Zone1 A Brief History of modern Christianity, Catholic v Protestant

You asked me what I thought it means. I responded that I think it means what the Church said it means. I've previously given a link to the Church's definition. So I absolutely did answer your question. If you're too lazy to click a link then that's not my problem.
Which doesn't tell me what YOU think it means. So without you stating your perception of what you think the Church thinks it means, I'll never know what you think it means.
Because they did. Not sure if you're being dishonest or ignorant.
I am sure it is you who are mistaken. Indulgences were never for sale. Basically, Indulgences were applied after sins had been forgiven. They could not be used to work off "time" in purgatory, etc., because they were reparation for secular or worldly injury sin had caused to another or others that were beyond making personal restitution. Catholics trust in God's ability to make good the bad sinfulness enables, so most Indulgences were in the form of prayer. Works of charity might also be offered--feeding, clothing, sheltering the poor. Monetary donations could be given to schools or charitable organizations. Luther--among other Catholic priests--objected when one bishop offered indulgences for gift contributions to his building fund. In fact, so many within the church objected, that in 1567, the Pope forbade indulgences being granted for any monetary offering. Prayers and other works of charity remained.
Brief history lesson

For 1521 years, there was only ONE Christian Church in the world.

There still is only ONE because that's how many Jesus established on Earth. We know Jesus did not establish 60,000 or even 10,000 or even 5 Churches.. No, that would not make sense. That is not something an all-wise and loving God would do. That would cause confusion and chaos and God is not a God of chaos.

So along comes Martin Luther in the 16th century who had issues with the Church and I supposed some of those issues were valid (it'ss questionable) but as happens with humans... Once he got an audience and people egging him on in his rebellion, he took things to an extreme, possibly to get attention (to "be somebody").

Out go the altars, out goes the priest facing said altar during Mass.. out go those hideous statues everyone worships.. out go the Original teachings on how to be saved! No, Luther, human being has the TRUE answers, Everyone!

So then things began to fall apart. People began hating the RCC because Luther said it was bad. And Luther was to be trusted over the 1500 year old Church Christ founded.

Don't ask me why... I guess it was a confusing time...

Some people stayed Catholic but in time they were persecuted and priests were hunted down and killed. Of course, you won't hear this history from a protestant!

So people didn't want to be persecuted so they began to mosey over to the Protestant "churches." I especially speak of England where the once-Catholic Henry VIII ditched the True Church and became a Protestant because he wanted to be with Ann Bolyen or however it is spelled, and she wouldn't sleep with him w/o being married. So then Henry rebelled against the Church who said he couldn't divorce his wife and marry Anne and that's how Henry became a Protestant and then as we know, he had Anne Boleyn's head cut off. Then Henry had St Thomas More's head cut off and a lot of other folks.. lovely beginning for the Church of England, right?

But no... Only Catholics have a checkered past... (to hear/tell)

So, that's Brief Lesson One of modern Church history
Well, the Catholics slaughtered the French Huguenots and they fled to England, Switzerland and Amsterdam circa 1572.
Brief history lesson

For 1521 years, there was only ONE Christian Church in the world.

There still is only ONE because that's how many Jesus established on Earth. We know Jesus did not establish 60,000 or even 10,000 or even 5 Churches.. No, that would not make sense. That is not something an all-wise and loving God would do. That would cause confusion and chaos and God is not a God of chaos.

So along comes Martin Luther in the 16th century who had issues with the Church and I supposed some of those issues were valid (it'ss questionable) but as happens with humans... Once he got an audience and people egging him on in his rebellion, he took things to an extreme, possibly to get attention (to "be somebody").

Out go the altars, out goes the priest facing said altar during Mass.. out go those hideous statues everyone worships.. out go the Original teachings on how to be saved! No, Luther, human being has the TRUE answers, Everyone!

So then things began to fall apart. People began hating the RCC because Luther said it was bad. And Luther was to be trusted over the 1500 year old Church Christ founded.

Don't ask me why... I guess it was a confusing time...

Some people stayed Catholic but in time they were persecuted and priests were hunted down and killed. Of course, you won't hear this history from a protestant!

So people didn't want to be persecuted so they began to mosey over to the Protestant "churches." I especially speak of England where the once-Catholic Henry VIII ditched the True Church and became a Protestant because he wanted to be with Ann Bolyen or however it is spelled, and she wouldn't sleep with him w/o being married. So then Henry rebelled against the Church who said he couldn't divorce his wife and marry Anne and that's how Henry became a Protestant and then as we know, he had Anne Boleyn's head cut off. Then Henry had St Thomas More's head cut off and a lot of other folks.. lovely beginning for the Church of England, right?

But no... Only Catholics have a checkered past... (to hear/tell)

So, that's Brief Lesson One of modern Church history

Catholics certainly persecuted the Huguenots and the Cathars.

The Thirty Years' War, which spanned from 1618 to 1648, was primarily a religious conflict fought between Catholic and Protestant states in central Europe, primarily within the Holy Roman Empire, making it a major war centered around religious differences between the two faiths; although political motivations also played a significant role as the war progressed.

Key points about the 30 Years' War and religion:

Catholic vs. Protestant:
The core conflict was between the Catholic Habsburg dynasty, who sought to enforce Catholicism, and Protestant princes within the Holy Roman Empire.

Start of the conflict:
The war began with the "Defenestration of Prague," where Protestant nobles threw Catholic representatives out of a window, sparking tensions.
You said that for 1521 years there was one Christian church in the world. That's factually untrue. The Protestant revolution was hundreds of years after the Great Schism.
Again, the orthodox did NOT ditch all that is Catholic. Luther totally divided the Church into Catholic and Protestant. The orthodox do not call themselves protestant.

It's unbelievable how hostile protestants are to TRUTH. If it comes from a Catholic, it is not truth, according to them. How utterly narrow minded and IGNORANT.

They don't even bother to know what Catholicism REALLY teaches (which again, they will not find in the Vatican. You have to dig deeper. Seek and you will find, Jesus said)

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