Remember when Obama promised to fundamentally "transform" America?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

That was his mission from the beginning, he did nothing to enhance race relations, he carries the title proudly to this day...

That he has privately said Joe will F it up and the MSM hasn’t torched him for it, also confirms the obvious, they’re complicit...
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

the transforming of America;

gays are out everywhere!

they are our friends, neighbors and relatives!

nobody cares anymore!

gays are marrying everywhere!

interracial relationships are common!

divorce is easy to get!

millions of couples live together and never bother to marry at all!

pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!

gays, blacks, women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, the government, entertainment, business and the military!

we just had a black president!

women and gays are running for president!

even conservatives would vote for a black or woman for president!

welcome to progressive America!
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

Yep. It was part of George Soros's (The evil bastard that groomed and mentored Barry.) plan to fundamentally change America from a Democratic Republic into a Globalist, Socialist, Sh*thole. The Hildebeast was SUPPOSED to defeat Donald Trump, and help move our country closer to BEING a Globalist and Socialist Sh*thole. Well, Mr. Trump spoiled their plans, and that is the MAIN reason the Deep State and Soros have SUCH hatred for our president. Thank you.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

What he meant was to transform the nation into a rapacious oligarchy where a small class of ultra wealthy control everything.

He did a pretty good job. Sadly.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
That’s funny. O is a crook and a warmonger. He should be in Supermax with W.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

This is what Obama considers a good start.
Blacks and their white-hating white friends roaming our neighborhoods screaming for us to come out.
And armed police officers protecting them from us.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

the transforming of America;

gays are out everywhere!

they are our friends, neighbors and relatives!

nobody cares anymore!

gays are marrying everywhere!

interracial relationships are common!

divorce is easy to get!

millions of couples live together and never bother to marry at all!

pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!

gays, blacks, women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, the government, entertainment, business and the military!

we just had a black president!

women and gays are running for president!

even conservatives would vote for a black or woman for president!

welcome to progressive America!

How cool...America has been compromised at its core to make the weirdos, freaks, bottom feeders and drug users feel better about their existence.
Only in LibTardia is this backward thinking crazy regressive shit celebrated.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
That’s funny. O is a crook and a warmonger. He should be in Supermax with W.
I don’t believe you
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
It's very easy to deny the existence of something for which there is no tangible proof. If this were 1960, there would be tangible proof for 'systemic racism' everywhere. In the workplace, government, schools, restaurants, entertainment literally EVERYWHERE you cared to look there was proof that it existed. All of that has fortunately been eradicated since the late 80s.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
It's very easy to deny the existence of something for which there is no tangible proof. If this were 1960, there would be tangible proof for 'systemic racism' everywhere. In the workplace, government, schools, restaurants, entertainment literally EVERYWHERE you cared to look there was proof that it existed. All of that has fortunately been eradicated since the late 80s.
It would be ignorant to think that simply changing laws that had been shaped, supported and enforced by the ruling class over hundreds of years would magically erase the roots of racism and injustice that had been very prevalent in that culture. Changing the laws is a step but it’s not a cure all. I think deep down you know that.
the transforming of America;

gays are out everywhere!

they are our friends, neighbors and relatives!

nobody cares anymore!

gays are marrying everywhere!

interracial relationships are common!

divorce is easy to get!

millions of couples live together and never bother to marry at all!

pot is being legalized and decriminalized all over the country!

gays, blacks, women are in prominent and powerful positions in politics, the government, entertainment, business and the military!

we just had a black president!

women and gays are running for president!

even conservatives would vote for a black or woman for president!

welcome to progressive America!

No, True Conservatives do not accept, never mind embrace these Progressive ideals, values, individuals and activities. No True Conservative would ever vote for any of them. The Revolutionary Conservative Resistance will make sure True Conservatives stay True, or they will be punished.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
That’s funny. O is a crook and a warmonger. He should be in Supermax with W.
I don’t believe you
He should be in Supermax with W.
^ voted twice for W
Obamabots are just like Trumpers, clueless. Sad. Very sad.
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
If there is systemic racism it was here during Barry’s reign. WTF did he do to end it?
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
That’s funny. O is a crook and a warmonger. He should be in Supermax with W.
I don’t believe you
He should be in Supermax with W.
^ voted twice for W
Obamabots are just like Trumpers, clueless. Sad. Very sad.
I don’t believe you
Twelve years after his infamous statement to 'fundamentally transform' the US, all of Obama's efforts to undermine the police, to endorse and nurture Black Lives Matter, to inflame Black-White hatred have fully taken hold. How do you like this new America where skin color matters more than anything? Where non-existent 'systemic Racism' is suddenly pervasive everywhere? Where a Marxist anti-family organization has become the most powerful non government entity? We have never been more divided and all you have to do is connect the dots back to 2008 when Obama revealed his true goal for America.

I think Obama is a much smarter and more aware human than you are. Why do you deny the existence of something that so obviously present? Is it all politics for you or are you one of those big ego types that can’t see past your own bubble?
Your reply is a bit vague. What is it that I am denying the existence of?
'systemic Racism'
It's very easy to deny the existence of something for which there is no tangible proof. If this were 1960, there would be tangible proof for 'systemic racism' everywhere. In the workplace, government, schools, restaurants, entertainment literally EVERYWHERE you cared to look there was proof that it existed. All of that has fortunately been eradicated since the late 80s.
It would be ignorant to think that simply changing laws that had been shaped, supported and enforced by the ruling class over hundreds of years would magically erase the roots of racism and injustice that had been very prevalent in that culture. Changing the laws is a step but it’s not a cure all. I think deep down you know that.
You are being vague again. What are 'the roots' of racism? Do you mean individuals who are Racists? There will always be some of those, no new world order or Black Lives Matter organization is going to change that. It might be creating a few more Racists with all of the division and chaos but they certainly aren't erasing anything.

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