Republicans making more demonstrably false claims to keep their supporters riled up.

Nobody pays attention to Jordan. In fact if it wasen't for him kissing Trump's ass every day of the week no one would know he was alive & no one would give a shit anyway. Gymmy wouldn't make a pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, he's a nobody.
Jordan is the head of the judiciary committee. An important position where a batshit crazy MAGA can do lots of harm to our country.
Jordan is the head of the judiciary committee. An important position where a batshit crazy MAGA can do lots of harm to our country.
All the Dems have to do is throw the Durham fiasco back in their face & rub their noses in it. Especially the part where it ended up as an investigation of Trump crimes.
Nobody pays attention to Jordan. In fact if it wasen't for him kissing Trump's ass every day of the week no one would know he was alive & no one would give a shit anyway. Gymmy wouldn't make a pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, he's a nobody.
If nobody pays attention to him, you must agree BULLDOG is an idiot for starting this pissy pants thread, huh?
There is no current active ban on gasoline powered cars in California, and there will be none when that particular law goes into effect. The millions of gasoline powered cars will still exist, and be driven daily. Jordan lied and said "someone" had actually come to take your cars. That was a demonstrable lie from him.
Currently, the bill will ban the sale of new gasoline powered vehicles. How will the poor afford to buy a vehicle after their old ones die ? Unless the rich in the state bankroll it with their taxes, but that won't work for long the money makers in California are leaving in droves. The only people left will be the middle class. The main target of the Democratic parties destructive taxation.

The Bill was passed and as I said I do not give a shit what Jordan said. You lunatics want all of the shit he is claiming to happen. You know you do but you hide behind denials. Unless your one of the dumb asses that believe the elite aren't coming for our necessities.
Jim Jordan is spouting more demonstrably false claims to keep his MAGA supporters riled up and involved. Yesterday he said in a tweet that liberals had already come to take everybody's guns, gas stoves, and gas cars. Nobody has come for any of those things. We literally still have all those things. If they didn't have false claims, I don't know what else they might have.

Gaslighting doesn't change history, and it's clear to see the meaning of the message:

As an example, firearms:
  • Democrats have been coming for our guns for decades, by slowly eroding 2nd Amendment rights.
  • Multiple states (e.g. Massachusetts, New York, Colorado, California, Illinois) have all launched legislation to ban specific weapons, magazine capacity, calibers, platform modifications for fixed magazines, etc.
  • Multiple states make it a tedious process to obtain permits and licensing for carrying firearms.
  • The ATF, who recently has banned pistol braces and quickly turning many into felons within the next 120-ish days (although this is being challenged).
  • Localities, such as San Francisco, have placed so many requirements on gun stores that there aren't anymore in the San Francisco city limits.
You're naive to believe Democrats aren't coming for firearms as the salivate over the idea of banning AR-15 style weapons (foolishly called 'assault rifles').
If we didn't fight back, you loons would've already taken away guns. If that happens we are fucked. It's time to get rid of liberalism altogether. Nothing good comes from it.
This is a lie.

There’s nothing to ‘fight back’ against.

Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘taken away.’

The true threat to America is conservatism, the right’s demagoguery, dishonesty, and lies.

Gas-powered cars will remain legal in all 50 states.

Ending the sale of new gas-powered cars is not to ‘ban’ gas-powered cars.

That gas-powered cars will be ‘banned’ is a lie propagated by conservatives.
You do know that at some point cars stop running.
If nobody pays attention to him, you must agree BULLDOG is an idiot for starting this pissy pants thread, huh?

Your either/or's are always false alternatives. Just because everyone knows what a criminal idiot that Jordan is, and no one takes him seriously, doesn't mean he's not in a position to do real damage to the DOJ's investigations.

I do hope the Democrats on the Weaponization of Government Committee start an investigation of the Durham Investigation which, according to the NYT, there was no evidence or basis to support opening the investigation at all. The Times says that the entire investigation was started to satisfy Trump's revenge fantasies, which is illegal, but it is also the exact kind of abuse that this Committee is supposed to be investigating.

Even worse, Durham and Barr were given evidence of financial crimes committed by Trump, and failed to act on it.

I see you're still here and haven't managed to find a real job is today's economy. Why is that Fuck Boi??? Why are you here night and day, demanding links you never read, and calling everyone a liar?

Gas-powered cars will remain legal in all 50 states.

Ending the sale of new gas-powered cars is not to ‘ban’ gas-powered cars.

That gas-powered cars will be ‘banned’ is a lie propagated by conservatives.

You can't be this dumb. If nobody can buy a gas powered vehicle then eventually most won't have them. If most won't have them, then gas stations can't stay open. If gas stations can't stay open, they close down so even if you have a gas powered vehicle, there will be few places to buy fuel from yet alone be able to find a place that can repair them.
There is no current active ban on gasoline powered cars in California, and there will be none when that particular law goes into effect. The millions of gasoline powered cars will still exist, and be driven daily. Jordan lied and said "someone" had actually come to take your cars. That was a demonstrable lie from him.

They did it with trucks, why wouldn't they do it for cars? They are heading in that direction.

Jim Jordan is spouting more demonstrably false claims to keep his MAGA supporters riled up and involved. Yesterday he said in a tweet that liberals had already come to take everybody's guns, gas stoves, and gas cars. Nobody has come for any of those things. We literally still have all those things. If they didn't have false claims, I don't know what else they might have.

That is totally irresponsible and dangerous.
This is nothing new, of course – Republicans/conservatives have long been demagogues and liars.

There is no ‘they,’ no one is ‘coming’ for guns or gas stoves.

Obviously you never read Dementia's proposal on guns when he was running for the nomination and President. He wanted to have a law that all gun owners must register their firearms to get a federal permit to own one. To get a permit it would have cost you around $800.00 which included a shrink interviewing you, your family, your neighbors, coworkers, and even people in past relationships. If the anti-gun shrink determined you should not own a gun, you had to turn yours in because you would not be able to get a federal permit.

He couldn't get that idiocy passed, but he did push to have liability protections removed from gun manufacturers and sellers. That would have led to multiple lawsuits putting all makers and sellers out of business. Included in his plans were to ban sales and repair parts of guns over the internet. In other words, eventually there would be no place to purchase guns from.

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