Russia is committing genocide.


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
According to the UN:
Article II of the convention defines the crime of genocide to mean any of the following acts "committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
What is the Genocide Convention? - Ask DAG!

Points a. and b. are pretty general, and could have to do with war crimes, but the other points seem pretty relevant in this case.

Destroying water supplies, electricity and heating could wipe out lots of people. (under c.)
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Old people, babies, and patients in hospitals would particularly be affected.

Plus cutting off electricity would also not allow gas heating even if gas is available if the central heating unit is of current manufacture, as they generally need electricity to work, unlike some of the older units.
Point d.: if the hospitals do not have power, they can have problems delivering children, and/or keeping alive premature babies.

The maternity hospital which was hit is not necessarily proof of genocide under b., as there doesn't seem to be a general targeting of maternity hospitals, although if more hospitals start being hit, it could possibly fall under d, as well as other sections.
According to the UN:

What is the Genocide Convention? - Ask DAG!

Points a. and b. are pretty general, and could have to do with war crimes, but the other points seem pretty relevant in this case.

Destroying water supplies, electricity and heating could wipe out lots of people. (under c.)
I disagree.
Genocide, if you look at it properly, is the destruction of a people.

Are Russia trying to wipe out Ukrainians? No, I don't think so. If they were, they'd be rounding up the people and shooting them.

Destroying infrastructure isn't about killing the people. There are far easier ways to kill people. They're doing this to try and destroy the Ukrainian resolve, make them want peace on Russia's terms. It's a pretty shitty thing to do, but it's not genocide.
I disagree.
Genocide, if you look at it properly, is the destruction of a people.

Are Russia trying to wipe out Ukrainians? No, I don't think so. If they were, they'd be rounding up the people and shooting them.

Destroying infrastructure isn't about killing the people. There are far easier ways to kill people. They're doing this to try and destroy the Ukrainian resolve, make them want peace on Russia's terms. It's a pretty shitty thing to do, but it's not genocide.
Did you read the op?
"committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

I would even argue that Russia is also committing genocide against its own people according to point c., in particular with the mobilization of non-Russians. Although they seem to be sending Russians as well, it would be harder to prove intent that they are trying to wipe out ethnic Russians. Unless you talk about social classes.

The soldiers newly mobilized are simply used as a wall to protect the officers and heavy artillery in the back. They are given little training, poor quality weapons and have to fight using guns and mortar fire against more powerful weapons. They are basically cannon fodder and are not even given adequate food supplies.
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According to the UN:

What is the Genocide Convention? - Ask DAG!

Points a. and b. are pretty general, and could have to do with war crimes, but the other points seem pretty relevant in this case.

Destroying water supplies, electricity and heating could wipe out lots of people. (under c.)

Of course it's genocide
But where was the UN as Ukraine did the same through the last eight years in Donbass.
Russia destroys only power supply but Ukraine additionally brutally murdered dozens of thousands civilians
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Unfortunately Google delete immediately all videos in English which show the TRUE genocide in Donbass committed by Ukraine from 2014
The supported by NATO Zionist regime deliberately targeted civilians, houses, schools

The Regime in Khuew shall kiss stupid traitor f..... dwarf putin in his stinky stupid corrupted ass he allowed them to do it through the long eight years
Did you read the op?
"committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group"

I would even argue that Russia is also committing genocide against its own people according to point c., in particular with the mobilization of non-Russians. Although they seem to be sending Russians as well, it would be harder to prove intent that they are trying to wipe out ethnic Russians. Unless you talk about social classes.

The soldiers newly mobilized are simply used as a wall to protect the officers and heavy artillery in the back. They are given little training, poor quality weapons and have to fight using guns and mortar fire against more powerful weapons. They are basically cannon fodder and are not even given adequate food supplies.

I know what genocide is. The OP hardly makes a case for what is happening in the Ukraine to fit the definition of genocide.
The thing with "national, ethnical, racial or religious group" is not that you invade a country. It's that you DESTROY them. If someone takes over a country and allows that group to still exist, it's NOT genocide.
You can commit genocide without killing people.

Franco stopped Catalans, Basques, Gallegos etc from speaking their own language, he was destroying them as a people and trying to force them to become Castillian. That's genocide.

What Putin is doing right now is not an attempt at destroying the Ukraine as a people. He might well do later. But now, no.

Putin is definitely not trying to wipe out Russia as people.
Not trying, but succeeding at it.

What about the non-Russian peoples of Russia?

Maybe, but the "trying" is the important thing. It's not genocide if you're not trying.

What about the non-Russian peoples of Russia? I don't see an issue, what is your point?
Of course it's genocide
But where was the UN as Ukraine did the same through the last eight years in Donbass.
Russia destroys only power supply but Ukraine additionally brutally murdered dozens of thousands civilians
There was no genocide in Donbass. Russia began a proxy war against Ukraine in Donbass, sending its militias to attack government buildings and Ukraine defended against them, but the world did plenty about it. The West levied sanctions against Russia that severely reduced its per capita gdp from nearly 16,000 USD to less than 10,000 USD, and before the Russian economy had fully recovered from those sanctions, this invasion has created new sanction that will reduce this year's per capita gdp to about 9500 USD as Russia enters a deep and long recession. Had Russia not began its attacks on Ukraine in 2014, its per capita gdp would be at least twice what it is now.

So the world has taken notice of what happened in Donbass.
If you stop sucking Putin cock, your vision might improve without something in the way.

Wow, great argument, you don't understand genocide, so you have to try attacking me.

Fucking typical nonsense.
So was Sherman committing Genocide?

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group
"a campaign of genocide"

If that was Sherman's goal, then it was genocide, but there is no question that the Russian bombing of Ukraine's power grid has the purpose of killing a large number of Ukrainian civilians with the intent of destroying that nation, so it clearly is a second Russian gednocide against the Ukrainian people.

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group
"a campaign of genocide"

If that was Sherman's goal, then it was genocide, but there is no question that the Russian bombing of Ukraine's power grid has the purpose of killing a large number of Ukrainian civilians with the intent of destroying that nation, so it clearly is a second Russian gednocide against the Ukrainian people.
Just asking I never said Russia was commiting Genocide. Russia is however acting like Sherman in the south

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