Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

I know, and why you enjoy lynching black men for such behavior right? got any proof that ever happened? Nope, just your excuse to lynch the black dude. kkk man.
Nobody is lynching the pube guy dude.
I know, and why you enjoy lynching black men for such behavior right? got any proof that ever happened? Nope, just your excuse to lynch the black dude. kkk man.
All black men put their pubes on cans of Coke?

Nobody is lynching the pube guy dude.
sure you are. you said it at least twice now. Admitted as much on the last exchange. trying to walk that one back now huh? You can't accept he's on as SCOTUS. and that truly says it all.
Certainly there are several black women who are at least as qualified as the last three appointments.
I definitely agree with you on the fact there well qualified back females to pick for the Supreme Court.

My point is that Joe should have just chosen one rather than announce a month before he made his pick that it would be a black female.

Joe told people the only people he would consider would black and female so of course people will view his nomination as a quota pick.

Therefore even if his pick was the best person in the land to fill the seat on the Supreme Court many people will view her as another example of Joe pandering.
I definitely agree with you on the fact there well qualified back females to pick for the Supreme Court.

My point is that Joe should have just chosen one rather than announce a month before he made his pick that it would be a black female.

Joe told people the only people he would consider would black and female so of course people will view his nomination as a quota pick.

Therefore even if his pick was the best person in the land to fill the seat on the Supreme Court many people will view her as another example of Joe pandering.
Exactly. to announce means only one thing.
Again with the racist posts.

BTW when do republics need proof over a mere claim?
Noting your racism isn’t racist, you imbecile.

And it is you Democraps who dispense with the need for proof to make your asshole claims.
sure you are. you said it at least twice now. Admitted as much on the last exchange. trying to walk that one back now huh? You can't accept he's on as SCOTUS. and that truly says it all.
I never posted that he was not on the Supreme Court or that I didn’t accept that. I have posted that I don’t like pubes on Coke cans.

Maybe you do.
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Do you believe that the 2020 election was stolen?
I’ve addressed this elsewhere. But I’ll humor you. I believe that there is solid evidence of chicanery. I have not yet been convinced that any of the illicit behaviors qualify as a theft of the election. One big caveat:

It is solely the respective States’ individual legislatures that may validly legislate on election laws and rules. To the extent that various States’ late rules changes not expressly authorized by their legislatures may have changed the outcome, I reserve judgment. I don’t have enough data at my disposal to hazard a good guess.
Story continues.

Heritage is independent and has always expressed views with progressives.

You have always been full of it.
Heritage has always expressed views with progressives. What does that mean lol. Every institute and institution and organization that supports Trump is full of it. Poor America. No election fraud, masks work great etc, tax the rich for crying out loud and invest in America and Americans again and don't listen to scumbags like Rupert Murdock Joe Rogan Trump and his poor missinformed followers.
I’ve addressed this elsewhere. But I’ll humor you. I believe that there is solid evidence of chicanery. I have not yet been convinced that any of the illicit behaviors qualify as a theft of the election. One big caveat:

It is solely the respective States’ individual legislatures that may validly legislate on election laws and rules. To the extent that various States’ late rules changes not expressly authorized by their legislatures may have changed the outcome, I reserve judgment. I don’t have enough data at my disposal to hazard a good guess.
It is up to the states to conduct a fair election and certify those results. 50 States certified that election
Those states had both Democratic and Republican leadership.

The 2020 election had more audits, recounts and court challenges than any election in history

All declared the election legal, fair and the results accurate
Heritage has always expressed views with progressives. What does that mean lol. Every institute and institution and organization that supports Trump is full of it. Poor America. No election fraud, masks work great etc, tax the rich for crying out loud and invest in America and Americans again and don't listen to scumbags like Rupert Murdock Joe Rogan Trump and his poor missinformed followers.
Fair question. I meant to say “views at odds with progressives”. My fuck up. Oh well. But heritage existed before Trump ever became a politician. Their views are their views irrespective of any Trumpism influence.

The scumbags aren’t folks lie Rogan or Murdock. The scumbags are shit for brain assuoles like Brandon, AOC, the editorial board of the NY Slimes and assholes like you.
It is up to the states to conduct a fair election and certify those results. 50 States certified that election
Those states had both Democratic and Republican leadership.

The 2020 election had more audits, recounts and court challenges than any election in history

All declared the election legal, fair and the results accurate
Their declarations are subject to some doubt if their own laws and the Constitution had been violated. You lobbies refuse to accept that things can be challenged.
I’ve addressed this elsewhere. But I’ll humor you. I believe that there is solid evidence of chicanery. I have not yet been convinced that any of the illicit behaviors qualify as a theft of the election. One big caveat:

It is solely the respective States’ individual legislatures that may validly legislate on election laws and rules. To the extent that various States’ late rules changes not expressly authorized by their legislatures may have changed the outcome, I reserve judgment. I don’t have enough data at my disposal to hazard a good guess.
So a 50-state certification is unconvincing?
Their declarations are subject to some doubt if their own laws and the Constitution had been violated. You lobbies refuse to accept that things can be challenged.
and what beside Bluto stupidity accounts for the last post?

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