Serious questions: What is "White Supremacy" and Why is it "wrong"?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.
Is Oprah guilty of "white privilege" because she sure did make billions of dollars taken from "white" people who wanted her services and products?
We like to take credit for everything good and then try to erase from history anything bad we did.

Personally I like what dogs better than white people.
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I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.

It's wrong because they say so.

Now stop asking questions. Pick up that can, citizen.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.

Holy shit, I commend you for having the sack to be courageous enough to even think about such scary, scary taboo.
I suspect Mac1958 will show up any minute and hate on you for acknowledging such racist facts.
White supremacy just means any political system in which whites are dominant. In China, there is Han supremacy. In Japan, there is Japanese supremacy. In Rwanda, there is Tutsi supremacy. In the US, there was white supremacy. Now we live under Jewish supremacy. That's how we got the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, signed into law in New York on October 3, 1965. That night, there were great celebrations across New York City of this magnificent victory by the Jews over the gentiles. If you as a white person don't know this, that's because you don't live in a white supremacist country. The 1965 act was an act of genocide, and it will soon pay off for the Jews against their hated Christian victims.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.

White supremacy comes down to a household, usually with 2 parents, but there are a lot of single parent, usually a dedicated woman, that tells their kids to improve themselves and reach for their dreams.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.

Well stated, and I must agree. White guilt, in correlation to radical leftism—Derrida's Postmodernism in particular—represents the far greater threat to advanced civilization and the constructive advance of all human civilization. Whether or not radical leftists the world over actually act against the ancient white "patriarchy" out of self-guilt for the acts of their colonial and imperial white ancestors or the need to atone for related perceived historical grievances remains to be seen, but seems highly doubtful. More like white radical leftism exploits the propagandized concept of white guilt as yet another pathway to political power, strangely enough at their own eventual expense.

Speaking to the benevolent, individual rights focused march of human civilization, since The Enlightenment in particular, there can be no doubt "white" people have contributed most to the rise and maintenance of free societies. A cursory glance at the history of any black run African nation will also tell a certain civilizational tale—one that repeats in endless cycle, and is not a good one in any form.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.
Do you define Jews as white?

Yes or No?
What is "White Supremacy" and Why is it "wrong"?

White supremacy is a term created by non-whites and anti-whites who hate not being white and resent the fact that whites have accomplished 90% of all the good things in the world. They realize they can't compete with whites so want a hateful label against whites in order to tilt the playing field to give them an advantage so they have a chance to compete.
We like to take credit for everything good and then try to erase from history anything bad we did.

The inescapable fact is that we take credit for everything good because we DO most of the good things! But the other inescapable fact is that when you are doing 90% of everything, that will include more BAD things done out of malice and mistake as well as the good. It's unavoidable human nature.
If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

I think we need a WHITE HISTORY MONTH.

Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 10.46.51 AM.png

In the beginning, God created man.
Over time, there begat the white man, the yellow man, the red man and the black man.​
The red man created many cultures.​
The yellow man created many inventions.​
The white man created the modern technological world.​
The black man sat in Africa making stone spears in his bare feet until a few were brought out elsewhere.​
Don't blame me for history.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.
Do you take ownership of the bad White people too? There is Hitler, Stalin, every Klan member, etc.
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I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.
It's just the latest ad hominem trope of the fascist left, since they beat "RACIST!" to the point that it's meaningless.
Yes. Jews are "white."

I don't personally take credit for anything (or take he blame for anything) done by "white" people who are not me. I'm just pointing out that white people are responsible for most of what is good in America and its culture.

People from around the world want to come and live in America, but when they think of where they want to live in America, it is the white suburbs and city neighborhoods. They want to go to the universities that have been founded and developed by white people; they want to work for the companies that were created by white people. They want to take advantage of the economy that was developed by white people. And on and on.

What is wrong with recognizing these facts? Does that recognition diminish the prospects of anyone who is not white? Why would it? Look around. White America WANTS Blacks and Hispanics and others to succeed. It's the LAW. But it is also perfectly rational to resent it when "people of color" having marginal talents and abilities are exalted beyond any rational measure, or when they are appointed to high office with credentials that would be laughed at in a white man. It is not "racist" to value true merit over color.
I'll go first:

I believe that "white people," whom I describe as Caucasians whose ancestry came from Great Britain and northern Europe, were and are responsible for the bulk of what makes this country great. The science and technology, art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy (political, economic, moral, religious), our civil and criminal justice systems, and just as important, the "middle class work ethic." Certainly there have been significant contributions by others - more so in recent years - but most of what makes America great is the work product of white people, mainly white men. There is bad stuff as well, but no worse here than anyplace else in the world, and the good manifestly outweighs the bad.

This belief doesn't cause me to honor any particular white men (or myself) because everyone is an individual, and there are worthless sots among us. Nor does it cause me to look down on anyone else. There are people of all colors and ethnicities who are superior to me by any measure, and I wouldn't deny that for a moment.

But "white people," mainly men, are and have been responsible for most of the good stuff that makes America great.

If that makes me a "White Supremacist," then I am guilty as charged.

What's wrong with it?

Does it stand in the way of people of other races and ethnicities being proud of what "their people" have accomplished? Not in the least. I just like mine.

IMHO, many African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx, & Native Americans appreciate the contributions of Caucasian Americans to the United States of America, and if truth be told hope that Caucasians will continue to play a leading role in American life, even when they are projected to become a minority by 2050.

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