Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother

I agree 100%. Wife and mother should be first priority. That doesn't mean a woman can't have other interests beyond the home. All she has to do is get her husband's permission, and she is free to become a nurse, or a waitress, or even a secretary. All those other professions would probably be too stressful for the weaker sex.
Sadly, sometimes a married couple just cannot meet minimum standards unless they both work. and this is not about them.

If the husband can earn enough to get by, the wife should be home with the toddlers. It changes the discussion if the wife wants to work, because she doesn't want to be a freaking stay at home mother. She's making the decision to put her selfish needs first, and her children second.

You cannot give your full attention to your young children as a mother, when you chose to work a 9-5 job that you prob hate anyway You'll give almost half your paycheck to strangers to watch your kid, while you work that awesome job, that you hate, with coworkers you can't stand.

Meanwhile the daycare may not even like your children. They may not treat them kindly. A mean babysitter can be mentally and physically abusive, and start your child down the road of having insecurities, and not liking themselves, cuz they are told what a bad child they are.

These strangers babysitting your child might fill their heads full of bad habits or teach them inappropriate things. But hey, you have a job you don't like, cuz you refuse to demean yourself by being a stay at home mom.
What's great is that they can choose.

My experience is that working woman tend to shame those who stay at home to raise a family.

If you want to

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
With all the crazy athletes out there, it's good to find one with morals. Hopefully the young women listening will take his advice. More of this will be good for America.

---He went on to tell the women that he "would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."---

The women's jersey is sold out

At $129.99 a pop

What's great is that they can choose.

My experience is that working woman tend to shame those who stay at home to raise a family.

If you want to

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.

Not just working woman. Democrats shame stay at home moms. Leftism cannot survive with a healthy nuclear family.
Is it great to be "stuck" in an office all day?
Yes, if you are suited for that kind of work, and you are adequately successful. I'm sure some teachers are miserable at their jobs and would love to do some other kind of chore.
You were doing fine up to there , imho .
But then you went chicken and also forgot that physical strength is different from mental and emotional strength/stress .
All are parts of one complex equation .
That's interesting. Is that what you and the neighborhood wives discussed this afternoon when you sat around drinking coffee and eating BonBons this afternoon?
I'm sorry for your confusion. I just juxtaposed an equally absurd remark beside the absurd implication that women should shun work outside the home. I should have known the comparison would be hard for some to recognize.
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With all the crazy athletes out there, it's good to find one with morals. Hopefully the young women listening will take his advice. More of this will be good for America.

---He went on to tell the women that he "would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."---

Kneel and serve your man
like the servant you were meant to be.

That's the advice.
Fortunately women's response is
I agree 100%. Wife and mother should be first priority. That doesn't mean a woman can't have other interests beyond the home. All she has to do is get her husband's permission, and she is free to become a nurse, or a waitress, or even a secretary. All those other professions would probably be too stressful for the weaker sex.
c'mon, don't encourage ignorance!

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