Internet Hoaxes Go Viral on Deep State Operative Ray Epps as Media and Liz Cheney Panic

Dumbass their is no federal sales tax yes you said sales tax that was the basis of your argument

No, I said the 'Fair Tax' was a sales tax, and a steep one at that. I see you and Todd went to school on the same short bus.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

For one, his 'tax cut' on income taxes was less than the rate of inflation, so it didn't actually cut taxes for many, they actually paid a little more, and lost some deductions to boor, but it all looks grand to the rubes who flunked 4th grade arithmetic. a ;33% cut' looks like a lot, but it was actually only an 8% cut, which was easily eaten up by the high inflation and higher prices generated by the artificial bubble in rel estate and wholesale prices.

Also . his great union busting in the meat packing industry didn't do squat to stop price increases in meats anywhere either. He did legalize importing Mexican scabs and gave several million criminal illegal aliens citizenship so they could drive wages down in several industries and provide a cheap pool of casual laborers that cou;d be used as scabs to bust other unions as well.

All tht was just an added bonus and Fuck You to working people and the middle class on top of his tax increases on them to subisidize the cuts he gave to paper trading parasites on Wall Street..
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You trumped nothing. You simply posted a link which didn't mention his tax hikes.
It's a matter of word definition. Trumping, to them, is saying anything they can think of to support their belief and belittle their opponents. Trumping does not have to be accurate or truthful. It just has to be quick and nasty.
It's a matter of word definition. Trumping, to them, is saying anything they can think of to support their belief and belittle their opponents. Trumping does not have to be accurate or truthful. It just has to be quick and nasty.
Trump Russian collusion. You fucking nut believe that conspiracy theory
For one, his 'tax cut' on income taxes was less than the rate of inflation, so it didn't actually cut taxes for many, they actually paid a little more, and lost some deductions to boor, but it all looks grand to the rubes who flunked 4th grade arithmetic. a ;33% cut' looks like a lot, but it was actually only an 8% cut, which was easily eaten up by the high inflation and higher prices generated by the artificial bubble in rel estate and wholesale prices.

Also . his great union busting in the meat packing industry didn't do squat to stop price increases in meats anywhere either. He did legalize importing Mexican scabs and gave several million criminal illegal aliens citizenship so they could drive wages down in several industries and provide a cheap pool of casual laborers that cou;d be used as scabs to bust other unions as well.

All tht was just an added bonus and Fuck You to working people and the middle class on top of his tax increases on them to subisidize the cuts he gave to paper trading parasites on Wall Street..
No tax hike is no tax hike an income tax cut is a tax cut
You're denial is acknowledged. Because idiot their was no tax hike when he cut the income tax and the capital gains tax.


I didn't the tax hike was at the same time, ya shvantz. I said they started in '82. That you felt the need to alter what I said reveals to me even you know you're an imbecile.


I didn't the tax hike was at the same time, ya shvantz. I said they started in '82. That you felt the need to alter what I said reveals to me even you know you're an imbecile.

Moron your fuzzy math makes no sense. You've already acknowledged Reagan's tax cuts. Who the fuck would make tax cuts just to raise taxes? I'm 61 I know what exactly happened during the Reagan years as well as the cater years
Moron your fuzzy math makes no sense. You've already acknowledged Reagan's tax cuts. Who the fuck would make tax cuts just to raise taxes? I'm 61 I know what exactly happened during the Reagan years as well as the cater years

I already showed you the tax hikes. Not my problem you still don't understand. :eusa_naughty:

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