Zone1 Great article on RCC Idolotry regarding statues/idols/Mary

Oh for heaven's sake. Anybody who sincerely attributes power to a statue or symbol or work of art is more than a bit off and probably needs psychiatric care.

But using a statue, symbol, prayer aid, work of art to focus your mind, thoughts, and prayers on what that object represents is in no way idolatry nor should it be discouraged.
i agree
God is clear. Abandon your stone gods Catholic

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water. You shall not bow down to them or worship them!
Your church doesn’t have a cross?
Because masses were in Latin, most people just sat there not understanding one word, and weren't allowed access to Bibles written in their own language, so they used pictures and statues. And because that was the only thing in church that the people understood, the pictures and statues became idols.

Like the Arc of the Covenant?

Pagan Bedouin carried their gods around from place to place in a box on a litter... usually a piece of a meteorite.
Sorry,but this is stupid as hell.
Now, you will tell us on no possible basis at all that the Jews on the same depicition commanded by GOD were totally faithful and later totally unfaithful but it had everything to do with God's depiction. MAKES NO SENSE>

Here are both in the Bible
God commands the depiction and it is rightfully used
, the Lord commands Moses to fashion a copper serpent and mount it on a pole. This command is surprising, because it seems to go against the Ten Commandments’ dictum not to make a “graven image” (Exod 20:4 RSV). Yet this image is not meant to be worshipped, but to be a means for the people to obtain divine aid.

Same depiction , exactly, wrongfully used.
Nehushtan (Heb. ןָּתְשֻחְנ) is the name of the copper serpent that King Hezekiah broke into pieces (II Kings 18:4). The name suggests both its serpentine shape (naḥash) as well as the material (neḥoshet) of which it was made. Since the smashing of the copper serpent parallels the shattering of the pillars and the cutting down of the Asherah (ibid.), it was probably located in the Temple court in Jerusalem. It was thus one of the cultic symbols of the people who assembled in the Temple courts. Like the local shrines (bamot), however, and like the two other objects named in the verse, it was illegitimate in the Deuteronomic view, in accordance with which Hezekiah abolished the former and destroyed the latter

Very weird story that a brass snake protected people from snakebites.
Oh for heaven's sake. Anybody who sincerely attributes power to a statue or symbol or work of art is more than a bit off and probably needs psychiatric care.

But using a statue, symbol, prayer aid, work of art to focus your mind, thoughts, and prayers on what that object represents is in no way idolatry nor should it be discouraged.
statues are works of art ….
I often think of that decorative sculpture with the Ten Commandments engraved on it that the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled must be removed from the state capitol because it was 'religious in nature.' It is 'religious in nature' only by those who choose to make it so. Otherwise it is historical in nature representing the Law and basis for the law and is simply a work of art. The Oklahoma Supreme Court seriously erred in my opinion by having it removed from the capitol grounds. "Lady Justice", the blind folded statue holding an evenly balanced scale is also of religious origins based on the Greek goddess Themis and Roman goddess Justitia, but again symbolic of what the law should be. But nobody objects to that statue being displayed anywhere.

The USA was founded by religious people who believed the Bible, moral values found in Christian teachings, and such to be the very foundation of a moral, law abiding, and just society. To deny artwork portraying that history or representing that history is simply misguided and misapplication of the Constitutional principle of freedom of religion. Those artistic renditions on display hold no more power or authority than do those used by the religious to focus their thoughts and prayers.
In a world where Christians are increasingly outnumbered, it's sad that some Christians continue their attacks on fellow Christians.
they arent Christians, because they dont trust and worship Jesus.
They worship sinful men, a false church building and many heretical false teachings sending billions to hell.
In a world where Christians are increasingly outnumbered, it's sad that some Christians continue their attacks on fellow Christians.

Meanwhile speak more anti-Christians in the name of god than Christians do. This stupid nonsense propaganda stinks by the way not less only because it is hundreds of years old.
they arent Christians, because they dont trust and worship Jesus.
They worship sinful men, a false church building and many heretical false teachings sending billions to hell.

And you think with a Swiss cheese full of holes - what could be an insult for this wonderful cheese.

What's the name of your gang?
Both will go away when ( soon , imho) their absurd monotheism is shown to be impossible .
I have as little regard for Judaism as Christianity with both based on a remarkable silly idea of God and both based on the vanity love of being a chosen group .
But imho .

I am absolutelly not astonished that you hate Jews, slave of Putin. Nevertheless do not forget to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers, Russian. Yesterday.
they arent Christians, because they dont trust and worship Jesus.
They worship sinful men, a false church building and many heretical false teachings sending billions to hell.
Who made you the arbiter of Christianity?
Protestant churches don't have Jesus on the cross.


made 975 AD, Cathedral in Cologne

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

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