Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
I suggest you study Emperor Constantine who was a Roman ruler. Constantine is the father of the Catholic Church. Christ had gone back to Heaven some 300 years earlier.
I suggest you study Emperor Constantine who was a Roman ruler. Constantine is the father of the Catholic Church. Christ had gone back to Heaven some 300 years earlier.
just another myth

It is really sad that most people believe lies..

The Catholic Church is the most lied about "thing" in all history.

I don't know but since Jesus is Truth itself.. and so many people choose to believe lies.. makes sense most people would go to Hell as Jesus did in fact say...

sad thing
Brief history lesson

For 1521 years, there was only ONE Christian Church in the world.

There still is only ONE because that's how many Jesus established on Earth. We know Jesus did not establish 60,000 or even 10,000 or even 5 Churches.. No, that would not make sense. That is not something an all-wise and loving God would do. That would cause confusion and chaos and God is not a God of chaos.

So along comes Martin Luther in the 16th century who had issues with the Church and I supposed some of those issues were valid (it'ss questionable) but as happens with humans... Once he got an audience and people egging him on in his rebellion, he took things to an extreme, possibly to get attention (to "be somebody").

Out go the altars, out goes the priest facing said altar during Mass.. out go those hideous statues everyone worships.. out go the Original teachings on how to be saved! No, Luther, human being has the TRUE answers, Everyone!

So then things began to fall apart. People began hating the RCC because Luther said it was bad. And Luther was to be trusted over the 1500 year old Church Christ founded.

Don't ask me why... I guess it was a confusing time...

Some people stayed Catholic but in time they were persecuted and priests were hunted down and killed. Of course, you won't hear this history from a protestant!

Who wants to be persecuted? So people began to mosey over to the Protestant "churches." I especially speak of England where the once-Catholic Henry VIII ditched the True Church and became a Protestant because he wanted to be with Ann Boleyn or however it is spelled, and she wouldn't sleep with him w/o being married. I believe she was also Catholic. Most people in those days were. So then Henry rebelled against the Church who said he couldn't divorce his wife and marry Anne and that's how Henry became a Protestant and then as we know, he later had Anne Boleyn's head cut off. Then Henry had St Thomas More's head cut off and a lot of other folks.. lovely beginning for the Church of England, right?

But no... Only Catholics have a checkered past... (to hear/tell)

So, that's Lesson One of modern Church history
Brief history lesson

For 1521 years, there was only ONE Christian Church in the world.

There still is only ONE because that's how many Jesus established on Earth. We know Jesus did not establish 60,000 or even 10,000 or even 5 Churches.. No, that would not make sense. That is not something an all-wise and loving God would do. That would cause confusion and chaos and God is not a God of chaos.

So along comes Martin Luther in the 16th century who had issues with the Church and I supposed some of those issues were valid (it'ss questionable) but as happens with humans... Once he got an audience and people egging him on in his rebellion, he took things to an extreme, possibly to get attention (to "be somebody").

Out go the altars, out goes the priest facing said altar during Mass.. out go those hideous statues everyone worships.. out go the Original teachings on how to be saved! No, Luther, human being has the TRUE answers, Everyone!

So then things began to fall apart. People began hating the RCC because Luther said it was bad. And Luther was to be trusted over the 1500 year old Church Christ founded.

Don't ask me why... I guess it was a confusing time...

Some people stayed Catholic but in time they were persecuted and priests were hunted down and killed. Of course, you won't hear this history from a protestant!

So people didn't want to be persecuted so they began to mosey over to the Protestant "churches." I especially speak of England where the once-Catholic Henry VIII ditched the True Church and became a Protestant because he wanted to be with Ann Bolyen or however it is spelled, and she wouldn't sleep with him w/o being married. So then Henry rebelled against the Church who said he couldn't divorce his wife and marry Anne and that's how Henry became a Protestant and then as we know, he had Anne Boleyn's head cut off. Then Henry had St Thomas More's head cut off and a lot of other folks.. lovely beginning for the Church of England, right?

But no... Only Catholics have a checkered past... (to hear/tell)

So, that's Lesson One of modern Church history
For 1521 years, there was only ONE Christian Church in the world.

Really? The Eastern Orthodox Church would like to have a word! You also leave out the Arians, Monophystes and other movements that didn't accept the Catholic/Orthodox view on things.

There still is only ONE because that's how many Jesus established on Earth. We know Jesus did not establish 60,000 or even 10,000 or even 5 Churches.. No, that would not make sense. That is not something an all-wise and loving God would do. That would cause confusion and chaos and God is not a God of chaos.
Have you looked at the world?

So along comes Martin Luther in the 16th century who had issues with the Church and I supposed some of those issues were valid (it'ss questionable) but as happens with humans... Once he got an audience and people egging him on in his rebellion, he took things to an extreme, possibly to get attention (to "be somebody").

Uh, a Church that worked for German people instead of Austrians wasn't exactly radical. A lot of Germans actually liked that.

Don't ask me why... I guess it was a confusing time...

Some people stayed Catholic but in time they were persecuted and priests were hunted down and killed. Of course, you won't hear this history from a protestant!

Actually, the Catholics did far more oppressing. Ever hear of Bloody Mary? Or the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? The Spanish Inquisition?

Who wants to be persecuted? So people began to mosey over to the Protestant "churches." I especially speak of England where the once-Catholic Henry VIII ditched the True Church and became a Protestant because he wanted to be with Ann Boleyn or however it is spelled, and she wouldn't sleep with him w/o being married. I believe she was also Catholic. Most people in those days were. So then Henry rebelled against the Church who said he couldn't divorce his wife and marry Anne and that's how Henry became a Protestant and then as we know, he later had Anne Boleyn's head cut off. Then Henry had St Thomas More's head cut off and a lot of other folks.. lovely beginning for the Church of England, right?

Again, Bloody Mary. People murdering each other to pacify an imaginary sky pixie is a little silly.

I think you don't really understand why the English Reformation happened. It happened because by the time of Henry VIII, the Church owned half the land in Europe, engaged in all manner of corruption. And they could have kept doing it, all they had to do was grant Henry his very sensible ask for an annulment. They gave one to his sister. But his soon-to-be ex-wife's nephew had an army double parked outside Rome, and the Pope was immune to the usual bribes to shake down people for annulments.

So, that's Lesson One of modern Church history

If you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.
Oh, wait.. Why did I post that History Lesson?

80% of people here have attention deficit disorder...

can only handle 2 or 3 short paragraphs
Oh, wait.. Why did I post that History Lesson?

80% of people here have attention deficit disorder...

can only handle 2 or 3 short paragraphs

I'm afraid that you're just exposing yourself to more hate.

I just keep my mouth shut and pray for them -- all of them. The ones who hate me the most, I pray for the hardest.


I'm afraid that you're just exposing yourself to more hate.

I just keep my mouth shut and pray for them -- all of them. The ones who hate me the most, I pray for the hardest.

I don't care if people hate me. I'm used to it.

they hate a straw man, though... The person they hate doesn't exist but oh well.

The Catholic Church that most people seem to believe in (most non Catholics, that is) does not exist.

I think it was Bishop Fulton Sheen who said Not 100 people hate the Catholic Church, but only what they think is the CC

so true... but it is disturbing that so many people are so abysmally clueless about what Catholicism even is..

VERY disturbing!

So yeh.. you are right to pray and pray hard...
just another myth

It is really sad that most people believe lies..

The Catholic Church is the most lied about "thing" in all history.

I don't know but since Jesus is Truth itself.. and so many people choose to believe lies.. makes sense most people would go to Hell as Jesus did in fact say...

sad thing
It does not harm Catholics that they learn the truth about who founded the church they attend. I notice you do not mention Emperor Constantine so I will help you do it.

Francis Marsden
Studied Philosophy and Theology (Graduated 1985)
· Updated Mon

No. What you say is utter nonsense. The Catholic Church predated Constantine by about 280 years. Catholic simply means universal. Ignatius of Antioch first referred to the Church as Catholic in 107 AD. So did Irenaeus c.180 AD.
Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire in 313AD by the Edict of Milan.
He did not make Christianity the State religion. He himself was not baptized until a few weeks before his death in 337 AD. In Rome in 313 AD he gifted the Lateran Palace to the bishop, Pope St Sylvester. It had been the barracks for the bodyguard soldiers of his defeated enemy Maxentius
… (more)
Francis Marsden
Studied Philosophy and Theology (Graduated 1985)
· Updated Mon

No. What you say is utter nonsense. The Catholic Church predated Constantine by about 280 years. Catholic simply means universal. Ignatius of Antioch first referred to the Church as Catholic in 107 AD. So did Irenaeus c.180 AD.
Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire in 313AD by the Edict of Milan.
He did not make Christianity the State religion. He himself was not baptized until a few weeks before his death in 337 AD. In Rome in 313 AD he gifted the Lateran Palace to the bishop, Pope St Sylvester. It had been the barracks for the bodyguard soldiers of his defeated enemy Maxentius
… (more)
thanks for this..

nice to hear some truth about the RCC
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...

A difficult argument to make.

Morals have changed because of MONEY. The more money people have the less they need the "morals" of the church. Catholics... I mean, the mafia were Catholic.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
Well, let's look at the history of the Catholic Church. Dungeons and dragons, stretch racks, torture chambers, buddy buddy with communist regimes and approving of mass killings and inquisitions. We could go on and on but all we have to do now is look at the current Pope in bed with global warming fruitcakes and population control freaks, hiding child molesters for centuries and even promoting it. Please with your "True Church" and attacking those who rejected all that for individual freedom to worship as they may. Moral. LOL!

With that said, it seems the RCC has reversed course in many ways. But, there seems to be quite a schism in the Church based on where it is located. There are many liberal RCC churches that promote homosexual behavior and other issues as well. The people, like yourself, are mostly good people that do good things around the world. But, blaming everything on Protestants? LOL!
Well, let's look at the history of the Catholic Church. Dungeons and dragons, stretch racks, torture chambers, buddy buddy with communist regimes and approving of mass killings and inquisitions. We could go on and on but all we have to do now is look at the current Pope in bed with global warming fruitcakes and population control freaks, hiding child molesters for centuries and even promoting it. Please with your "True Church" and attacking those who rejected all that for individual freedom to worship as they may. Moral. LOL!

And how is your deranged cult any better? Smith and Young with their Child Brides, the Mountain Meadow Massacre, the Kirtland Bank fraud,

The Catholic Church does far more good than the Mormon Cult does.
And how is your deranged cult any better? Smith and Young with their Child Brides, the Mountain Meadow Massacre, the Kirtland Bank fraud,

The Catholic Church does far more good than the Mormon Cult does.
I read up on the Mountain Meadow massacre and it is very complicated. The group killed off were against the Mormons. They wanted to get rid of all Mormons. When they were killed off, only one man was executed for the crime.
And how is your deranged cult any better? Smith and Young with their Child Brides, the Mountain Meadow Massacre, the Kirtland Bank fraud,

The Catholic Church does far more good than the Mormon Cult does.
Joseph didn't have child brides. It is illegal to have more than one wife in the U.S. and he was never charged with that. What happened, and you can read up on it by the girl herself that she was "Sealed" to Joseph Smith. Marriage is a manmade construct and Sealing is Heavenly constructed. They never had sex either and she testified to that many times. Even when she was old and dying. So, that's the end of that.
Mountain Meadow Massacre was done by members of the Church, not directed by the Church President. And, the Kirtland Bank account is like banks today that go under. Banks today are broke. Go ask for $50,000 and see how long it takes for them to get you the money.
Now, back to the Catholic Church, Popes have been wicked and even killed others to become Pope. It's in their history. Popes are supposed to be like Prophets, messengers from God. So, that ends that nonsense too.
So, let's look at what the Church does for its members and non-members. Just look at the massive welfare program the LDS Church has been able to develop in just a few decades. The Catholic Church has been able to steal gold and silver from all over the world for 1500 years. They have over a billion members, most of them forced to become members or die. So, of course they can do "more" because they have "more" to work with. We do plenty to help the poor and the needy in the Church and outside the Church. Other Churches are always noting how we help the way we can and ask for assistance too. The LDS Church has only 18 million people compared to over a billion Catholic people.
As I wrote in another post, the LDS Church welfare actually uses the Catholic Charities distribution program to get welfare goods and services to many parts of the world because of their ability to do this without the major corruption of other organizations.

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