"Reckless, Swollen With Conceit, Lovers of Pleasure..."


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
I just posted this verse in another thread. This is from 2 Timothy 3 and is about the Last Days. Has this ever been more true that for the Selfie Generation, in 2018?

God help us all.

"But understand this: that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeaseable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people."--2 Timothy 3:1-5
Your thought here reminded me of a video demonstrating just that very thing in Timothy 3. It's about three minutes, I think.

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Great video--that sure lays it out.

Yeah. It sure does.

Can't say that I'm not guilty at times, myself. Really, I suppose all we can do is ask ourselves what we can try to do better.

Timothy 3 sure does nail it, though. Good op, btw. Very relevant to the state of affairs.
I just posted this verse in another thread. This is from 2 Timothy 3 and is about the Last Days. Has this ever been more true that for the Selfie Generation, in 2018?

God help us all.

"But understand this: that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeaseable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people."--2 Timothy 3:1-5

What is wrong with you, Sue? Do you have as swaddling little baby Jesus at your bedside?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
I just posted this verse in another thread. This is from 2 Timothy 3 and is about the Last Days. Has this ever been more true that for the Selfie Generation, in 2018?

God help us all.

"But understand this: that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeaseable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people."--2 Timothy 3:1-5

What is wrong with you, Sue? Do you have as swaddling little baby Jesus at your bedside?

What is it about me that you find so fascinating that you have to imagine my bedside? It's a little.....creepy, isn't it?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.
1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.

Okay then. You really are not qualified to judge Donald Trump by Christian standards.
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.

Okay then. You really are not qualified to judge Donald Trump by Christian standards.
That's ridiculous. I'm judging him by the standards you expressed in the OP. Are those not christian standards?

1. The "seven deadly sins" is not Biblical. They are good principles, just not directly from the Bible.

2. Resistance is definitely the Religion of the Left. You have an actual church for that yet?
Trump is the embodiment of all those things you highlighted in your OP. Ironic that evangelicals helped promote him to the highest office in the land.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Sorta; but do you know what "accept" is? But be aware; stuff all of us Christians are perfect, especially we Catholics. And even if we fool everyone , even ourselves, God KNOWS.

Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.

Okay then. You really are not qualified to judge Donald Trump by Christian standards.
That's ridiculous. I'm judging him by the standards you expressed in the OP. Are those not christian standards?

Why are you judging him at all? For what--fitness for heaven? Fitness for office? I mean is voting a religious litmus test now?

Once upon a time I thought liberals were against that sort of thing. LOL LOL LOL
Oh. So you're a Christian?
I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.

Okay then. You really are not qualified to judge Donald Trump by Christian standards.
That's ridiculous. I'm judging him by the standards you expressed in the OP. Are those not christian standards?

That's just it, Tehon. No one KNOWS another's heart except God. I don't JUDGE President Trump just as I don't judge that idiot Obama. You sorta got this relig stuff ass about!

I have been told that once you accept Jesus into your life he will never leave you. Is this true?

Nope. It's not like a library card you tuck into your wallet and let grow old and dog-eared.

So, not a Christian?
I've grown out of that way of thinking.

Okay then. You really are not qualified to judge Donald Trump by Christian standards.
That's ridiculous. I'm judging him by the standards you expressed in the OP. Are those not christian standards?

Why are you judging him at all? For what--fitness for heaven? Fitness for office? I mean is voting a religious litmus test now?

Once upon a time I thought liberals were against that sort of thing. LOL LOL LOL

Since when did a man's morals count with liberals???

I only judge President Trump on his POLICIES. I'm also observing that his policies have so far been EXCEPTIONAL for the US.

No worries!!


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