FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago

Trump had no authority to take the documents. He had no authority to lie about complying with the subpoena. He had no authority to tamper with witnesses and evidence.

And now he’s going to pay the price.
You really aren't keeping up with the news, are you? The classified documents trial is dead in the water until after the election, when Trump will prosecute Biden for the same thing. Then see if the next Democrat wants to push the issue in 2029!
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Actually, the FBI admitted stuffing documents in folders they carried along with them to make it look like they were haphazardly thrown about, while they were secured in the proper location. They got caught in that lie.
The storage closet of Mar a Lago is not the proper location for highly classified documents.
"illegally" Guilty until proven innocent, huh? Seems that's how you guys roll these days.

Well, he was certainly treated very differently than any other former President.
Or a Secretary of State. Hillary was handled with kid gloves despite her lying and destruction of subpoenaed evidence.
Did Biden or Clinton lie. You have no proof they disclosed documents. You are a MAGAt Conspirast, 4th Grade.
Clinton most definitely lied; she continued lying until State Department archives and the computer belonging to her chief of staff Huma Abedin was seized from her pervert husband the congressman and searched for illegal photos by the FBI proved that she had hundred of Top Secret documents on her private server. She lied about instructing aides to strip the classified headings off documents so they could be emailed to the non-secure server in her bathroom.
Absolutely untrue. The Secret Service had no idea the documents were there and the FBI did not padlock anything.
The secret service is hella dumb. They have no idea how a bag of white powder, coke, made it in the white house.

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