RNC to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger

Start your own branch about that Not Not a Monkeys Uncle rather than trying to deflect about your pathetic loser status in a cult of snowflakes.

Boo hoo whiner.

You're just an ignorant lying sack of shit and a BITCH.

As was said: Liz turned traitor on her own constitutants, she attacked the leader of the party, she is aiding fascists in creating one party rule, she falsely accused a republican president of a crime he never committed . . . and thats why the action is correctly being taken.

If a democrat did all that to another democrat the body would be burried in pieces behind the Clinton summer residence

And frankly, you Leftwing baby-killing Marxist democrat pieces of shit don't give a damm about Cheney anyway, you just think this gives you a talking point, when all it does is make you a hypocrite:

Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat​

The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the politician.

Activists confronted Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and then filmed her walking into a bathroom and closing a stall as they told her she should back President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" package and legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants. Sinema ignored them as they spoke – the sound of a flushing toilet at one point could be heard as they continued talking.

Boo hoo whiner.

You're just an ignorant lying sack of shit and a BITCH.

As was said: Liz turned traitor on her own constitutants, she attacked the leader of the party, she is aiding fascists in creating one party rule, she falsely accused a republican president of a crime he never committed . . . and thats why the action is correctly being taken.

If a democrat did all that to another democrat the body would be burried in pieces behind the Clinton summer residence

And frankly, you Leftwing baby-killing Marxist democrat pieces of shit don't give a damm about Cheney anyway, you just think this gives you a talking point, when all it does is make you a hypocrite:

Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat​

The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the politician.

Activists confronted Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and then filmed her walking into a bathroom and closing a stall as they told her she should back President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" package and legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants. Sinema ignored them as they spoke – the sound of a flushing toilet at one point could be heard as they continued talking.

Why I do believe you're hit a nerve with this Russian/Putin-inspired Trump Deplorable cultist Toro
RNC to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kisnzinger Why ? Who's sponsoring this ? Who is behind it ? Does Trump support it ? Does McConnell support it ? At least one senators willing to stand up for them, senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. " The RNC is censoring list Cheney and Adam Kinzinger usually are trying to find out what happened January 6th. Huh " Kinzinger, himself replied," This makes me even more determined to fight conspiracies and lies." Liz Cheney also replied," I'm a constitutional conservative and I do not recognize those in my party who have abandoned the Constitution to embrace Donald Trump. " I guess we'll find out today if any other Republicans have developed backbones. thehill.com Feb.4th., 2022 8:46 A.M.

Only true Trump supporters are now permitted to be in the party.

This could be the wedge issue that begins the break from Trump. To oppose it can be seen as not directly opposing Trump, but instead supporting the two conservatives.

Trump will need to come out strongly in favour of the censure if he hasn't already.

Is it safe for a few Republicans to oppose it?

Of course.

The Grand Trump Party will not tolerate dissension from RINOS….
Neither Party should tolerate ANYTHING that looks like bipartisanship right now…..PERIOD!
We are at war with each other and everybody paying attention knows it….you never make deals with the enemy And you certainly NEVER side with them.
hahaha….HOLY SHIT……Russia again?
View attachment 597000
Russia are not involved. But it is the Russian playbook of how Trump tried to overturn the election through deceit, lies and his massive ego taking a hit. How Trump tried to orchestrate it is exactly how Putin wins every election. Your only saving grace is that your police and armed forces are loyal to the Constitution, not a person. Unlike the Russian military and oligarchs.
Of course.

The Grand Trump Party will not tolerate dissension from RINOS….
There's a difference in dissension and treason. President Trump was proven innocent of charges by the Mueller Investigation that found no wrong doing, witnesses who overheard false witness plans against the President from higher-ups in the Democrat Party, and if the people in her state know both sides, it's up to them to go Democrat or go Republican. This was a very divisive action on the part of Ms. Cheney, and I'm disappointed in the people I backed and took flak for in 2000-2008 for splitting away from the hero's job Donald Trump did as President of the United States, and performing in a Republican manner the whole time. I was faithful to the Bush and Cheney families for many years. They're not showing the nation anything but plowing with the wrong cow as Samson was with Delilah who abused their engagement by betraying him. The more things change, the more they stay the same, yes. I'm real sorry they're going with the false witnesses of the extended and corrupt Clinton cabal.
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Better look at your own party and all the hate and even violence your peeps are aiming an Manchin and Sinema.

At least we don't attack Liz in the bathroom the way you attacked Sinema. Hypocrite
And you don't care that you're following a madman.
There's a difference in dissension and treason. President Trump was proven innocent of charges by the Mueller Investigation that found no wrong doing, witnesses who overheard false witness plans against the President from higher-ups in the Democrat Party, and if the people in her state know both sides, it's up to them to go Democrat or go Republican. This was a very divisive action on the part of Ms. Cheney, and I'm disappointed in the people I backed and took flak for in 2000-2008 for splitting away from the hero's job Donald Trump did as President of the United States, and performing in a Republican manner the whole time. I was faithful to the Bush and Cheny for many years. They're not showing the nation anything but plowing with the wrong cow as Samson was with Delilah who abused their engagement by betraying him. The more things change, the more they stay the same, yes. :( I'm real sorry.
Innocent is the last word I'd use in describing trump. He's the total opposite. Acquittal does not mean you're innocent, it means enough evidence wasn't presented to convict. That happens when you have people blocking the truth. Then you compound your ignorance by calling him a hero, he is a psychopath only interested in himself no matter how it affects any person or the nation.
Innocent is the last word I'd use in describing trump. He's the total opposite. Acquittal does not mean you're innocent, it means enough evidence wasn't presented to convict. That happens when you have people blocking the truth. Then you compound your ignorance by calling him a hero, he is a psychopath only interested in himself no matter how it affects any person or the nation.
I take it you didn't understand how heinous the false charges that came from the good old boys and gals of the Clinton hate-filled, lying war room. Do you have any idea how many women they accused wrongfully of complaining about Bill Clinton? That dud paid $800,000 because he was guilty of the charges his war room was calling the woman he abused as a gold-digger, then she was a 4-letter-word, then she was a 5-letter word, then she was just an untrustworthy human being according to the war room, then the judge and jury saw that she was telling the truth, and Clinton paid up a pretty penny for all the lies and theater they took into the courtroom that degraded a good woman. Make that times no less than 5 or 6 a week, most of whom were to embarrassed to take their horrible experience with the womanizer President of all times to a public court. Lot of women don't want that out, even if they were raped, and he bit one of them on the mouth real hard and told her to "put some ice on it." Get the picture of the Clinton war room, please. It's not a pretty sight. Oh yeah, and after ten years of denying it about Jennifer Flower affair, Bill Clinton admitted it after he was out of the white house, that he and all of them had lied about her, including the dowager First Lady Hillary Clinton. Puah!

As for President Donald Trump, regardless of his broken past, he behaved himself to the best of my knowledge, his four years in office, because he accepted Jesus at a prayer meeting of Christian Congressmen and Senators the night before taking his oath of office. I don't think President Clinton knew that President Obama's last week in office was a series of meetings with Trump-hating staff et al how they were to treat the new President to a regimen of endless false accusations and an impeachment before he ever set foot in office. All that FBI mudraking was false, and they knew it was false, and yes, President Trump was innocent of all impeachable offenses the Democrats put this nation through 4 years of hell to confuse his good works as Commander in Chief, including setting up the Middle East to begin a peace to mend broken fences that were thousands of years old.

How can Democrats on the street be so blind? Oh, wait. They pushed the prayers out of schools and trusted in the lies of the DUI press.
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I take it you didn't understand how heinous the false charges that came from the good old boys and gals of the Clinton hate-filled, lying war room. Do you have any idea how many women they accused wrongfully of complaining about Bill Clinton? That dud paid $800,000 because he was guilty of the charges his war room was calling the woman he abused as a gold-digger, then she was a 4-letter-word, then she was a 5-letter word, then she was just an untrustworthy human being according to the war room, then the judge and jury saw that she was telling the truth, and Clinton paid up a pretty penny for all the lies and theater they took into the courtroom that degraded a good woman. Make that times no less than 5 or 6 a week, most of whom were to embarrassed to take their horrible experience with the womanizer President of all times to a public court. Lot of women don't want that out, even if they were raped, and he bit one of them on the mouth real hard and told her to "put some ice on it." Get the picture of the Clinton war room, please. It's not a pretty sight. Oh yeah, and after ten years of denying it about Jennifer Flower affair, Bill Clinton admitted it after he was out of the white house, that he and all of them had lied about her, including the dowager First Lady Hillary Clinton. Puah!
Changing the subject is that the way you deal with a problem you can't deal with. I am not your problem your Trump is he's a psychopath and he's using you stupid bastards. He equates patriotism as loyalty to him, no matter what he does and he's going to end up destroying this country thanks to idiots like you. You get you can't make America better by destroying it.
Boo hoo whiner.

You're just an ignorant lying sack of shit and a BITCH.

As was said: Liz turned traitor on her own constitutants, she attacked the leader of the party, she is aiding fascists in creating one party rule, she falsely accused a republican president of a crime he never committed . . . and thats why the action is correctly being taken.

If a democrat did all that to another democrat the body would be burried in pieces behind the Clinton summer residence

And frankly, you Leftwing baby-killing Marxist democrat pieces of shit don't give a damm about Cheney anyway, you just think this gives you a talking point, when all it does is make you a hypocrite:

Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat​

The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the politician.

Activists confronted Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and then filmed her walking into a bathroom and closing a stall as they told her she should back President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" package and legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal migrants. Sinema ignored them as they spoke – the sound of a flushing toilet at one point could be heard as they continued talking.

When Democrats riot and kill people with all manner of weaponry, they're protesters. But when Republicans protest peacefully and harm no one, they are thrown in jail for over a year, some with solitary confinement for the false charge of "rioting," and one of them was shot and killed while unarmed. The Democrats rule and they set up double standards.

Jim Jordan and his colleagues are going to end this situation in the near future. May God travel with them.

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