Shameful: Dr. Larry Nassar Victimized 70 Little Girls AFTER Dirtbag Chris Wray and FBI Got on the Case


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Shameful: Dr. Larry Nassar Victimized 70 Little Girls AFTER Dirtbag Chris Wray and FBI Got on the Case​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

FBI Director Chris Wray and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the FBI’s handling of the Larry Nassar investigation.
Larry Nassar was the team doctor for the US women’s gymnastics team and was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison on child pornography charges in 2016.
During the testimony on Wednesday IG Horowitz confirmed to the US Senate Committee that FBI officials deliberately misled the facts during the investigation. The lead FBI investigator misrepresented the actions he took when the allegations came in and his job-seeking efforts with the US Olympic Committee. Horowitz said the allegations were handed over to prosecutors in the Justice Department. The DOJ later refused to press charges against the dirty FBI official.
The Inspector General confirmed during testimony that 70 little girls were victimized AFTER the FBI got the case.
The FBI is a criminal outfit.

President Trump fired FBI Secret Police Director James Comey...AKA the 6'8" Pajama Boy. But then appointed Christopher Wray another "Deep State" lackey.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have agreed to protect each other, that is what binds them. Once people stop honoring that agreement, it becomes a free for all and they know they all go down with the ship because they are all tied to it.
If they killed by Arkancide everyone that became inconvenient, people would be abandoning ship trying to find someone to save them. They reserve Arckancide for those that betray them or those that aren't part of their circles that learn too much.
IF he/she did begin to squeal, they all know he/she would face Arkancide. So he/she can only keep his mouth shut and hope they get him off on the charges, or serve the reduced sentence the Deep State judge will give him.
They willingly involve themselves in blackmail. They perform acts of pedophilia through brokers like Epstein, who film it. Then the Deep State has the material and control, they then know they can control that person, so they promote their careers and move them up the ladder. The more corrupt they are the higher they are pushed up the ladder.
The problem for them is that sometimes this behavior leaks out into public and they have to scramble to cover for that person or that person might get mad and expose them.
Wray has to go, but under the Bai Dung Administration his position is secure for now.

Shameful: Dr. Larry Nassar Victimized 70 Little Girls AFTER Dirtbag Chris Wray and FBI Got on the Case​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

FBI Director Chris Wray and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the FBI’s handling of the Larry Nassar investigation.
Larry Nassar was the team doctor for the US women’s gymnastics team and was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison on child pornography charges in 2016.
During the testimony on Wednesday IG Horowitz confirmed to the US Senate Committee that FBI officials deliberately misled the facts during the investigation. The lead FBI investigator misrepresented the actions he took when the allegations came in and his job-seeking efforts with the US Olympic Committee. Horowitz said the allegations were handed over to prosecutors in the Justice Department. The DOJ later refused to press charges against the dirty FBI official.
The Inspector General confirmed during testimony that 70 little girls were victimized AFTER the FBI got the case.
The FBI is a criminal outfit.

President Trump fired FBI Secret Police Director James Comey...AKA the 6'8" Pajama Boy. But then appointed Christopher Wray another "Deep State" lackey.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have agreed to protect each other, that is what binds them. Once people stop honoring that agreement, it becomes a free for all and they know they all go down with the ship because they are all tied to it.
If they killed by Arkancide everyone that became inconvenient, people would be abandoning ship trying to find someone to save them. They reserve Arckancide for those that betray them or those that aren't part of their circles that learn too much.
IF he/she did begin to squeal, they all know he/she would face Arkancide. So he/she can only keep his mouth shut and hope they get him off on the charges, or serve the reduced sentence the Deep State judge will give him.
They willingly involve themselves in blackmail. They perform acts of pedophilia through brokers like Epstein, who film it. Then the Deep State has the material and control, they then know they can control that person, so they promote their careers and move them up the ladder. The more corrupt they are the higher they are pushed up the ladder.
The problem for them is that sometimes this behavior leaks out into public and they have to scramble to cover for that person or that person might get mad and expose them.
Wray has to go, but under the Bai Dung Administration his position is secure for now.

Washington — President Trump called FBI director Christopher Wray "disappointing" on Thursday, criticizing him for not doing more to investigate voter fraud, after Wray said there is no evidence of any coordinated fraud ahead of the election.

"He's been disappointing," Mr. Trump said about Wray in an interview with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo. "He doesn't see the voting ballots as a problem."
is this the reason you put FBI directors disdain list.
I ask you "where were the parents?"

In July, the Justice Department's inspector general released a shocking report that found that allegations against Nassar were first reported to the FBI in Indianapolis in July 2015, but the agency didn't investigate until September 2016. In the interim, according to the report, Nassar abused at least 70 more young people.

Maggie Nichols, known as "Athlete A" in the Nassar case because she was the first elite gymnast to report her abuse to USA Gymnastics, recounted, "While my complaints [were] with the FBI, Larry Nassar continued to abuse women and girls." She reported in July 2015; the Lansing office of the FBI opened its official investigation into Nassar in October 2016.

Washington — President Trump called FBI director Christopher Wray "disappointing" on Thursday, criticizing him for not doing more to investigate voter fraud, after Wray said there is no evidence of any coordinated fraud ahead of the election.

"He's been disappointing," Mr. Trump said about Wray in an interview with Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo. "He doesn't see the voting ballots as a problem."
is this the reason you put FBI directors disdain list.
it a appears to be one of many reasons to put him on the disdain list now.
The FBI clearly failed well as in their "investigation" of the Kavanaugh allegations.
The DOJ later refused to press charges against the dirty FBI official.

Are people starting to understand why you can't allow law enforcement to investigate themselves?
The FBI has transformed from being the world's premier law enforcement agency to being a national disgrace.

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