Seriously, I blame Protestantism for just about all America's current woes

Yeah, guy, I met some Mormons in 1983 (not to soon after my Mom died. All the really bad stuff that happened to me happened in 1983) Frankly, I found them to be the most duplicitous, back-stabbing MFers I ever met in my life. And that was before I knew all the crazy shit you believe like the Celestial Heaven and Magic Underwear and baptizing dead people.

If you need to quake in fear of an imaginary sky pixie, that's on you.

God has killed millions of babies, according to the bible (and I would assume millions of fetuses as well.) The great flood, the plagues on Egypt.
Mormons did not harm you. I am very confident they did not harm you in any way. What is Magic underwear? Do you not wear underwear? If you say yes, why aren't they magic?
It is not GOD killing babies. Fetus simply means humans in the womb. If you have children, they had been fetuses as you have been. Do you propose if you could move into the past, your mom abort you?
And that was before I knew all the crazy shit you believe like the Celestial Heaven and Magic Underwear and baptizing dead people.
Your reasoning is scatter brained. Celestial heaven bothers you? Why, is it that you know you do not belong there? We only baptize for the dead that we get permission to do it. It is we love helping people get to Heaven. Clearly you don't want them to get to heaven.
No, it's a minor medical procedure.

But getting back to the gays. I've known gay people who are some of the most decent folks I've ever met and their relationships are a lot more sincere than, let's say, Donald Trump cheating on this third wife with a porn star because he has an iron-clad prenup.
When gays are Republicans are they decent? When they cheat, do you still love them?

Why do you exalt the prostitute to us? She is a star?
Homosexuals engaging in fake marriage in no way is over Abortions. Abortions is the direct killing of humans in the earliest phases of their lives. It is executions.
That was my point. Baby Killers want to force pro-life persons to allow for the killing of babies. I see banning abortions as saving lives of the unborn babies. I killed his argument.
You're kind of proving my point.

You think fetuses are people (even though the law doesn't recognize them as such and never has, not even in the Mosiac Law), so you want to impose your views on the rest of us.

You also think there should be an exemption in the law to refuse someone's service if you don't agree with their lifestyle.

So last year I married the love of my life. The thing is, I'm white, and she's Asian. Within my lifetime, that was illegal in some parts of the country. So riddle me this, Batman: should someone have been allowed to refuse to bake us a wedding cake because they don't believe in the mixing of the races?
And, you want to impose your views on pro-life people. That was my point. I look at limiting abortions to say "0" as saving lives. You see it as killing lives. Heartless. And yes, I'm not exempting them because of race, religion, sex or national origin. None of those matter rejecting to have to be force to participate in something I object to regardless if it is religion or not. Life style is not a protected class in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
Youre not Christ's church. You are a cheap immitation.
ah, I love the smell of flaming Mormons in the morning. Smells like... victory.

Mormons did not harm you. I am very confident they did not harm you in any way. What is Magic underwear? Do you not wear underwear? If you say yes, why aren't they magic?

Yeah, I was there and I say different. Let's just say that I was left with a life-long hatred of you people.

It is not GOD killing babies. Fetus simply means humans in the womb. If you have children, they had been fetuses as you have been. Do you propose if you could move into the past, your mom abort you?

Fetuses aren't babies. A fetus is a lump of tissue that is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed.

Your reasoning is scatter brained. Celestial heaven bothers you? Why, is it that you know you do not belong there? We only baptize for the dead that we get permission to do it. It is we love helping people get to Heaven. Clearly you don't want them to get to heaven.

Yeah, the Mormon Heaven where you get to rule your own planet is about as crazy as the Muslim who thinks he's going to get 76 virgins when he blows himself up.

When gays are Republicans are they decent? When they cheat, do you still love them?

Why do you exalt the prostitute to us? She is a star?

Gay Republicans are idiots. It's like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But I would say that about any group that aren't evil rich people. Nobody but them should be voting Republican. That's not really the top of this thread, though.

That was my point. Baby Killers want to force pro-life persons to allow for the killing of babies. I see banning abortions as saving lives of the unborn babies. I killed his argument.

Wow, wrong on so many levels.. First, an abortion ban wouldn't save any fetuses. They have the kinds of laws you want in the Philippines, and Filipinas have more abortions per capita than Americans.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

If you guys were serious about LESS abortions (something I could get behind because it's a decision I would rather most women wouldn't have to make) there are ways to get there. Easy access to contraception, comprehensive, science-based sex education, paid family leave, and universal health care.

Screaming Jesus at women and holding up pictures of medical waste isn't the answer, though.

And, you want to impose your views on pro-life people. That was my point. I look at limiting abortions to say "0" as saving lives. You see it as killing lives. Heartless. And yes, I'm not exempting them because of race, religion, sex or national origin. None of those matter rejecting to have to be force to participate in something I object to regardless if it is religion or not. Life style is not a protected class in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

No one is forcing you or your cult to have an abortion. If a Mormon Sow's only ambition in life is to pump out babies like a queen termite, I can totally support that as pathetic as it is.
ah, I love the smell of flaming Mormons in the morning. Smells like... victory.

Yeah, I was there and I say different. Let's just say that I was left with a life-long hatred of you people.

Fetuses aren't babies. A fetus is a lump of tissue that is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed.

Yeah, the Mormon Heaven where you get to rule your own planet is about as crazy as the Muslim who thinks he's going to get 76 virgins when he blows himself up.

Gay Republicans are idiots. It's like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But I would say that about any group that aren't evil rich people. Nobody but them should be voting Republican. That's not really the top of this thread, though.

Wow, wrong on so many levels.. First, an abortion ban wouldn't save any fetuses. They have the kinds of laws you want in the Philippines, and Filipinas have more abortions per capita than Americans.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

If you guys were serious about LESS abortions (something I could get behind because it's a decision I would rather most women wouldn't have to make) there are ways to get there. Easy access to contraception, comprehensive, science-based sex education, paid family leave, and universal health care.

Screaming Jesus at women and holding up pictures of medical waste isn't the answer, though.

No one is forcing you or your cult to have an abortion. If a Mormon Sow's only ambition in life is to pump out babies like a queen termite, I can totally support that as pathetic as it is.
Well this is a long drawn out post. First, the fact that you hate people tells me you have a real problem. Hate destroys anything good.
Fetuses are certainly babies. And, the size is unimportant. Except I guess to those with small penises and pea brains.
Let's compare the opportunity to receive Celestial Glory where we are given our own universe as Gods and Godesses. God did say we would inherit everything he has after all. The question is, how many wives will a man have in his universe to share with his wife(s)? That is to be determined later since very few of the hundred billion of his spirit children well earn exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom. And, the best thing is to get their, you have to be a very, very good person. One who doesn't hate and cause unrighteous violence and death. So, Muslims are polar opposite when they commit acts of hatred with terrorism.
Weird comment about gays not being able to vote republican? I know many that do. Why bring that up unless your hatred also extends to gay people too.
I wouldn't trust your statistics about abortion anywhere in the world. Abortion ban would save lives of many fetuses. Not sure why you would say anything different. I think there are maybe better ways to reduce abortions. First, strengthen the nuclear family by teaching to keep the Lord's commandments including love for one another. Not hate. There were definitely less abortions in the 1940s and 1950s when marriages stayed together. Especially with Black families. Fix the economics to allow more people to be able to afford large families earlier in their lives. Like it used to be before politicians started buying votes and growing the Government to the size it is today. Keep oil flowing so that the cost goes down and that helps keep inflation down. When people have money and aren't worried about having to have both parents working, they have bigger families. Less abortions. I'm sure there is much more that can be done as well. It starts with loving the Lord thy God with all our hearts, minds and strengths. Then, love our neighbors as our selves.
Actually, showing women and men what abortion looks like and what the fetus looks like does help women not go through with abortions. Also, making it easier and more affordable to adopt is also going to lower the number of abortions.
We aren't going to eliminate all abortions nor all sin and crimes. But, we can reduce crime, sin and abortions by adhering more to the laws and commandments of God and just common sense. The number of children a couple has isn't any of your business. I do believe they can be wise about such things if they ask God with real intent on whether to have more children. The Church teaches to do this as well as look at the mental situation of the wife and the husband. You really need to work on your obsession of hate.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...

Well this is a long drawn out post. First, the fact that you hate people tells me you have a real problem. Hate destroys anything good.

NOt at all. Some people deserve to be hated. Nazis. Racists. Pedophiles. Mormons. People who talk on their cell phones during a movie.

Fetuses are certainly babies. And, the size is unimportant. Except I guess to those with small penises and pea brains.

Um, except the law doesn't recognize them as "babies". They aren't counted on the census as babies, they aren't counted as dependents for tax purposes.

A fetus isn't viable, and dependent on the woman it is inside. You can't give a fetus "rights" without taking rights from the woman. Now, that might be okay in your deranged cult where a woman's only job is to make babies, but women outside your cult aren't going to put up with it.

Let's compare the opportunity to receive Celestial Glory where we are given our own universe as Gods and Godesses. God did say we would inherit everything he has after all. The question is, how many wives will a man have in his universe to share with his wife(s)? That is to be determined later since very few of the hundred billion of his spirit children well earn exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom. And, the best thing is to get their, you have to be a very, very good person. One who doesn't hate and cause unrighteous violence and death. So, Muslims are polar opposite when they commit acts of hatred with terrorism.

Yeah, guy, you describing it doesn't make it sound any less crazy.

Weird comment about gays not being able to vote republican? I know many that do. Why bring that up unless your hatred also extends to gay people too.

Not at all. I am sure there are Gays that vote Republican. People do a lot of stupid thing. Then they sit their scratching their big heads when the GOP demonizes them and strips away their rights. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

There were definitely less abortions in the 1940s and 1950s when marriages stayed together.

Um, actually, no, there weren't. Back in the 1940's and 50's, when a woman had an unexpected pregnancy, they all knew someone who could take care of that. It was a dirty little secret, even in the Catholic neighborhoods. You should read up on a woman named Ruth Barnett, who performed 69,000 abortions during a 50 year period between 1919 and 1969.

Here's how you can tell the reality. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973 when Roe struck down the abortion laws.

Especially with Black families. Fix the economics to allow more people to be able to afford large families earlier in their lives. Like it used to be before politicians started buying votes and growing the Government to the size it is today. Keep oil flowing so that the cost goes down and that helps keep inflation down. When people have money and aren't worried about having to have both parents working, they have bigger families. Less abortions. I'm sure there is much more that can be done as well. It starts with loving the Lord thy God with all our hearts, minds and strengths. Then, love our neighbors as our selves.

Wow, you are delusional, aren't you? You just think letting big corporations rape the rest of us will make things so much better. You guys have been singing that song since Ronnie Ray-gun, and you've brought us a declining middle class. You haven't made blacks richer, you've made white people poorer.

Actually, showing women and men what abortion looks like and what the fetus looks like does help women not go through with abortions. Also, making it easier and more affordable to adopt is also going to lower the number of abortions.

No, shaming a woman doesn't change her mind.

We aren't going to eliminate all abortions nor all sin and crimes. But, we can reduce crime, sin and abortions by adhering more to the laws and commandments of God and just common sense. The number of children a couple has isn't any of your business. I do believe they can be wise about such things if they ask God with real intent on whether to have more children. The Church teaches to do this as well as look at the mental situation of the wife and the husband. You really need to work on your obsession of hate.

Yeah, guy, I don't want to live in a world where religious assholes tell me how to live my life.

Shit, let's go all out. Next time you post on a Sunday, we need to drag you out of your house and stone you to death, just like God commanded.
ah, I love the smell of flaming Mormons in the morning. Smells like... victory.

Yeah, I was there and I say different. Let's just say that I was left with a life-long hatred of you people.

Fetuses aren't babies. A fetus is a lump of tissue that is the size of a kidney bean when most abortions are performed.

Yeah, the Mormon Heaven where you get to rule your own planet is about as crazy as the Muslim who thinks he's going to get 76 virgins when he blows himself up.

Gay Republicans are idiots. It's like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But I would say that about any group that aren't evil rich people. Nobody but them should be voting Republican. That's not really the top of this thread, though.

Wow, wrong on so many levels.. First, an abortion ban wouldn't save any fetuses. They have the kinds of laws you want in the Philippines, and Filipinas have more abortions per capita than Americans.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

If you guys were serious about LESS abortions (something I could get behind because it's a decision I would rather most women wouldn't have to make) there are ways to get there. Easy access to contraception, comprehensive, science-based sex education, paid family leave, and universal health care.

Screaming Jesus at women and holding up pictures of medical waste isn't the answer, though.

No one is forcing you or your cult to have an abortion. If a Mormon Sow's only ambition in life is to pump out babies like a queen termite, I can totally support that as pathetic as it is.
I doubt you know or knew any Mormons. Based on the way you talk to me and Cougar, it seems those you met were fake Mormons. It is interesting to read stuff by a devoted Abortionist.
NOt at all. Some people deserve to be hated. Nazis. Racists. Pedophiles. Mormons. People who talk on their cell phones during a movie.

Um, except the law doesn't recognize them as "babies". They aren't counted on the census as babies, they aren't counted as dependents for tax purposes.

A fetus isn't viable, and dependent on the woman it is inside. You can't give a fetus "rights" without taking rights from the woman. Now, that might be okay in your deranged cult where a woman's only job is to make babies, but women outside your cult aren't going to put up with it.

Yeah, guy, you describing it doesn't make it sound any less crazy.

Not at all. I am sure there are Gays that vote Republican. People do a lot of stupid thing. Then they sit their scratching their big heads when the GOP demonizes them and strips away their rights. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Um, actually, no, there weren't. Back in the 1940's and 50's, when a woman had an unexpected pregnancy, they all knew someone who could take care of that. It was a dirty little secret, even in the Catholic neighborhoods. You should read up on a woman named Ruth Barnett, who performed 69,000 abortions during a 50 year period between 1919 and 1969.

Here's how you can tell the reality. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973 when Roe struck down the abortion laws.

Wow, you are delusional, aren't you? You just think letting big corporations rape the rest of us will make things so much better. You guys have been singing that song since Ronnie Ray-gun, and you've brought us a declining middle class. You haven't made blacks richer, you've made white people poorer.

No, shaming a woman doesn't change her mind.

Yeah, guy, I don't want to live in a world where religious assholes tell me how to live my life.

Shit, let's go all out. Next time you post on a Sunday, we need to drag you out of your house and stone you to death, just like God commanded.
You accept the rules laid down to you by Democrats. And they do not help you get to Heaven.
I doubt you know or knew any Mormons. Based on the way you talk to me and Cougar, it seems those you met were fake Mormons.

Oh, quite the contrary, these were the flowering manhood of BYU's ROTC department. And a bunch of bigger backstabbing, two-faced mother fuckers I've never met in my life. (And that's saying a lot, because I've met a lot of backstabbing, two-faced mother fuckers.)

It is interesting to read stuff by a devoted Abortionist.

Hardly devoted, just pragmatic. I've never had an abortion (being a dude), paid for an abortion, caused a woman to need an abortion (because we always practiced contraception), performed an abortion, or encouraged anyone to get one.

The only time abortion has directly impacted my life was when a fellow NCO (a friend of mine until I got a better class of friend) knocked up his girlfriend and for some reason, she told me before she told him. (In the bad old days, I let people dump their problems on me, which I don't do anymore.)

Now, this girl was from a traditional Asian family, very Catholic, and she decided to have an abortion because at the end of the day, she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21. She had stopped taking birth control, she said, because she didn't like the way it made her feel, but I suspect she was trying to trap him into the marriage he promised, which never seemed to happen.

The kicker. A year later, she got back together with him, got knocked up again, and had another abortion because there is no education from the second kick of a mule.

Reality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way not to be pregnant. She will still make the same bad relationship choices and still fail to use birth control.

You accept the rules laid down to you by Democrats. And they do not help you get to Heaven.

There's no Heaven to get to, that's the point. So trying to appease an imaginary sky pixie to get into a place that doesn't exist is kind of silly.

That said, there's no reason why we shouldn't act like decent people and care about each other.
Oh, quite the contrary, these were the flowering manhood of BYU's ROTC department. And a bunch of bigger backstabbing, two-faced mother fuckers I've never met in my life. (And that's saying a lot, because I've met a lot of backstabbing, two-faced mother fuckers.)

Hardly devoted, just pragmatic. I've never had an abortion (being a dude), paid for an abortion, caused a woman to need an abortion (because we always practiced contraception), performed an abortion, or encouraged anyone to get one.

The only time abortion has directly impacted my life was when a fellow NCO (a friend of mine until I got a better class of friend) knocked up his girlfriend and for some reason, she told me before she told him. (In the bad old days, I let people dump their problems on me, which I don't do anymore.)

Now, this girl was from a traditional Asian family, very Catholic, and she decided to have an abortion because at the end of the day, she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21. She had stopped taking birth control, she said, because she didn't like the way it made her feel, but I suspect she was trying to trap him into the marriage he promised, which never seemed to happen.

The kicker. A year later, she got back together with him, got knocked up again, and had another abortion because there is no education from the second kick of a mule.

Reality- if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way not to be pregnant. She will still make the same bad relationship choices and still fail to use birth control.

There's no Heaven to get to, that's the point. So trying to appease an imaginary sky pixie to get into a place that doesn't exist is kind of silly.

That said, there's no reason why we shouldn't act like decent people and care about each other.
You got upset by some youth at BYU? Can't imagine what you did to create that problem.
But reading you daily gives me insight.
YES, women do refuse to use contraceptives and do get pregnant. But this is a centuries old problem. Heaven is not for you to think about. When you pass away you will then learn what it is about.
You got upset by some youth at BYU? Can't imagine what you did to create that problem.
Don't worry, I've gotten plenty of revenge since. I just wish I knew then what I know now about your sick, deranged cult.

But reading you daily gives me insight.
No, insight is when you learn something. I don't think you are capable, your brain has been too thoroughly washed by the cult.
YES, women do refuse to use contraceptives and do get pregnant.
Yes, they do. It's none of your fucking business.

But this is a centuries old problem.

And women have been having abortions for centuries. In fact, for most of history, abortion was handled by midwives, who would apply pressure to abort the pregnancy. (Usually for a woman who already had six kids she couldn't feed and didn't need another.)

Heaven is not for you to think about. When you pass away you will then learn what it is about.

Or more likely, I will cease to be like we all do.
Just assume for the sake of argument that the Catholic Church really is the True Church, the one and only founded by Christ Himself, as informed Catholics say.

I know it's hard for some, but just try to believe this for ONE second...

It only makes sense that going against Christ's True Church would have HORRIFIC consequences.

And so we look around us and-- there is HORRIFIC

everywhere... morals are in the ditch

the economy, ditto

And just look what Trump is going through with the fake court cases Stalin would be proud of!

It all came from rebellion.. Rebellion against Christ's Church is rebellion against God.

No wonder some Catholic here (can't recall handle name) said he prefers the Old Testament to the New.. I myself wouldn't say that, but...

sometimes I look nostalgically at... some things in the Old Testament.. like God not waiting very long to do Justice.. And most people do not appear to be terribly grateful for Him waiting on them either...
Catholic cultists are getting extra crispy in hell.
NOt at all. Some people deserve to be hated. Nazis. Racists. Pedophiles. Mormons. People who talk on their cell phones during a movie.

Um, except the law doesn't recognize them as "babies". They aren't counted on the census as babies, they aren't counted as dependents for tax purposes.

A fetus isn't viable, and dependent on the woman it is inside. You can't give a fetus "rights" without taking rights from the woman. Now, that might be okay in your deranged cult where a woman's only job is to make babies, but women outside your cult aren't going to put up with it.

Yeah, guy, you describing it doesn't make it sound any less crazy.

Not at all. I am sure there are Gays that vote Republican. People do a lot of stupid thing. Then they sit their scratching their big heads when the GOP demonizes them and strips away their rights. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Um, actually, no, there weren't. Back in the 1940's and 50's, when a woman had an unexpected pregnancy, they all knew someone who could take care of that. It was a dirty little secret, even in the Catholic neighborhoods. You should read up on a woman named Ruth Barnett, who performed 69,000 abortions during a 50 year period between 1919 and 1969.

Here's how you can tell the reality. The birth rate didn't drop in 1973 when Roe struck down the abortion laws.

Wow, you are delusional, aren't you? You just think letting big corporations rape the rest of us will make things so much better. You guys have been singing that song since Ronnie Ray-gun, and you've brought us a declining middle class. You haven't made blacks richer, you've made white people poorer.

No, shaming a woman doesn't change her mind.

Yeah, guy, I don't want to live in a world where religious assholes tell me how to live my life.

Shit, let's go all out. Next time you post on a Sunday, we need to drag you out of your house and stone you to death, just like God commanded.
This is a perfect example of someone who hates. Someone who commits the sin of breaking the 1st great commandment of thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Not one statement is a statement of love. It shows hatred towards women and children. In the law, a child is not a person. Yet you use the law to justify killing children. All while championing the transitioning of children without parent's consent. The illogic of the left is deafening. And that's why today the left is cancelled.

The lady genocidal killer is a liar. Yes, there were backroom abortions. Not at the rate you claim. And, of course the birthrate didn't drop. There were more and more people. More and more babies being born too that offset the blood thirst to kill their children. A wicked and adulterous generation we became on that dark day in 1973. Those supporting it and involved with it have their day in hell coming. The easy way to not think it will happen is just say there is no God and no judgment day coming. Irrational is today also cancelled.
You got upset by some youth at BYU? Can't imagine what you did to create that problem.
But reading you daily gives me insight.
YES, women do refuse to use contraceptives and do get pregnant. But this is a centuries old problem. Heaven is not for you to think about. When you pass away you will then learn what it is about.
Ya, this guy is an excommunicated member who probably thought he is god and still does. He got his feelings hurt because he got caught doing something on campus he shouldn't have like having sex and the girl got pregnant or something like that. It's in his writings.
Ya, this guy is an excommunicated member who probably thought he is god and still does. He got his feelings hurt because he got caught doing something on campus he shouldn't have like having sex and the girl got pregnant or something like that. It's in his writings.
I see how that could easily happen.

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