of Satan. Thank God for Martin Luther who helped free us from your idol worshipping hocus pocus.
LOL I'm somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist and the closest I ever came to being Catholic was visiting a Catholic church once on Sunday morning with a friend after sleeping over her house. Her mom had to pin a fancy lace hanky onto my head because females needed to wear a head covering.

I just think your hatred of the Pope is quite misplaced. Pope Francis is not like that Pope back in the Middle Ages who had all those children and was as close to a Mob boss as you could come back in those days. Francis is a humble guy who thinks of the poor and the powerless and reminds us to be good. What's the harm in that?

You sound like a Puritan. Get with the program, Tijn. They faded away a couple hundred years ago, thank goodness.
The truth is the truth. How people are still Roman Catholic is beyond me.
I like the lighting little candles thing, though. Romantic.
A Catholic Reconquista of Britain and Germany is definitely in order; were all of the Catholic Nations, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal to agree to a declaration of war, we could potentially reclaim our lands and put an end to the traitorous and heretical sects, such as the Anglican Church once and for all.

We'd also no longer have to tolerate atheistic heresy in Britain and Christian lands, atheism could simply be made akin to a crime of treason, against both State and God, punished with the full force that traitors and terrorists are; a public example made of atheistic scourge would send them back into hiding where they rightfully belong.
The Pope is a bender...fuck him and the Catholic Church. Disgusting papal animals.
You are so gonna get hit by lightning for that.....
I have no fear of your bead rattling religion. Your pope is a disciple of Satan. Thank God for Martin Luther who helped free us from your idol worshipping hocus pocus.
LOL I'm somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist and the closest I ever came to being Catholic was visiting a Catholic church once on Sunday morning with a friend after sleeping over her house. Her mom had to pin a fancy lace hanky onto my head because females needed to wear a head covering.

I just think your hatred of the Pope is quite misplaced. Pope Francis is not like that Pope back in the Middle Ages who had all those children and was as close to a Mob boss as you could come back in those days. Francis is a humble guy who thinks of the poor and the powerless and reminds us to be good. What's the harm in that?

You sound like a Puritan. Get with the program, Tijn. They faded away a couple hundred years ago, thank goodness.
His popeness is a communist. A hand slapper too to those who thought to hold his hand (their mistake for thinking he has the ability to give the Spirit Jesus gives by touch to the disciples)
The treasonous UK or Britain has been a rouge state since the heretical King Henry the VIII defected from the Catholic Church and started his own heretical sect and heathen nation, primarily for the sole purpose of being allowed to divorce his wife.

As a result, the nation of Britain continues to perpetuate itself as a result of this treason, in continual violation of its rightful Sovereign, the Pope of Rome and the Vatican.

I'd argue that Britain's rouge government should voluntarily disband itself, it's heretical monarch, parliament, and Common Law system of government should be hereby disbanded, and rightfully re-established as a Catholic monarchy.

Perhaps, if Britain refuses to atone for its heresy and treason unto God and the Church, the remaining Catholic Nations of Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and the like - would be well-justified in making a declaration of war, conquering and reclaiming Britain and its petulant Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the like - having its heretical royal family, parliament, and Anglican clergy executed for treason and heresy against their rightful sovereigns.
You might want to go back on your meds......or......perhaps cut back on them, depending on your mental health situation.
They should return to worship the only true gods under Odin Allfather instead.

Oden Hell!

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