Right-Wingers Have Circle Jerk Attack Against Impeachment Witness


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....

You mean the unhinged radical Trump hating democrat skank that insulted a CHILD in a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING?


There's no DEFENDING what that HAG said, there's no SPINNING it as if she's a VICTIM either. What she did was DISGUSTING, and if a CONSERVATIVE had pulled a STUNT like she did and ATTACKED OBAMA'S GIRLS, the leftists would be BURNING DOWN WASHINGTON RIGHT NOW because of it.

She's just one more TDS, DEMOCRAT WHACK JOB in a long parade of them dipped out of the LEFTIST TOILET by the likes of Adam ScHITt and GOURD head sack of NADS.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.
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Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....

Do tell what this pathetic leftwing shit stain from an Ivy League college has to do with impeaching the President? Was she in on the phone call?

She was trotted out by Dems to try to look smart in telling America that we need to impeach the President because, well because she doesn’t like him. This bitch was bucking to be the next Dem SCOTUS nominee. Lucky for us she killed that pipe dream.
Yesterday was ridiculous.
Hackery, bias and unnecessary juvenile attacks.
Hell, that fat fuck chairman wasnt even paying attention.
What a fucking joke.
Bring on the impeachment hearings. Shitt , polosi, Schumer and a parade of fucking imbeciles will have to be on the stand. Let’s see if NaN will still be praying for Donnie.

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You mean the unhinged radical Trump hating democrat skank that insulted a CHILD in a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING?


There's no DEFENDING what that HAG said, there's no SPINNING it as if she's a VICTIM either. What she did was DISGUSTING, and if a CONSERVATIVE had pulled a STUNT like she did and ATTACKED OBAMA'S GIRLS, the leftists would be BURNING DOWN WASHINGTON RIGHT NOW because of it.

She's just one more TDS, DEMOCRAT WHACK JOB in a long parade of them dipped out of the LEFTIST TOILET by the likes of Adam ScHITt and GOURD head sack of NADS.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.
what part of the constitution and the framers interpretation of impeachment did she get wrong??

I'll wait
Yesterday was ridiculous.
Hackery, bias and unnecessary juvenile attacks.
Hell, that fat fuck chairman wasnt even paying attention.
What a fucking joke.
What part of the constitution and impeachment did Feldman get wrong??

I'll wait
meh, this partisan hack is rabidly anti-trump. because of that, she never should have been brought in as a witness of this type.

of course she was brought in because of that very fact, and that is a lot more damning of the dems in Congress than the talking heads on TV.
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
Thanks pivot man.
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
Thanks pivot man.
Another person who can't refute one thing she said....got it....

Well ...maybe you can just say she is a bisexual looking Jew or something.....that will totally own her
You mean the unhinged radical Trump hating democrat skank that insulted a CHILD in a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING?


There's no DEFENDING what that HAG said, there's no SPINNING it as if she's a VICTIM either. What she did was DISGUSTING, and if a CONSERVATIVE had pulled a STUNT like she did and ATTACKED OBAMA'S GIRLS, the leftists would be BURNING DOWN WASHINGTON RIGHT NOW because of it.

She's just one more TDS, DEMOCRAT WHACK JOB in a long parade of them dipped out of the LEFTIST TOILET by the likes of Adam ScHITt and GOURD head sack of NADS.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.
what part of the constitution and the framers interpretation of impeachment did she get wrong??

I'll wait

Presumption of Innocence, one of the basic principles of the constitution.

She failed at Constitution 101.
Was she a "witness" or a "constitutional expert"?

Karlan didn't "witness" anything...yet I don't see where Barron Trump is written in the constitution.
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
I watched Tucker last night and just felt embarrassed for him. He acts like a high schooler with a video blog and not at all like a prime time news show host. Foaming at the mouth and laughing like a Hyena. It’s very odd
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
Ewwwwwwwwww! Pubbies all bad!!!!! Demmies all good!!!!!!

Why would we have a circle jerk over that when we got Urpsville Nadler falling asleep in these important hearings? That's a lot more entertaining, sweetie!

Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
Thanks pivot man.
Another person who can't refute one thing she said....got it....

Well ...maybe you can just say she is a bisexual looking Jew or something.....that will totally own her
You should realize by now that I don't try to "refute" much of anything you progressive loons claim. It's not possible because not one of you will listen to facts or reason, choosing instead to wallow in fake news and hearsay, parroting it daily like it has been written in stone. Not one of you can be reasoned with or be honest about anything.
Right-wingers unleash rabid misogyny against Pamela Karlan

Like clockwork, the usually pathetic conservative cucks, Rush, Tucker and Hannity launch their attack on the constitutional expert that made them most feel the sads….Don't mention the fact that there were 2 other witnesses who made the same legal conclusion that this one witness did, but only that one witness is getting an all out attack...and it wasn't because of a joke.....

"Republicans were desperate to do anything to keep voters from paying attention to the actual substance of the testimony from the three law professors summoned to explain why Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes, since the substance of their testimony is irrefutable. And while all three were articulate, intelligent and crystal clear in their arguments...the go-to move on the prime-time Fox News shows Wednesday night was to "diagnose" Karlan with a mental illness."

Leave it to republicans to clutch their pearls and fall onto the fainting couch over this statement....."The Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility, so while the President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron," Karlan cracked, in response to a question about the differences between kings and presidents." --- Oh no, pass me the smelling salts, oh no, the horror!! oh no, I'm getting the vapors!!

Republicans are actually claiming that she attacked Barron, are you people not ashamed of yourself yet?? The main folks who call everyone else snowflakes continue to be the biggest whiniest bitches on the planet..all to distract from the point that not one of her points could they refute...not a single one....

Instead of refuting the facts of her testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Feldman's testimony, instead of refuting the facts of Gerhardt's testimony -- instead people like Rush only attacked her by saying "[Karlan] is a "babe who is making up stories" and that she's been "poisoned with abject hatred." <<-- if she is making up stories about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...how about Sean Hannity's hard hitting critique on her assessment of the constitutionality of impeachment -- in which he said "Imagine carrying around that much hatred, that much resentment and anger every day of your life. Pretty sad, pretty pathetic" <<-- Again, if she is wrong about the constitution and the framers thoughts on impeachment, refute her argument...but they won't, instead they are gonna stick to making personal attacks because the facts ain't on their side....
I watched Tucker last night and just felt embarrassed for him. He acts like a high schooler with a video blog and not at all like a prime time news show host. Foaming at the mouth and laughing like a Hyena. It’s very odd

Turn the channel.
All shows aren't meant for every viewer.
Was she a "witness" or a "constitutional expert"?

Karlan didn't "witness" anything...yet I don't see where Barron Trump is written in the constitution.
She was a weaponized Trump hater acting like a hoity-toity holier-than-thou self-righteous judge.
You mean the unhinged radical Trump hating democrat skank that insulted a CHILD in a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING?


There's no DEFENDING what that HAG said, there's no SPINNING it as if she's a VICTIM either. What she did was DISGUSTING, and if a CONSERVATIVE had pulled a STUNT like she did and ATTACKED OBAMA'S GIRLS, the leftists would be BURNING DOWN WASHINGTON RIGHT NOW because of it.

She's just one more TDS, DEMOCRAT WHACK JOB in a long parade of them dipped out of the LEFTIST TOILET by the likes of Adam ScHITt and GOURD head sack of NADS.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.
what part of the constitution and the framers interpretation of impeachment did she get wrong??

I'll wait
Biffy sez, "what part of the constitution and the framers interpretation of impeachment did she get wrong??
That just about covers it. ;)
The caveman said the problem is that all 4 so called "experts" are white :auiqs.jpg:


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