Republicans making more demonstrably false claims to keep their supporters riled up.

This statement of yours----"Do you really think they would make it illegal to own something that was legal when you purchased it"? Proves without a doubt that you are a first-class ignoramus. The guns the DEMONRATS are trying to take away are all initially bought legally. Military-style firearms are also bought legally. Expanded magazines are all bought legally. Crawl back into your stupid hole and stay there.
Hey you dumb fuck moron. This concept
Isn’t hard to figure out. If you bought something when it was legal to do so, there is no threat whatsoever to you being prosecuted for owning it regardless of any future law that is passed. Someone sure as hell is not going to show up at your door demanding you hand it over. I get that it makes you feel tough and awesome to be like “come and take it, mother fucker!”, but that fantasy of yours will never be rooted in reality. You just come across like a child when you say shit like that.
Lol see you’re saying “tomorrow” as if to still imply this will actually happen at some point. It won’t you goddamn drama queen. Good god lol. You’re right it isn’t anyone’s business you own a gas stove. Luckily no one is going to take it from you at any point in the future. Do you really think they would make it illegal to own something that was legal when you purchased it? Even if they tried that, the courts would shut that law down in a heartbeat.
They do that with guns, what planet are you on. They want to do it with guns, cars and stoves. We laughed when trannies were first in the news about 15 years ago, now look at that disaster. Not one of you guys would have defended them 15+ years ago, in fact Obama wouldn't even come out for gay marraige then. So we know the game bro. Those have all been mentioned and some action taken.....go gas light someone else.
Hey you dumb fuck moron. This concept
Isn’t hard to figure out. If you bought something when it was legal to do so, there is no threat whatsoever to you being prosecuted for owning it regardless of any future law that is passed. Someone sure as hell is not going to show up at your door demanding you hand it over. I get that it makes you feel tough and awesome to be like “come and take it, mother fucker!”, but that fantasy of yours will never be rooted in reality. You just come across like a child when you say shit like that.
Now you are even dumber than I first thought. Get your head out of you butt and reread your own words #139. Your statement spoke of taking something away from citizens after a legal purchase, which is what I responded to. Get this straight dumb ass, you said nothing about PROSECUTION!!!!!!!!
Hey you dumb fuck moron. This concept
Isn’t hard to figure out. If you bought something when it was legal to do so, there is no threat whatsoever to you being prosecuted for owning it regardless of any future law that is passed. Someone sure as hell is not going to show up at your door demanding you hand it over. I get that it makes you feel tough and awesome to be like “come and take it, mother fucker!”, but that fantasy of yours will never be rooted in reality. You just come across like a child when you say shit like that.
That's bullshit, they already banned AR 15s, and the mass shooting craze started during that don't give us this bs that they would never do this. You are a liar and just a simp for the're technically called a Useful Idiot......becasue you parrot establishment talking points.
The only people I have ever seen get riled up over some tweet are Braindead Dimtard Simps like the OP.

Trump used to play them like fiddles with his tweets.

Looks like Jordan is now doing the same with morons like the OP.

Flatulence collection bags.
All of them, every single one of them. slide to the left, slide to the right. Don't matter to me. That whole town, caters to crazies.

That tweet is no less believable than. . .

They do that with guns, what planet are you on. They want to do it with guns, cars and stoves. We laughed when trannies were first in the news about 15 years ago, now look at that disaster. Not one of you guys would have defended them 15+ years ago, in fact Obama wouldn't even come out for gay marraige then. So we know the game bro. Those have all been mentioned and some action taken.....go gas light someone else.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about right now? I get that you’re you’re a fucking Neanderthal that never matured past the 8th grade, but this childish hatred you have for trannies is completely irrelevant to what we are talking about right now. Like how big of a drama queen Karen do you have to be to pretend transgendered people is some kind of national crisis?

And no they don’t do that with guns you idiot. So far no government official shows up at anyone’s door demanding their legally purchased guns. It never will happen. You entertain this childish fantasy because it gives you a faux sense of manliness to be like “come take it mother fucker!”

Of course, if push came to shove and this fantasy of yours came true somehow, it’s probably safe to assume you’d puss out anyway and hand them all over at a drop of the hat. You sure as hell wouldn’t have the stones for a stand-off. You’re all talk. All of you gun obsessed idiots are.
Now you are even dumber than I first thought. Get your head out of you butt and reread your own words #139. Your statement spoke of taking something away from citizens after a legal purchase, which is what I responded to. Get this straight dumb ass, you said nothing about PROSECUTION!!!!!!!!
Dude you’re a fucking idiot. Clearly your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
That's bullshit, they already banned AR 15s, and the mass shooting craze started during that don't give us this bs that they would never do this. You are a liar and just a simp for the're technically called a Useful Idiot......becasue you parrot establishment talking points.
God you are both so fucking stupid lol If there isn’t any documented case of some government official showing up at someone’s door to take their guns, it’s stupid to assume it actually happened
Dude you’re a fucking idiot. Clearly your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
Go ahead and just try and explain or prove me wrong for what I just called you out on. YOU and only you tried to change the conservation by introducing a new word (PROSECUTION) and running away from
Dude you’re a fucking idiot. Clearly your reading comprehension skills are terrible.
Go ahead and just try and explain or prove me wrong for what I just called you out on. YOU and only you tried to change the conservation by introducing a new word (PROSECUTION) and running away from "TAKE AWAY" The next time you utter "idiot", do so while looking in a full-length mirror. I'm done with your lying ass, bye.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about right now? I get that you’re you’re a fucking Neanderthal that never matured past the 8th grade, but this childish hatred you have for trannies is completely irrelevant to what we are talking about right now. Like how big of a drama queen Karen do you have to be to pretend transgendered people is some kind of national crisis?

And no they don’t do that with guns you idiot. So far no government official shows up at anyone’s door demanding their legally purchased guns. It never will happen. You entertain this childish fantasy because it gives you a faux sense of manliness to be like “come take it mother fucker!”

Of course, if push came to shove and this fantasy of yours came true somehow, it’s probably safe to assume you’d puss out anyway and hand them all over at a drop of the hat. You sure as hell wouldn’t have the stones for a stand-off. You’re all talk. All of you gun obsessed idiots are.
You didn't refute a single thing I said. One reason they can't enforce that, is there is no national database for gun owners......which is why you guys are trying to get one. Most crimes have a gun that is stolen or used without the owner's you don't need a database, becasue again criminals by definition BREAK the tell us, what is the gun database for?

Did Obama support Gay marriage 15 years ago....nope
Would you have defended trannies and said there are 500 genders 15 years ago....nope
Do the democrats support banning guns.......YES
Do the democrats support banning Gas cars....YES
Do the democrats support Banning Gas Stoves....YES

So where am I wrong?
God you are both so fucking stupid lol If there isn’t any documented case of some government official showing up at someone’s door to take their guns, it’s stupid to assume it actually happened
You are gas lighting......noone said they would show up at your door, you just added that......

Here is how I know

Why would CA ban the sale of gas powered cars? Care to tell us? I know the answer, lets see what your genius self has to say.
Go ahead and just try and explain or prove me wrong for what I just called you out on. YOU and only you tried to change the conservation by introducing a new word (PROSECUTION) and running away from

Go ahead and just try and explain or prove me wrong for what I just called you out on. YOU and only you tried to change the conservation by introducing a new word (PROSECUTION) and running away from "TAKE AWAY" The next time you utter "idiot", do so while looking in a full-length mirror. I'm done with your lying ass, bye.
I don’t even know what kind of dumbass point you’re trying to make right now. What the fuck are you even trying to say? I used the word “prosecution” because that’s what would happen if you got charged with a crime you dumb fuck. Except that I made it clear this situation would all be fantasy. It will never happen. Do you even know point you’re trying to make? You make no sense whatsoever.
You didn't refute a single thing I said. One reason they can't enforce that, is there is no national database for gun owners......which is why you guys are trying to get one. Most crimes have a gun that is stolen or used without the owner's you don't need a database, becasue again criminals by definition BREAK the tell us, what is the gun database for?

Did Obama support Gay marriage 15 years ago....nope
Would you have defended trannies and said there are 500 genders 15 years ago....nope
Do the democrats support banning guns.......YES
Do the democrats support banning Gas cars....YES
Do the democrats support Banning Gas Stoves....YES

So where am I wrong?
What the flying fuck are you talking about? A database huh? Um okay. I don’t know. I have no idea what point you’re trying to make. Even if a database was created by ME somehow, it wouldn’t make a piss difference because it is pure fantasy that someone is going to show up at your door demanding the gun you legally purchased.
There is no current active ban on gasoline powered cars in California, and there will be none when that particular law goes into effect. The millions of gasoline powered cars will still exist, and be driven daily. Jordan lied and said "someone" had actually come to take your cars. That was a demonstrable lie from him.
Nobody pays attention to Jordan. In fact if it wasen't for him kissing Trump's ass every day of the week no one would know he was alive & no one would give a shit anyway. Gymmy wouldn't make a pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, he's a nobody.
You are gas lighting......noone said they would show up at your door, you just added that......

Here is how I know

Why would CA ban the sale of gas powered cars? Care to tell us? I know the answer, lets see what your genius self has to say.
Um okay so if you don’t think they are going to show up at your door, what the fuck point are you even trying to make?

Because of climate change mitigation. You can whine all you want about that intention, but that’s the reason.
If we didn't fight back, you loons would've already taken away guns. If that happens we are fucked. It's time to get rid of liberalism altogether. Nothing good comes from it.
You've been saying that for decades. All that happened is the gun manufacturers just got richer.
Lol, Trump needs to go to jail for having top secret documents. Biden had some too, in a unsecured garage and an office? Nothing to see here. You loons are the most hypocritical people in the universe.
What a joke. Big difference between hiding and lying about possession of documents, and cooperating fully to get them returned to the proper place.
Stop Lying..we know how to use Google, it's easily proven

So there will be some limitations on new car sales somewhere a decade and a half in the future. The millions of gasoline powered cars will still be on the street and driven daily. Jordan said somebody already came to get everybody's car. You really don't understand the difference?

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