Sheriff backs claims of FBI misdeeds during Malheur occupation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Though it isn't *stunning* to any of us who know what really happens in the rural US.

"In a stunning development a year after the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, where two-dozen armed supporters gathered to protest the courts’ extension of sentences for two ranchers, a sheriff has backed claims of FBI misbehavior.

"The declaration came from Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson just as FBI agent W. Joseph Astarita was pleading not guilty to three counts of making false statements and two counts of obstruction of justice in federal court in Portland, Oregon."

"Nelson said, as the Washington Times reported, that the actions by “multiple members of the FBI Hostage Rescue Team” had “damaged the integrity of the entire law enforcement profession, which makes me both disappointed and angry.” And scared, I would imagine. As the locals definitely were.

"Nelson said he told Justice Department and FBI officials, including now-acting Director Andrew McCabe, over a year ago about “possible criminal conduct” by some involved FBI Hostage Rescue Team agents." Imagine that. Where was the press, I wonder? Oh yeah, they refused to interview anybody who strayed from the false narrative that the Bundys and Finicum were *dangerous*.

Read more at Sheriff backs claims of FBI-lawbreaking in Oregon standoff

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