Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
It requires a massive assumption to even get through your first sentence. No, we won't make that assumption.
Again, no proof. Why do you lie? The woman herself said over and over you are a liar. What is it with atheists that they have to resort to lies? You are a horrible person. You do t have to believe in God . That’s your decision to use your mother, a believer in God, as your scapegoat. Horrible person.

Oh, guy, I would be happy to be an atheist in peace, but you God Botherers keep trying to impose your crazy on the rest of us.

You belong to a deranged cult started by a guy who wanted to cheat less smart people out of money and get a lot of pussy. That's a horrible person.

Why are you being an ass? My cult? My cult spews? I told you it was the executed man who wrote as his final words what took place. Lee was not just a nobody. He accepted his death in fact though he did claim he was not guilty. He sat on his coffin to be killed. I have called it a massacre. I have told facts you do not know. And you seem bound and determined to stay ignorant. I spent some hours studying this very issue in the past months. I knew there had been a massacre but found it was bugging me about it to the point I put forth a lot of effort to untangle it. I have not at any point justified their murders. I have not said they were guilty. I reported what was stated at the time it took place. If they lied, they lied. It takes time to learn the entire story. And you seem unwilling to do that.

Actually, there were very few facts I was unware of about Mountain Meadow. Mormon Apologetics are not facts. That the Mormons gossiped among themselves to justify their actions doesn't excuse them. I'm sure the Nazis really believed most of the awful stuff Dr. Goebbels was saying about the Jews.

The sad thing was, James Buchanan should have charged the Cult with treason and hanged the lot of them. That would have made Jefferson Davis think twice.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
Too bad the Catholic cult hates Jesus so much.
Oh, guy, I would be happy to be an atheist in peace, but you God Botherers keep trying to impose your crazy on the rest of us.

You belong to a deranged cult started by a guy who wanted to cheat less smart people out of money and get a lot of pussy. That's a horrible person.

Actually, there were very few facts I was unware of about Mountain Meadow. Mormon Apologetics are not facts. That the Mormons gossiped among themselves to justify their actions doesn't excuse them. I'm sure the Nazis really believed most of the awful stuff Dr. Goebbels was saying about the Jews.

The sad thing was, James Buchanan should have charged the Cult with treason and hanged the lot of them. That would have made Jefferson Davis think twice.
Oh, guy, I would be happy to be an atheist in peace, but you God Botherers keep trying to impose your crazy on the rest of us.
Who’s been arrested for not praying?
Oh, guy, I would be happy to be an atheist in peace, but you God Botherers keep trying to impose your crazy on the rest of us.

You belong to a deranged cult started by a guy who wanted to cheat less smart people out of money and get a lot of pussy. That's a horrible person.

Actually, there were very few facts I was unware of about Mountain Meadow. Mormon Apologetics are not facts. That the Mormons gossiped among themselves to justify their actions doesn't excuse them. I'm sure the Nazis really believed most of the awful stuff Dr. Goebbels was saying about the Jews.

The sad thing was, James Buchanan should have charged the Cult with treason and hanged the lot of them. That would have made Jefferson Davis think twice.
Have you read the account by Lee? He was there. I am not big on diversion tactics. So when you want to discuss this issue, let me know.

I have been a Mormon since the early 1950s and you lie about them to my face. I know them. You just insult them.
Really? The Eastern Orthodox Church would like to have a word! You also leave out the Arians, Monophystes and other movements that didn't accept the Catholic/Orthodox view on things.

Have you looked at the world?

Uh, a Church that worked for German people instead of Austrians wasn't exactly radical. A lot of Germans actually liked that.

Actually, the Catholics did far more oppressing. Ever hear of Bloody Mary? Or the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? The Spanish Inquisition?

Again, Bloody Mary. People murdering each other to pacify an imaginary sky pixie is a little silly.

I think you don't really understand why the English Reformation happened. It happened because by the time of Henry VIII, the Church owned half the land in Europe, engaged in all manner of corruption. And they could have kept doing it, all they had to do was grant Henry his very sensible ask for an annulment. They gave one to his sister. But his soon-to-be ex-wife's nephew had an army double parked outside Rome, and the Pope was immune to the usual bribes to shake down people for annulments.

If you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.
A God That Lets People Sin in His Name Is No God at All
Oh, guy, I would be happy to be an atheist in peace, but you God Botherers keep trying to impose your crazy on the rest of us.

You belong to a deranged cult started by a guy who wanted to cheat less smart people out of money and get a lot of pussy. That's a horrible person.

Actually, there were very few facts I was unware of about Mountain Meadow. Mormon Apologetics are not facts. That the Mormons gossiped among themselves to justify their actions doesn't excuse them. I'm sure the Nazis really believed most of the awful stuff Dr. Goebbels was saying about the Jews.

The sad thing was, James Buchanan should have charged the Cult with treason and hanged the lot of them. That would have made Jefferson Davis think twice.
I’m not the bother person. That’s you. Why do you attack religion and believers? We aren’t trying to force anything on you. But we won’t be silent when you personally attack with lies. And when you are educated that you are wrong you refuse to admit it. That’s a horrible person.
My guess is that it's a trolling post actually designed to elicit criticism of the Catholic Church. Anyway the 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion and also guarantees the right of certain idiots to criticize other religious denominations.
My guess is that it's a trolling post actually designed to elicit criticism of the Catholic Church. Anyway the 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion and also guarantees the right of certain idiots to criticize other religious denominations.
Not freedom of religion. Freedom from the State who would create it's religion. I consider modern Democrats to be a form, of state run religion. OK how? They make the rules. We follow their rules. Few rules are made by Republicans since it is not their nature to make rules. We fight against high taxes for instance. we fight against rule by Government. We work to protect Americans.
Have you read the account by Lee? He was there. I am not big on diversion tactics. So when you want to discuss this issue, let me know.

I have been a Mormon since the early 1950s and you lie about them to my face. I know them. You just insult them.

I think Lee is one would call an "unreliable narrator"

I only met Mormons once, and frankly, I wouldn't turn my back on one of you.

I’m not the bother person. That’s you. Why do you attack religion and believers? We aren’t trying to force anything on you. But we won’t be silent when you personally attack with lies. And when you are educated that you are wrong you refuse to admit it. That’s a horrible person.

You mean other than when you want to ban abortions or gay marriage or anything else you think displeases your imaginary sky friend?

I'm sorry your cult leaders have been lying to you your whole life.
I think Lee is one would call an "unreliable narrator"

I only met Mormons once, and frankly, I wouldn't turn my back on one of you.

You mean other than when you want to ban abortions or gay marriage or anything else you think displeases your imaginary sky friend?

I'm sorry your cult leaders have been lying to you your whole life.
Another way to express "banning abortions" is "saving lives." I don't care about gay people marrying. That's their problem. But, when they start forcing Christians to go against their beliefs to bake cakes, then it is certainly appropriate to object. Well, you didn't do very well this time.
I think Lee is one would call an "unreliable narrator"

I only met Mormons once, and frankly, I wouldn't turn my back on one of you.
Lee had no illusions he would stay alive that day he left behind his story.
Lee met many of the Mormons then in Utah and in his time frame.
Mormons are excellent people. We are not a cult. We are honest. You have been told the truth by me. When you learn it seems likely you will be in that area a lot of christians call hell.
Another way to express "banning abortions" is "saving lives." I don't care about gay people marrying. That's their problem. But, when they start forcing Christians to go against their beliefs to bake cakes, then it is certainly appropriate to object. Well, you didn't do very well this time.
Homosexuals engaging in fake marriage in no way is over Abortions. Abortions is the direct killing of humans in the earliest phases of their lives. It is executions.
Another way to express "banning abortions" is "saving lives." I don't care about gay people marrying. That's their problem. But, when they start forcing Christians to go against their beliefs to bake cakes, then it is certainly appropriate to object. Well, you didn't do very well this time.

You're kind of proving my point.

You think fetuses are people (even though the law doesn't recognize them as such and never has, not even in the Mosiac Law), so you want to impose your views on the rest of us.

You also think there should be an exemption in the law to refuse someone's service if you don't agree with their lifestyle.

So last year I married the love of my life. The thing is, I'm white, and she's Asian. Within my lifetime, that was illegal in some parts of the country. So riddle me this, Batman: should someone have been allowed to refuse to bake us a wedding cake because they don't believe in the mixing of the races?
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
Where does the kid diddling fit in with your hypothesis?
You mean other than when you want to ban abortions or gay marriage or anything else you think displeases your imaginary sky friend?
The Devil does not mind adults killing children who have yet to be born. But It does not please GOD. Marriages are for a man to a woman. Even the law can't change that. My sky friend is sure my friend. Which is why I speak kindly of GOD.
You're kind of proving my point.

You think fetuses are people (even though the law doesn't recognize them as such and never has, not even in the Mosiac Law), so you want to impose your views on the rest of us.

You also think there should be an exemption in the law to refuse someone's service if you don't agree with their lifestyle.

So last year I married the love of my life. The thing is, I'm white, and she's Asian. Within my lifetime, that was illegal in some parts of the country. So riddle me this, Batman: should someone have been allowed to refuse to bake us a wedding cake because they don't believe in the mixing of the races?
You on the other hand do not believe humans have a point of them starting and only see them when born. So your wife is Asian. Asians are also Mormons.
A Home-Centered, Church-Supported Approach
We counsel parents and children to give highest priority to family prayer, family home evening, gospel study and instruction, and wholesome family activities. However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be, they must not be permitted to displace the divinely-appointed duties that only parents and families can adequately perform.
January 1, 2023

Lee had no illusions he would stay alive that day he left behind his story.
Lee met many of the Mormons then in Utah and in his time frame.
Mormons are excellent people. We are not a cult. We are honest. You have been told the truth by me. When you learn it seems likely you will be in that area a lot of christians call hell.

Yeah, guy, I met some Mormons in 1983 (not to soon after my Mom died. All the really bad stuff that happened to me happened in 1983) Frankly, I found them to be the most duplicitous, back-stabbing MFers I ever met in my life. And that was before I knew all the crazy shit you believe like the Celestial Heaven and Magic Underwear and baptizing dead people.

Homosexuals engaging in fake marriage in no way is over Abortions. Abortions is the direct killing of humans in the earliest phases of their lives. It is executions.

No, it's a minor medical procedure.

But getting back to the gays. I've known gay people who are some of the most decent folks I've ever met and their relationships are a lot more sincere than, let's say, Donald Trump cheating on this third wife with a porn star because he has an iron-clad prenup.

The Devil does not mind adults killing children who have yet to be born. But It does not please GOD. Marriages are for a man to a woman. Even the law can't change that. My sky friend is sure my friend. Which is why I speak kindly of GOD.
If you need to quake in fear of an imaginary sky pixie, that's on you.

God has killed millions of babies, according to the bible (and I would assume millions of fetuses as well.) The great flood, the plagues on Egypt.

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