Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

This is a perfect example of someone who hates. Someone who commits the sin of breaking the 1st great commandment of thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Not one statement is a statement of love. It shows hatred towards women and children. In the law, a child is not a person. Yet you use the law to justify killing children. All while championing the transitioning of children without parent's consent. The illogic of the left is deafening. And that's why today the left is cancelled.

Um, except the right keeps losing elections...

The funny thing is, Jesus didn't have the first Commandment, the first Commandment is that you aren't allowed to worship other Gods. In fact, the Abrahamic God is pretty keen on making sure you grovel in front of him, all the time.

In the law, a child certainly is a person. A fetus is not.

Some people are transgender. Sorry, they just are. Very few of them get gender-affirming care, which is unfortunate, because it provides proven benefits.

The lady genocidal killer is a liar. Yes, there were backroom abortions. Not at the rate you claim. And, of course the birthrate didn't drop. There were more and more people. More and more babies being born too that offset the blood thirst to kill their children. A wicked and adulterous generation we became on that dark day in 1973. Those supporting it and involved with it have their day in hell coming. The easy way to not think it will happen is just say there is no God and no judgment day coming. Irrational is today also cancelled.

I think you are a little confused.

The birth rate DID Drop in 1965, when the birth control pill became available and the baby boom ended.
It did NOT drop further when Roe v. Wade ended all the abortion laws in the states.
Why? Because by 1973, the Abortion laws were about as meaningful as the prostitution or drug laws. Sure, it was against the law, but the laws were considered stupid and everyone ignored them.

The court probably thought they were just snuffing out unworkable laws. They didn't count on how the religious crazies would use that to get people riled up.
Ya, this guy is an excommunicated member who probably thought he is god and still does. He got his feelings hurt because he got caught doing something on campus he shouldn't have like having sex and the girl got pregnant or something like that. It's in his writings.

Never said I was on the campus.

And I certainly wasn't a member of your deranged cult. (Anyone who has followed my writings knows I was brought up in a Catholic neighborhood in Chicago).

I wish I had time on campus to knock girls up... but I was too busy working two minimum wage jobs, serving in the Illinois National Guard, and dealing with both parents having terminal illnesses when I was in college. And somehow, I got through all of that, and the only thing I really lost during that time is religion, and I'm better off for it.
Ex communication should be VISIBLE when the sin is egregious (mortal)

like when someone claims to be Catholic, is "working for the public" (ha ha.. what a joke) and is promoting abortion up to the 9th month

(although ALL abortion is murder)
1. Um, except the right keeps losing elections...

Not in 2016, 2000, 2004 and we could go back further with wins. Same is true with Congress too.

2. The funny thing is, Jesus didn't have the first Commandment, the first Commandment is that you aren't allowed to worship other Gods. In
fact, the Abrahamic God is pretty keen on making sure you grovel in front of him, all the time.

You missed the point of why he gave two commandments. The question posed was to trap him into a debate that would not end. So, he confounded them by putting the first few into one about loving the Lord thy God. Then he put the rest because they were about loving your neighbor as yourself. You kept sleeping during Sunday School when this was discussed over and over. Had you followed just these two commandments, you would not be with one foot in outer darkness.

3. In the law, a child certainly is a person. A fetus is not.

Not the Law of Christ. We have prophets today that have raised the Law of Christ to the Law of Consecration and even higher. Today, it's clear that an unborn baby is a human being with the rights of the 2nd great commandment. To not cause pain and suffering of the unborn but to love it. There are a couple of exemptions with rape-incest and the health of the mother. But not because of inconvenience.

4. Some people are transgender. Sorry, they just are. Very few of them get gender-affirming care, which is unfortunate, because it provides
proven benefits.

No one is transgender. You are either male or female. Those that have physical deformities that cloud this are still not transgender. Transgender is a mental disorder classified in psychology science. "Gender-affirming care" is a deranged word construct of deranged Frankenstein garbage. There is nothing caring about it. It's pure mutilation. And, it has not reduced suicides. it has increased suicides. It's caused more physical problems and mental problems. It has no proven benefits.

5. The birth rate DID Drop in 1965, when the birth control pill became available and the baby boom ended.
It did NOT drop further when Roe v. Wade ended all the abortion laws in the states.
Why? Because by 1973, the Abortion laws were about as meaningful as the prostitution or drug laws. Sure, it was against the law, but the laws were considered stupid and everyone ignored them.

The fertility rate of the generations after the baby boomers dropped as a result of demographic changes such as increasing divorce and separation rates, female labor force participation, and rapid technological change. Women entered into the labor force and began to delay having children and the amount of children based on incomes of families. Multiplying money became more important than multiplying and replenishing the earth. The means to assist this was forms of birth control like condoms and the pill. It wasn't the reason. And then the wicked chose another way for birth control, abortions. To justify this, they had to make a law justifying it. But, not a law of God nor anything good.

6. The court probably thought they were just snuffing out unworkable laws. They didn't count on how the religious crazies would use that to get people riled up.

As far as thinking laws are stupid, some are and some aren't. Protecting the unborn is smart and the right thing to do. Spirit children of Heavenly Father, our brothers and sisters, are wanting to come down and receive bodies. As far as drug laws, we see now what happens when we let druggies sell and use the drugs. We have lots of homeless people crapping on the sidewalks, using out in public leaving dirty needles all over and we have lots more violent crimes going on. Taking users and pushers off the streets lowers the likelihood of crimes and disease to spread. Same with prostitution as drug problems follow prostitution like peanut butter and chocolate. Keep them off the street and there is less crime and violence.
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Never said I was on the campus.

And I certainly wasn't a member of your deranged cult. (Anyone who has followed my writings knows I was brought up in a Catholic neighborhood in Chicago).

I wish I had time on campus to knock girls up... but I was too busy working two minimum wage jobs, serving in the Illinois National Guard, and dealing with both parents having terminal illnesses when I was in college. And somehow, I got through all of that, and the only thing I really lost during that time is religion, and I'm better off for it.
Yet, you have an obsession with hatred of others who don't believe in your non-beliefs. Your soul is full of hatred. You are not better off.
1. Um, except the right keeps losing elections...

Not in 2016, 2000, 2004 and we could go back further with wins. Same is true with Congress too.

Uh, you guys lost in 2000 and 2016. YOu didn't win the election, you STOLE it. 2004, I guess you can call 'Legitimate", if you think drumming up war hysteria is "legitimate".

You missed the point of why he gave two commandments. The question posed was to trap him into a debate that would not end. So, he confounded them by putting the first few into one about loving the Lord thy God. Then he put the rest because they were about loving your neighbor as yourself. You kept sleeping during Sunday School when this was discussed over and over. Had you followed just these two commandments, you would not be with one foot in outer darkness.

We didn't have Sunday School in Catholic Schools, we had religion class. What I remember about is the old shrivelled lesbians in habits showing us Fetus Porn and screaming about how all the babies needed to drown because they were wicked.

Not the Law of Christ. We have prophets today that have raised the Law of Christ to the Law of Consecration and even higher. Today, it's clear that an unborn baby is a human being with the rights of the 2nd great commandment. To not cause pain and suffering of the unborn but to love it. There are a couple of exemptions with rape-incest and the health of the mother. But not because of inconvenience.

NOt really. A lot of religions are pro-choice. Even your deranged cult is more open to abortion than the Catholics are.

Fetuses don't feel pain, because the nerve receptors aren't turned on until the 20th week.

No one is transgender. You are either male or female. Those that have physical deformities that cloud this are still not transgender. Transgender is a mental disorder classified in psychology science. "Gender-affirming care" is a deranged word construct of deranged Frankenstein garbage. There is nothing caring about it. It's pure mutilation. And, it has not reduced suicides. it has increased suicides. It's caused more physical problems and mental problems. It has no proven benefits.

1) Gender-affirming care reduces suicide iteration. This has been proven.

2) 50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness. 100 Years ago, women were accused of having "Hysteria" when they didn't act the way their men wanted them to. This too, shall pass. When medical science realizes that "I think it's icky and God says it's bad" aren't sound science, then gender dysphoria will be recognized as another form of sexuality.

The fertility rate of the generations after the baby boomers dropped as a result of demographic changes such as increasing divorce and separation rates, female labor force participation, and rapid technological change. Women entered into the labor force and began to delay having children and the amount of children based on incomes of families. Multiplying money became more important than multiplying and replenishing the earth. The means to assist this was forms of birth control like condoms and the pill. It wasn't the reason. And then the wicked chose another way for birth control, abortions. To justify this, they had to make a law justifying it. But, not a law of God nor anything good.

You are avoiding the obvious, aren't you? Birth rates dropped in 1965 because birth control pills came on the market. They didn't stop having sex, even if they started delaying when they'd have kids. If anything people were probably having MORE sex after 1965, because of the sexual revolution.

Abortions, on the other hand, have been with us since ancient times.

Controlling population growth is the difference between a first world country and a third world country. China and India made efforts to control their population growth. This has allowed them to step up in the world. A high birth rate is a path to poverty.

As far as thinking laws are stupid, some are and some aren't. Protecting the unborn is smart and the right thing to do. Spirit children of Heavenly Father, our brothers and sisters, are wanting to come down and receive bodies.

Shit that reminds me of that joke from family guy.

As far as drug laws, we see now what happens when we let druggies sell and use the drugs. We have lots of homeless people crapping on the sidewalks, using out in public leaving dirty needles all over and we have lots more violent crimes going on. Taking users and pushers off the streets lowers the likelihood of crimes and disease to spread. Same with prostitution as drug problems follow prostitution like peanut butter and chocolate. Keep them off the street and there is less crime and violence.

Quite the opposite. Those things cause crime because they ARE illegal. We've legalized pot, we have a lot less problems with pot now. Nevada legalized prostitution. The women are well-compensated and disease free.

Making something people want illegal just makes it worse when the criminal element provides it. We all should have learned this lesson from Prohibition...


Fans cheered Capone, and booed Herbert Hoover.

Yet, you have an obsession with hatred of others who don't believe in your non-beliefs. Your soul is full of hatred. You are not better off.

If you kept your silly beliefs to yourself, we wouldn't have an issue. It's because you keep trying to impose yourself on the rest of us we have a problem.
Uh, you guys lost in 2000 and 2016. YOu didn't win the election, you STOLE it. 2004, I guess you can call 'Legitimate", if you think drumming up war hysteria is "legitimate".

We didn't have Sunday School in Catholic Schools, we had religion class. What I remember about is the old shrivelled lesbians in habits showing us Fetus Porn and screaming about how all the babies needed to drown because they were wicked.

NOt really. A lot of religions are pro-choice. Even your deranged cult is more open to abortion than the Catholics are.

Fetuses don't feel pain, because the nerve receptors aren't turned on until the 20th week.

1) Gender-affirming care reduces suicide iteration. This has been proven.

2) 50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness. 100 Years ago, women were accused of having "Hysteria" when they didn't act the way their men wanted them to. This too, shall pass. When medical science realizes that "I think it's icky and God says it's bad" aren't sound science, then gender dysphoria will be recognized as another form of sexuality.

You are avoiding the obvious, aren't you? Birth rates dropped in 1965 because birth control pills came on the market. They didn't stop having sex, even if they started delaying when they'd have kids. If anything people were probably having MORE sex after 1965, because of the sexual revolution.

Abortions, on the other hand, have been with us since ancient times.

Controlling population growth is the difference between a first world country and a third world country. China and India made efforts to control their population growth. This has allowed them to step up in the world. A high birth rate is a path to poverty.

Shit that reminds me of that joke from family guy.

Quite the opposite. Those things cause crime because they ARE illegal. We've legalized pot, we have a lot less problems with pot now. Nevada legalized prostitution. The women are well-compensated and disease free.

Making something people want illegal just makes it worse when the criminal element provides it. We all should have learned this lesson from Prohibition...

View attachment 952108
Fans cheered Capone, and booed Herbert Hoover.

If you kept your silly beliefs to yourself, we wouldn't have an issue. It's because you keep trying to impose yourself on the rest of us we have a problem.

You buy into these lies? Suicide is up in those with transgendered care. And just starting out with the stole thing is really sad hatred again. You lost those elections.
You buy into these lies? Suicide is up in those with transgendered care.

Wow, what a dishonest study. It compares transgender people to cisgendered people, not just transgendered study.

It's like saying Cancer patients are more likely to die from cancer than non- Cancer patients.

And just starting out with the stole thing is really sad hatred again. You lost those elections.

NO, our candidates got the most votes. That we are still using an anchronistic system to pick presidents that the people have clearly rejected is a problem.

TRump, Bush-43, and Hayes are rated as our worst presidents.
Wow, what a dishonest study. It compares transgender people to cisgendered people, not just transgendered study.

It's like saying Cancer patients are more likely to die from cancer than non- Cancer patients.

NO, our candidates got the most votes. That we are still using an anchronistic system to pick presidents that the people have clearly rejected is a problem.

TRump, Bush-43, and Hayes are rated as our worst presidents.
We don’t elect by popular vote. You lost.
The study is accurate and you just don’t want to admit you are clueless and a hateful individual.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...

Please learn about the Medieval Catholic church like indulgences and then we'll talk about the Reformation and Martin Luther.
Torture racks and much more…

Yes, the Inquisitions. Indulgences, for those unaware, were monies paid for sins the church could forgive--ahead of time. Wanna sleep with your neighbors wife? Well for some $$$ paid to your local Catholic Church you can do this and be forgiven.

"The one true church"....sure
Yes, the Inquisitions. Indulgences, for those unaware, were monies paid for sins the church could forgive--ahead of time. Wanna sleep with your neighbors wife? Well for some $$$ paid to your local Catholic Church you can do this and be forgiven.

"The one true church"....sure
I understand in other countries they still pay for indulgences. Mexico for one. I wonder if they do this in Rome too?
We don’t elect by popular vote. You lost.
The study is accurate and you just don’t want to admit you are clueless and a hateful individual.

The study didn't look at transgenders who have gotten care vs. transgenders who haven't gotten care.

It looked at transgenders who have gotten care vs. cisgenders who didn't need it, want it, or get it.

The people said NO to Trump. They said NO to Bush.

Nothing else matters. Their presidencies were illegitimate.
The study didn't look at transgenders who have gotten care vs. transgenders who haven't gotten care.

It looked at transgenders who have gotten care vs. cisgenders who didn't need it, want it, or get it.

The people said NO to Trump. They said NO to Bush.

Nothing else matters. Their presidencies were
That’s the correct way to make the study. The fact is those who changed their bodies are having higher rates of suicide. And, changing the body doesn’t change the problem. The problem is with the mind, not the body.
Of course, are you suggesting that a person’s spirit in the body has sex features too? That it’s true that our spirits came from heaven and entered our bodies and transgender people say they are in the wrong body? The LDS are correct? There is a God? When we die our spirits don’t? Atheistism is wrong?
The problem is with that is that mistake would not happen. No, any way you spin this it’s mental illness, not being in the wrong body.
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That’s the correct way to make the study. The fact is those who changed their bodies are having higher rates of suicide. And, changing the body doesn’t change the problem. The problem is with the mind, not the body.

Um, no, guy, the problem is that the mind doesn't match the body. This is why comparing transgender to cisgender is an invalid study method.

Of course, are you suggesting that a person’s spirit in the body has sex features too?

No, I am suggesting that the brains of transgender people are wired differently than cisgender people. And there's a lot of science to back this up.

Amount of science that backs up the Bible and the Book of Mormon? ZERO!!!

The problem is with that is that mistake would not happen. No, any way you spin this it’s mental illness, not being in the wrong body.
I could fill this page with children born with gross birth defects to debunk your theory that a loving God makes us. But that would be in poor taste.
Um, no, guy, the problem is that the mind doesn't match the body. This is why comparing transgender to cisgender is an invalid study method.

No, I am suggesting that the brains of transgender people are wired differently than cisgender people. And there's a lot of science to back this up.

Amount of science that backs up the Bible and the Book of Mormon? ZERO!!!

I could fill this page with children born with gross birth defects to debunk your theory that a loving God makes us. But that would be in poor taste.
No, the brains are fine. Wired correctly. Their minds are either mentally ill or they have a spirit in the wrong body. Mentally ill can be because of some trauma or themselves fooling their minds called a reprobate mind. See, they “feel” this just as believers feel the spirit of God. The difference is the believer doesn’t mutilate their body or allow wicked doctors to commit legalized mayhem on children and reprobate adults. That’s why the study is valid.
No, the brains are fine. Wired correctly. Their minds are either mentally ill or they have a spirit in the wrong body. Mentally ill can be because of some trauma or themselves fooling their minds called a reprobate mind. See, they “feel” this just as believers feel the spirit of God. The difference is the believer doesn’t mutilate their body or allow wicked doctors to commit legalized mayhem on children and reprobate adults. That’s why the study is valid.

Again, never apply religion to a scientific problem.

People mutilate their bodies all the time with hair transplants, breast augmentations, facelifts, liposuction, etc. My personal least favorite is Blephoroplatsies performed on Asian people, so their eyes look less Asian, but it's all the rage in Korea.

Gender-Affirming care has proven medical benefits.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...

Most of the organized crime in the U.S. was led by Catholic and Jewish ethnic groups. lol you're full of shit. Irish and Jews practically invented political and police corruption in the major cities. Congratulations.
Again, never apply religion to a scientific problem.

People mutilate their bodies all the time with hair transplants, breast augmentations, facelifts, liposuction, etc. My personal least favorite is Blephoroplatsies performed on Asian people, so their eyes look less Asian, but it's all the rage in Korea.

Gender-Affirming care has proven medical benefits.
No, there is no proven medical benefits. None. There maybe some temporary psychological benefits. But that is fleeting. There are plenty of documented cases of those who were mutilated speaking out about how wrong it is and wish they never were fooled into doing it.

There are some that mutilate themselves only to again, later wish they didn’t do it. Wished they went to a psychologist or psychiatrist instead. Gender affirming care is a made up term by sick people who love to mutilate people. Especially children. If you think it’s okay then you must be psychologically sick too. A sadist. Or, we really do have spirits and they ended up in the opposite sex from their spirit sex. Which is it?

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