ratings for Jan 6th hearings crushed by reruns of Young Sheldon ..

Ummm, I dunno.

It seems the longtime official arbiter of how many eyeballs watched what ...the Nielsen Corp.....well, they said a little over 20 million, and hadn't yet counted the eyeballs that watched it on PBS.

So, without being disrespectful to the poster 'yidnar'...... I would suggest a little more due diligence would help his gravitas on this particular venue.

Good luck.

View attachment 657180
20 million is not a good number, and even democrats admitted that.

Didn't see any of that in the OP. Here is what it said, copy/paste:

Just 3.24 million people watched the network's "Capitol Assault Hearings" coverage Thursday night, according to the TV Ratings Guide. Exactly one week prior, 3.86 million people tuned into CBS to watch a Young Sheldon rerun, meaning an old episode of the coming-of-age sitcom garnered roughly 600,000 more viewers than the inaugural hearing.
I don't want to watch either but if I had to choose it would be young Sheldon. I'd rather watch young Sheldon double the amount of time as the jan 6 hearings.
Really, folks.....today's hearing was quite informative.
You should try to catch it on YouTube.
It could make you a better informed American. Not a bad thing. And a nice change.

"Here's when and how you can watch with a preview of what to expect.

Monday, June 13

When to watch: 7 a.m. Pacific
What to expect: The second hearing is expected to reveal evidence of how Trump and his advisors knew there was no election fraud yet spread the "Big Lie." Trump, the committee said, was informed multiple times by campaign staff and Atty. Gen. William Barr that there was no proof of fraud.

Wednesday, June 15

When to watch: 7 a.m. Pacific
What to expect: The third hearing is expected to show how Trump pressured the Justice Department to claim there had been rampant fraud in the election, as well as his attempt to install an attorney general who would help him get that done. Trump's efforts were blocked by Justice Department leadership and by White House lawyers who threatened to resign. Several Republican lawmakers were involved in Trump's effort."
Really, folks.....today's hearing was quite informative.
You should try to catch it on YouTube.
It could make you a better informed American. Not a bad thing. And a nice change.

"Here's when and how you can watch with a preview of what to expect.

Monday, June 13

When to watch: 7 a.m. Pacific
What to expect: The second hearing is expected to reveal evidence of how Trump and his advisors knew there was no election fraud yet spread the "Big Lie." Trump, the committee said, was informed multiple times by campaign staff and Atty. Gen. William Barr that there was no proof of fraud.

Wednesday, June 15

When to watch: 7 a.m. Pacific
What to expect: The third hearing is expected to show how Trump pressured the Justice Department to claim there had been rampant fraud in the election, as well as his attempt to install an attorney general who would help him get that done. Trump's efforts were blocked by Justice Department leadership and by White House lawyers who threatened to resign. Several Republican lawmakers were involved in Trump's effort."

So where is there any evidence of him breaking any laws? I told you, the Communists are only putting on this show to try to stretch this out until as close to the election as possible. That's all they have.
Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?

For the same reason they didn't allow Banks or Jordan to represent the Republican side. Of course because they didn't allow Republicans to choose their own leaders, that makes anything they claim (or try to do) irrelevant since they didn't follow House rules.
For the same reason they didn't allow Banks or Jordan to represent the Republican side. Of course because they didn't allow Republicans to choose their own leaders, that makes anything they claim (or try to do) irrelevant since they didn't follow House rules.

It's the Moscow Show Trials redux.
So where is there any evidence of him breaking any laws?

Patience, Grasshopper.
Only two hearings done....at least 4 more to go.

And, in my opinion, the first two hearings certainly earned an opening on my busy calendar......for the third to be watched with interest.

Patience, Grasshopper.
Only two hearings done....at least 4 more to go.

And, in my opinion, the first two hearings certainly earned an opening on my busy calendar......for the third to be watched with interest.

Oh please, if anything less and less people will be watching as it's more exciting to watch grass grow. Anybody with a half a brain knows what this is all about. That's why they hired an ABC exec to try and find a way to make it interesting.

Watching people act who are not actors is like guys telling jokes that are not comedians. People just turn them off.
Don't wish to be intrusive to your personal business, poster Chic, but......but is your opinion above based on watching the first two hearings? Or just from reading your social media feeds?

My opinions, always correct, are based on study.

Let's review what you missed going to government school:

I suppose it is a lack of creativity, not just honesty, that your sort simply copies their forebears.

First, they took a page from earlier socialists, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, who burned down their capitol and said the other side did it....

The True Story of the Reichstag Fire and the Nazi Rise to ...

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › history › true-story...
— Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's fire, conspiracy theories are sure to follow. At least, that's what happened in Germany on ...

The exact story of Jan6....

And their other cousins.....who tried political enemies on fake charges.

Great Purge​

Soviet history
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Alternate titles: purge trials
By The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaEdit History

Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
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Date: August 1936 - March 13, 1938Location: Moscow RussiaKey People: Lev Kamenev Karl Radek Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov Leon Trotsky Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda...(Show more)
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Read a brief summary of this topic​

Great Purge, also called purge trials, three widely publicized show trials and a series of closed, unpublicized trials held in the Soviet Union during the late 1930s, in which many prominent Old Bolsheviks were found guilty of treason and executed or imprisoned. All the evidence presented in court was derived from preliminary examinations of the defendants and from their confessions. It was subsequently established that the accused were innocent, that the cases were fabricated by the secret police (NKVD), and that the confessions were made under pressure of intensive torture and intimidation.
The trials successfully eliminated the major real and potential political rivals and critics of Joseph Stalin. The trials were the public aspect of the widespread purge that sent millions of alleged “enemies of the people” to prison camps in the 1930s.
Joseph Stalin

Luckily they both had ooodles of brain dead adherents.....you know.....like you.

Have you ever read any history???????

Have you ever read a book???

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.


He was thinking of you.

BTW.....who'd you vote for?
Moonbats should quit watching that spectacle; it would make them better-informed citizens.

No, don't tell them that. It would take all the enjoyment out of it for us. They are going to be all giddy with "we're going to get Trump now" and the great disappointment when it doesn't happen................. again.
No, folks, I'm serious. What did you think of Benjamin Ginsburg's testimony today?
I thought ex-AG Barr was credible today too.
Did you also think so?

Are you gonna watch again on Wednesday?

I hope so, then you can join us here and share your perceptive insights.

Just sayin'. ;)
Miley Cyrus To Perform Halftime Show At Jan. 6 Committee Hearings


Wow, don't wanna miss that.
No, folks, I'm serious. What did you think of Benjamin Ginsburg's testimony today?
I thought ex-AG Barr was credible today too.
Did you also think so?

Are you gonna watch again on Wednesday?

I hope so, then you can join us here and share your perceptive insights.

Just sayin'. ;)

Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?

Doesn’t that mean that everything they are claiming is easily refuted???

Could there be any other reason?

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