What is the Crime???

What crime was Cohen charged with? Do you know?
Cohen was charged with several crimes, including lying to Congress and tax evasion.

Because Cohen is a vehicle to delivering and reviewing the documents.
They couldn’t find a more honest witness than that? he didn’t just identify the documents. He interpreted them for the jury. We’ll see if the jury believes a professional liar
Gotta as the attorneys why they arent calling Weisenberg Probably because he refused to cooperate. But I guess the defense could always call him to refute cohen. Same with Schiller
I don’t have to ask, I know. It’s because they didn’t have the kind of control over those witnesses that they do over. Cohen. If they’ve could have gotten a star witness who did not have prior convictions for perjury, why wouldn’t they have?

If they testify that Cohen is lying, who do you think the jury would believe? Of course, they may not testify out of fear. I was shocked to learn that the government often Threatens people’s families in order to get them to do as they are told. Did you know they did that? Well, now you do. You cannot deny it, because it came from the now 100% honest Michael Cohen.
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Again, you are talking about procedural
stuff. Has nothing to do with what the crimes are.

There are no crimes and I’m not talking about procedural stuff. No crime is actually even alleged. That’s the part that you can’t grasp due to your bias, myopia and massive ignorance.

It’s why nobody has ever answered the question about what the supposed “other” crime is.
They have been laid out.
Nope. Not at all.
Oh really? How do you know that?
Unlike you, I have a functioning brain. It’s called “thinking.” You should really try it someday.
From the recording Cohen made of himself advising Trump while retained as Trump’s attorney.
The recording in no way shows that Trump had no idea that it was a crime. It more so backs up the intimate knowledge he had about what was going on and his desire to keep it off the books
They couldn’t find a more honest witness than that? he didn’t just identify the documents. He interpreted them for the jury. We’ll see if the jury believes a professional liar
The jury can choose to believe his interpretation or interpret for themselves. I'd assume they would choose the latter.
I don’t have to ask, I know. It’s because they didn’t have the kind of control over those witnesses that they do over. Cohen. If they’ve could have gotten a star witness who did not have prior convictions for perjury, why wouldn’t they have?
Sure, Cohen was willing to cooperate. The others not. That happens all the time in court cases. Don't see why you're trying to read into it like it means something.
If they testify that Cohen is lying, who do you think the jury would believe? Of course, they may not testify out of fear. I was shocked to learn that the government often Threatens people’s families in order to get them to do as they are told. Did you know they did that? Well, now you do. You cannot deny it, because it came from the now 100% honest Michael Cohen.
That would depend on what story they give to counter Cohens, I'd assume the jury would deduct the truth using common sense and not just believe on or the other. Cohen and his family have face many threats because of his choices as well. Stormy wore a bulletproof vest because she was scared for her life.
That would depend on what story they give to counter Cohens, I'd assume the jury would deduct the truth using common sense and not just believe on or the other.
The story that Cohen gave made no sense. He called Trump by calling Trump's bodyguard? Then the texts about the fourteen year old harrasser made it even more incredible.
Cohen and his family have face many threats because of his choices as well. Stormy wore a bulletproof vest because she was scared for her life.
Right, famous people get threats from crazy people. I'm sure Annette Funicello got death threats when she quit being a Mousekateer. I'll not comment on the actions of a delusional porn performer. The amount of semen she has swallowed from hundreds of different men has no doubt softened her brain, even if all the protein is good for her muscles.

That is completely different from witnesses' testimony being shaped by threats to their families from the government. I'm asking if you understand that that happens?
The story that Cohen gave made no sense. He called Trump by calling Trump's bodyguard? Then the texts about the fourteen year old harrasser made it even more incredible.
Well then it shouldn't play a part in the juries decision.
That is completely different from witnesses' testimony being shaped by threats to their families from the government. I'm asking if you understand that that happens?
Oh im sure there is plenty of dirty business going on... Cops and DA's want their arrests and have been abusing their power for decades.
Well then it shouldn't play a part in the juries decision.
That is Cohen's only direct evidence that Trump was directing his actions. All the rest of his relevant testimony is Cohen telling Trump "I got this," and Cohen talking to Weissenberg about being reimbursed.

This is how Cohen made the claim of talking to Trump:

Blanche’s voice rose as he interrogated Cohen with phone records and text messages over Cohen’s claim that he spoke by phone to Trump about the hush money payment to porn actor Stormy Daniels that is at the heart of the case, days before wiring her lawyer $130,000.

Blanche said that was a lie, confronting Cohen with texts indicating that what was on his mind, at least initially, during the phone call were harassing calls he was getting from an apparent 14-year-old prankster. Cohen said he believed he also spoke to Trump about the Daniels deal.
“We are not asking for your belief. This jury does not want to hear what you think happened,” Blanche said, his voice growing even louder, prompting an objection from the prosecutor.

The heated moment was the crescendo of defense cross-examination over two days designed to portray Cohen — a onetime Trump loyalist who has become one of his biggest foes — as a media-obsessed opportunist who turned on the former president after he was denied a White House job.

By saying that he "believes" he had spoken to Trump, Cohen is trying to protect himself from yet another perjury conviction.
Oh im sure there is plenty of dirty business going on... Cops and DA's want their arrests and have been abusing their power for decades.
But - here in this one case - you believe that none of that happened and that Honest Mikey is telling the truth for the sake of his newfound love of veracity?
That is Cohen's only direct evidence that Trump was directing his actions. All the rest of his relevant testimony is Cohen telling Trump "I got this," and Cohen talking to Weissenberg about being reimbursed.
Cool, if thats the case then you probably don't have anything to worry about and Trump will go free.
But - here in this one case - you believe that none of that happened and that Honest Mikey is telling the truth for the sake of his newfound love of veracity?
Not at all, I don't trust anything Cohen says... Doesn't mean everything he says is a lie... But I'm not going to believe something unless it makes logical sense and is backed up
Cool, if thats the case then you probably don't have anything to worry about and Trump will go free.
I don't have anything to worry about and Trump will go free. I never doubted that.

It's wrong to have had this trial based on such phony evidence. It clearly was for the purpose of interfering with the election.

It won't work, but I think your side should be embarassed for having tried it.

Not at all, I don't trust anything Cohen says... Doesn't mean everything he says is a lie... But I'm not going to believe something unless it makes logical sense and is backed up
That's true. Just because he lies so often, doesn't mean he lies every time that he speaks. I believe that he was telling the truth about his family being threatened if he did not testify the way the government wanted him to. But the fact that he has shown willingness to lie over and over, even when testifying in this case this week, means that nothing he says should be believed, unless there is other evidence that backs it up.

If there were such evidence, the prosecution would not have needed to embarass themselves and their case by putting him on the stand.

The stuff he said about Trump talking to him when he he called bodyguard Shiller to complain about the fourteen year old makes absolutely no sense. We know that it was made up and fed to him by the prosecution because he never said it before this testimony and he said the prosecution had "refreshed my memory."

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