Whistleblower: FBI Threatened to Fire Employees Who Questioned Different Treatment of BLM Riots and Jan. 6


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Whistleblower: FBI Threatened to Fire Employees Who Questioned Different Treatment of BLM Riots and Jan. 6

27 June 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We covered some of the riveting testimony from FBI whistleblowers last month, revealing bias and the politicization of the FBI. This was on top of a long list of things that the whistleblowers have already revealed at that point.
Now, another whistleblower has come forward with some concerning news about how the FBI was dealing with the investigation into Jan. 6 compared to other riots. We’ve touched on this before, with a whistleblower saying it was handled differently.
According to an affidavit from that whistleblower that went to the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus, and the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, the FBI employee said that Deputy Director Paul Abbate threatened to fire agents and other bureau employees who questioned the differences in response to the U.S. Capitol riot in 2021 and the George Floyd riots in 2020.
The whistleblower said that Abbate claimed they were applying the appropriate resources in each matter the secure teleconference, known as a Director SVTC.
According to the affidavit, Mr. Abbate said that if an FBI agent did not agree with management’s view of the response, the agent should call him personally, and he would set them straight.​
“I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time. It was chilling and personal, communicating clearly that there would be consequences for anyone that questioned his direction,” the whistleblower said.​
Mr. Leavitt said in his letter to congressional lawmakers and Mr. Horowitz that “Abbate’s threat to employees was witnessed by numerous other FBI employees and constitutes evidence of intent to retaliate against any dissent. … This evidence can be independently corroborated by dozens, if not hundreds, of other FBI employees.”​
The FBI issued a statement defending Abbate, saying that he’s always treated employees with “dignity, compassion, and respect.”
“Employees are free to take any concerns they have to FBI leaders, including the Deputy Director. Any suggestion Deputy Abbate threatened employees who disagreed about the handling of January 6 cases is categorically false,” they said in the statement.
But according to the whistleblower’s attorney people did lose their jobs.
But the report looks at Portland with the constant attack on the federal courthouse as well as on other federal facilities.
In Portland, Oregon, which suffered nightly riots for several weeks, the rioters received significant leniency. Federal officials regularly accepted deals that dropped charges as long as someone completed community service, according to a Washington Times review of court records.​
The Portland violence in 2020 included protesters blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.​
One man who fired a gun at the courthouse on the evening of Jan. 8, 2021 — two days after the Capitol riots in Washington — escaped without a prison sentence and got five years’ probation.​
We watched all this unroll as it was happening, and that was the big question while the riots were ongoing, how could they not figure out and lock up the same people who were involved in organizing the continual attack on the Portland courthouse day after day? That seemed to defy belief.
Add one more thing to Congress’ long list of things to investigate now. But the only way this all has a chance of being addressed is by winning the White House and the Congress and cleaning house.

Good article and questions that need to be addressed. The DOJ/FSB and FBI/Stasi rats will never give Congress and te People an honest answer.
It’s refreshing to know that there are at least a few good men in the FBI. Real men.
Time to decapitate those agencies and fire the liars and traitors.
Only then can we begin to rebuild them back to protecting America, not leftist psychopathic DSA/Democrat politicians and their Butt kissing stooges in politics, the media, and academia.
Until heads roll, “Trust No One”.
People like Garland and Wray need to be indicted, tried and convicted for their criminality, violations of Law, the Constitution
America has lost the high regard, respect and need that it once had for both corrupt services of the DoJ and FBI.
The FBI is terminally corrupt.

This guy Abbate would be fired on the spot in corporate America.

But in our lying corrupt government, he gets a free pass and even support.
The FBI is terminally corrupt.

This guy Abbate would be fired on the spot in corporate America.

But in our lying corrupt government, he gets a free pass and even support.

Yup. Merrick Garland made certain to give McCabe back his full pension and other benefits when he settled McCabe's lawsuit in October 2021.

If anyone had any doubt who and what Garland is, that moment sealed it.
Yup. Merrick Garland made certain to give McCabe back his full pension and other benefits when he settled McCabe's lawsuit in October 2021.

If anyone had any doubt who and what Garland is, that moment sealed it.
A loyal liar for the deep state.

Therefore he gets rewarded.

What a travesty.

What a slap in the face to the MILLIONS of Americans who worked hard their whole lives, and STILL have to worry about making ends meet.

This is the stuff revolutions are made of.

This. Exactly this.
The US capitol riots was an attack on government institutions or property which would fall under their jurisdiction as it was federal property that was being vandalized and attacked.

The Floyd riots jurisdictions were spread out in various states and probably involved various law enforcement agencies in different states depended on where it was located. National guard would be the first to be used to assist. The FBI would probably provided assistance as needed. They would not take the lead.

What is strange that the two are handled differently as they are different situations. Still this is a matter of the rank and file disagreeing with management. The rank and file will see things differently from management especially when it is viewed thru the political lens and perceptions of the rank and file. Management has to be above that.

Obvious the Floyd issues was a matter of perception of excessive police brutality and the response to this brutality. Trump threatened to send federal troops to quell the riot. The national guard would be the organization used to assist local authorities. If it gets worse then the president can sent federal troops. Handling riots would probably be beyond the capability of the FBI. National guard and federal troops would be the best option.

The Capitol riots was an attack on Congress and the US government based on election lies by Trump and his followers.

This is different than police brutality in a specific area that is a local issues that should be handled locally. IF they can't handle it locally then it will involve federal agencies.
The US capitol riots was an attack on government institutions or property which would fall under their jurisdiction as it was federal property that was being vandalized and attacked.

The Floyd riots jurisdictions were spread out in various states and probably involved various law enforcement agencies in different states depended on where it was located. National guard would be the first to be used to assist. The FBI would probably provided assistance as needed. They would not take the lead.

What is strange that the two are handled differently as they are different situations. Still this is a matter of the rank and file disagreeing with management. The rank and file will see things differently from management especially when it is viewed thru the political lens and perceptions of the rank and file. Management has to be above that.

Obvious the Floyd issues was a matter of perception of excessive police brutality and the response to this brutality. Trump threatened to send federal troops to quell the riot. The national guard would be the organization used to assist local authorities. If it gets worse then the president can sent federal troops. Handling riots would probably be beyond the capability of the FBI. National guard and federal troops would be the best option.

The Capitol riots was an attack on Congress and the US government based on election lies by Trump and his followers.

This is different than police brutality in a specific area that is a local issues that should be handled locally. IF they can't handle it locally then it will involve federal agencies.
Dude, "the Floyd issue" as you say, was PAID ASTROTURFING BY THE DEMOCRATS.

They funded the whole thing, lock stock and barrel.

The financial records PROVE it. All you have to do is look at the books. DNC paid Thousand Currents which paid BLM. It's that simple. There's nothing mysterious about it.
Yup. Merrick Garland made certain to give McCabe back his full pension and other benefits when he settled McCabe's lawsuit in October 2021.

If anyone had any doubt who and what Garland is, that moment sealed it.
Crooked bastards. The DOJ is our greatest threat to freedom, security and prosperity.
So when is the House going to reduce their salary to $1.00?


Whistleblower: FBI Threatened to Fire Employees Who Questioned Different Treatment of BLM Riots and Jan. 6

27 June 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We covered some of the riveting testimony from FBI whistleblowers last month, revealing bias and the politicization of the FBI. This was on top of a long list of things that the whistleblowers have already revealed at that point.
Now, another whistleblower has come forward with some concerning news about how the FBI was dealing with the investigation into Jan. 6 compared to other riots. We’ve touched on this before, with a whistleblower saying it was handled differently.
According to an affidavit from that whistleblower that went to the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus, and the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, the FBI employee said that Deputy Director Paul Abbate threatened to fire agents and other bureau employees who questioned the differences in response to the U.S. Capitol riot in 2021 and the George Floyd riots in 2020.
The whistleblower said that Abbate claimed they were applying the appropriate resources in each matter the secure teleconference, known as a Director SVTC.
According to the affidavit, Mr. Abbate said that if an FBI agent did not agree with management’s view of the response, the agent should call him personally, and he would set them straight.​
“I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time. It was chilling and personal, communicating clearly that there would be consequences for anyone that questioned his direction,” the whistleblower said.​
Mr. Leavitt said in his letter to congressional lawmakers and Mr. Horowitz that “Abbate’s threat to employees was witnessed by numerous other FBI employees and constitutes evidence of intent to retaliate against any dissent. … This evidence can be independently corroborated by dozens, if not hundreds, of other FBI employees.”​
The FBI issued a statement defending Abbate, saying that he’s always treated employees with “dignity, compassion, and respect.”
“Employees are free to take any concerns they have to FBI leaders, including the Deputy Director. Any suggestion Deputy Abbate threatened employees who disagreed about the handling of January 6 cases is categorically false,” they said in the statement.
But according to the whistleblower’s attorney people did lose their jobs.
But the report looks at Portland with the constant attack on the federal courthouse as well as on other federal facilities.
In Portland, Oregon, which suffered nightly riots for several weeks, the rioters received significant leniency. Federal officials regularly accepted deals that dropped charges as long as someone completed community service, according to a Washington Times review of court records.​
The Portland violence in 2020 included protesters blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.​
One man who fired a gun at the courthouse on the evening of Jan. 8, 2021 — two days after the Capitol riots in Washington — escaped without a prison sentence and got five years’ probation.​
We watched all this unroll as it was happening, and that was the big question while the riots were ongoing, how could they not figure out and lock up the same people who were involved in organizing the continual attack on the Portland courthouse day after day? That seemed to defy belief.
Add one more thing to Congress’ long list of things to investigate now. But the only way this all has a chance of being addressed is by winning the White House and the Congress and cleaning house.

Good article and questions that need to be addressed. The DOJ/FSB and FBI/Stasi rats will never give Congress and te People an honest answer.
It’s refreshing to know that there are at least a few good men in the FBI. Real men.
Time to decapitate those agencies and fire the liars and traitors.
Only then can we begin to rebuild them back to protecting America, not leftist psychopathic DSA/Democrat politicians and their Butt kissing stooges in politics, the media, and academia.
Until heads roll, “Trust No One”.
People like Garland and Wray need to be indicted, tried and convicted for their criminality, violations of Law, the Constitution
America has lost the high regard, respect and need that it once had for both corrupt services of the DoJ and FBI.

Whistleblower: FBI Threatened to Fire Employees Who Questioned Different Treatment of BLM Riots and Jan. 6

27 June 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We covered some of the riveting testimony from FBI whistleblowers last month, revealing bias and the politicization of the FBI. This was on top of a long list of things that the whistleblowers have already revealed at that point.
Now, another whistleblower has come forward with some concerning news about how the FBI was dealing with the investigation into Jan. 6 compared to other riots. We’ve touched on this before, with a whistleblower saying it was handled differently.
According to an affidavit from that whistleblower that went to the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus, and the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, the FBI employee said that Deputy Director Paul Abbate threatened to fire agents and other bureau employees who questioned the differences in response to the U.S. Capitol riot in 2021 and the George Floyd riots in 2020.
The whistleblower said that Abbate claimed they were applying the appropriate resources in each matter the secure teleconference, known as a Director SVTC.
According to the affidavit, Mr. Abbate said that if an FBI agent did not agree with management’s view of the response, the agent should call him personally, and he would set them straight.​
“I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time. It was chilling and personal, communicating clearly that there would be consequences for anyone that questioned his direction,” the whistleblower said.​
Mr. Leavitt said in his letter to congressional lawmakers and Mr. Horowitz that “Abbate’s threat to employees was witnessed by numerous other FBI employees and constitutes evidence of intent to retaliate against any dissent. … This evidence can be independently corroborated by dozens, if not hundreds, of other FBI employees.”​
The FBI issued a statement defending Abbate, saying that he’s always treated employees with “dignity, compassion, and respect.”
“Employees are free to take any concerns they have to FBI leaders, including the Deputy Director. Any suggestion Deputy Abbate threatened employees who disagreed about the handling of January 6 cases is categorically false,” they said in the statement.
But according to the whistleblower’s attorney people did lose their jobs.
But the report looks at Portland with the constant attack on the federal courthouse as well as on other federal facilities.
In Portland, Oregon, which suffered nightly riots for several weeks, the rioters received significant leniency. Federal officials regularly accepted deals that dropped charges as long as someone completed community service, according to a Washington Times review of court records.​
The Portland violence in 2020 included protesters blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.​
One man who fired a gun at the courthouse on the evening of Jan. 8, 2021 — two days after the Capitol riots in Washington — escaped without a prison sentence and got five years’ probation.​
We watched all this unroll as it was happening, and that was the big question while the riots were ongoing, how could they not figure out and lock up the same people who were involved in organizing the continual attack on the Portland courthouse day after day? That seemed to defy belief.
Add one more thing to Congress’ long list of things to investigate now. But the only way this all has a chance of being addressed is by winning the White House and the Congress and cleaning house.

Good article and questions that need to be addressed. The DOJ/FSB and FBI/Stasi rats will never give Congress and te People an honest answer.
It’s refreshing to know that there are at least a few good men in the FBI. Real men.
Time to decapitate those agencies and fire the liars and traitors.
Only then can we begin to rebuild them back to protecting America, not leftist psychopathic DSA/Democrat politicians and their Butt kissing stooges in politics, the media, and academia.
Until heads roll, “Trust No One”.
People like Garland and Wray need to be indicted, tried and convicted for their criminality, violations of Law, the Constitution
America has lost the high regard, respect and need that it once had for both corrupt services of the DoJ and FBI.
Soon the Left will purge themselves of all the whistleblowers and resume the war against the average citizen unhampered.

That is all that is happening here.

These whistleblowers just gave up everything they had and became a government target by coming forward. That is all they accomplished.

Whistleblower: FBI Threatened to Fire Employees Who Questioned Different Treatment of BLM Riots and Jan. 6

27 June 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

We covered some of the riveting testimony from FBI whistleblowers last month, revealing bias and the politicization of the FBI. This was on top of a long list of things that the whistleblowers have already revealed at that point.
Now, another whistleblower has come forward with some concerning news about how the FBI was dealing with the investigation into Jan. 6 compared to other riots. We’ve touched on this before, with a whistleblower saying it was handled differently.
According to an affidavit from that whistleblower that went to the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Whistleblower Protection Caucus, and the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, the FBI employee said that Deputy Director Paul Abbate threatened to fire agents and other bureau employees who questioned the differences in response to the U.S. Capitol riot in 2021 and the George Floyd riots in 2020.
The whistleblower said that Abbate claimed they were applying the appropriate resources in each matter the secure teleconference, known as a Director SVTC.
According to the affidavit, Mr. Abbate said that if an FBI agent did not agree with management’s view of the response, the agent should call him personally, and he would set them straight.​
“I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time. It was chilling and personal, communicating clearly that there would be consequences for anyone that questioned his direction,” the whistleblower said.​
Mr. Leavitt said in his letter to congressional lawmakers and Mr. Horowitz that “Abbate’s threat to employees was witnessed by numerous other FBI employees and constitutes evidence of intent to retaliate against any dissent. … This evidence can be independently corroborated by dozens, if not hundreds, of other FBI employees.”​
The FBI issued a statement defending Abbate, saying that he’s always treated employees with “dignity, compassion, and respect.”
“Employees are free to take any concerns they have to FBI leaders, including the Deputy Director. Any suggestion Deputy Abbate threatened employees who disagreed about the handling of January 6 cases is categorically false,” they said in the statement.
But according to the whistleblower’s attorney people did lose their jobs.
But the report looks at Portland with the constant attack on the federal courthouse as well as on other federal facilities.
In Portland, Oregon, which suffered nightly riots for several weeks, the rioters received significant leniency. Federal officials regularly accepted deals that dropped charges as long as someone completed community service, according to a Washington Times review of court records.​
The Portland violence in 2020 included protesters blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.​
One man who fired a gun at the courthouse on the evening of Jan. 8, 2021 — two days after the Capitol riots in Washington — escaped without a prison sentence and got five years’ probation.​
We watched all this unroll as it was happening, and that was the big question while the riots were ongoing, how could they not figure out and lock up the same people who were involved in organizing the continual attack on the Portland courthouse day after day? That seemed to defy belief.
Add one more thing to Congress’ long list of things to investigate now. But the only way this all has a chance of being addressed is by winning the White House and the Congress and cleaning house.

Good article and questions that need to be addressed. The DOJ/FSB and FBI/Stasi rats will never give Congress and te People an honest answer.
It’s refreshing to know that there are at least a few good men in the FBI. Real men.
Time to decapitate those agencies and fire the liars and traitors.
Only then can we begin to rebuild them back to protecting America, not leftist psychopathic DSA/Democrat politicians and their Butt kissing stooges in politics, the media, and academia.
Until heads roll, “Trust No One”.
People like Garland and Wray need to be indicted, tried and convicted for their criminality, violations of Law, the Constitution
America has lost the high regard, respect and need that it once had for both corrupt services of the DoJ and FBI.

Who is surprised?
We are nothing more than a third world country with Nuclear Capabilities.
Once the Democrats executed the coup - literally nothing was off of the table.
The FBI is terminally corrupt.

This guy Abbate would be fired on the spot in corporate America.

But in our lying corrupt government, he gets a free pass and even support.

The FBI should absolutely have treated racial protesters from 2020 differently than the people trying to overthrow the government on January 6th.

The members of Black Lives Matter weren’t trying to overthrow the government. They were addressing grievances they had against the government.

What’s laughable is the continuing attempts by the Magda Cult to pretend these two things are the same, or even remotely similar.
The US capitol riots was an attack on government institutions or property which would fall under their jurisdiction as it was federal property that was being vandalized and attacked.

But the report looks at Portland with the constant attack on the federal courthouse as well as on other federal facilities.
In Portland, Oregon, which suffered nightly riots for several weeks, the rioters received significant leniency. Federal officials regularly accepted deals that dropped charges as long as someone completed community service, according to a Washington Times review of court records.The Portland violence in 2020 included protesters blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.
The members of Black Lives Matter weren’t trying to overthrow the government. They were addressing grievances they had against the government.

So, as long as you have a grievance with the gov't. it's ok to.......

blinding officers with lasers, battering police with hammers, bats and bottles, and hurling Molotov cocktails at police and the federal courthouse.
Got it.

The US capitol riots was an attack on government institutions or property which would fall under their jurisdiction as it was federal property that was being vandalized and attacked.

The Floyd riots jurisdictions were spread out in various states and probably involved various law enforcement agencies in different states depended on where it was located. National guard would be the first to be used to assist. The FBI would probably provided assistance as needed. They would not take the lead.

What is strange that the two are handled differently as they are different situations. Still this is a matter of the rank and file disagreeing with management. The rank and file will see things differently from management especially when it is viewed thru the political lens and perceptions of the rank and file. Management has to be above that.

Obvious the Floyd issues was a matter of perception of excessive police brutality and the response to this brutality. Trump threatened to send federal troops to quell the riot. The national guard would be the organization used to assist local authorities. If it gets worse then the president can sent federal troops. Handling riots would probably be beyond the capability of the FBI. National guard and federal troops would be the best option.

The Capitol riots was an attack on Congress and the US government based on election lies by Trump and his followers.

This is different than police brutality in a specific area that is a local issues that should be handled locally. IF they can't handle it locally then it will involve federal agencies.
So MAGArats within the FBI wanted the FBI to do WHAT exactly about the Floyd riots?
The FBI should absolutely have treated racial protesters from 2020 differently than the people trying to overthrow the government on January 6th.

The members of Black Lives Matter weren’t trying to overthrow the government. They were addressing grievances they had against the government.

What’s laughable is the continuing attempts by the Magda Cult to pretend these two things are the same, or even remotely similar.
The BLM riots killed at least 25 people, multiple rapes, burned large portions of several cites, did billions in damage, and ruined thousands of small businesses, many of which were black owned.

J6 lasted a few hours and the only death was a woman murdered by a cop.

Not remotely similar, Simp.
The BLM riots killed at least 25 people, multiple rapes, burned large portions of several cites, did billions in damage, and ruined thousands of small businesses, many of which were black owned.

J6 lasted a few hours and the only death was a woman murdered by a cop.

Not remotely similar, Simp.

Yes, but -

The BLM leaders needed to get paid.
The US capitol riots was an attack on government institutions or property which would fall under their jurisdiction as it was federal property that was being vandalized and attacked.

The Floyd riots jurisdictions were spread out in various states and probably involved various law enforcement agencies in different states depended on where it was located. National guard would be the first to be used to assist. The FBI would probably provided assistance as needed. They would not take the lead.

What is strange that the two are handled differently as they are different situations. Still this is a matter of the rank and file disagreeing with management. The rank and file will see things differently from management especially when it is viewed thru the political lens and perceptions of the rank and file. Management has to be above that.

Obvious the Floyd issues was a matter of perception of excessive police brutality and the response to this brutality. Trump threatened to send federal troops to quell the riot. The national guard would be the organization used to assist local authorities. If it gets worse then the president can sent federal troops. Handling riots would probably be beyond the capability of the FBI. National guard and federal troops would be the best option.

The Capitol riots was an attack on Congress and the US government based on election lies by Trump and his followers.

This is different than police brutality in a specific area that is a local issues that should be handled locally. IF they can't handle it locally then it will involve federal agencies.

The BLM/ANTIFA insurrections involved attacks on federal buildings. I'm labeling the riots insurrections because democrats set the rule on changing definitions of legal terms.

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