ratings for Jan 6th hearings crushed by reruns of Young Sheldon ..

20 million viewers is not a "good number"?
Compared to what?
What were you expecting?
And why?
More watch Sheldon reruns :laughing0301:
More watch nightly news in not a prime time slot than the committee hearing that was in a prime time slot. :auiqs.jpg:
20 million is not a good number, no matter what your masters tell you.
Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?
Well, poster Chic, that issue has been autopsied on this gossipboard any number of times. Most important to that debate, is that the Republicans refused to participate in creating a non-partisan panel of experts, ala' the 9/11 Commission.

Then they compounded that recalcitrance by refusing to submit serious knowledgeable Republican members of the Select Committee, instead offering poison-pill disrupters.

Anyway, all that is old news. That was then, this is now.

Poster Political Chic what did you think of Republican elections expert Benjamin Ginsberg's testimony yesterday in the hearing?
Or even his interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS last night?
More watch nightly news in not a prime time slot than the committee hearing that was in a prime time slot. :auiqs.jpg:
20 million is not a good number, no matter what your masters tell you.
Ah, good poster Meister, don' let yourself be seduced by pop-culture here.
20 million beat out anybody else on that day. Sheldon or Honey BooBoo.

More importantly, what we saw ...and what the Committee is seemingly intending .... is to establish a historical record of what actually happened in the run-up to January 6th, what happened during that tragic day, and who is responsible for the tragedy and the damage it has done to America.

What America does not want is too many Americans who personify that familiar Three Monkey statue of hands over eyes, ears, and mouth. The Committee wants America to know. The least any responsible American can do is take the time, expend the due diligence, to watch. And judge for oneself. We can't see, if we don't look.

  • So, after you watched yesterday's hearing, poster Meister, what did you think of the under-oath testimony of Republican election expert Benjamin Ginsberg yesterday?

  • And, as long as you listened to Ginsberg, well, what was your reaction after watching all of Bill Barr's under oath testimony?
and what the Committee is seemingly intending .... is to establish a historical record of what actually happened in the run-up to January 6th,

:badgrin: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :badgrin: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::badgrin::auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, that's what they're trying to do. Not to drift off topic, but I have a bridge in my area I'm trying to sell. You can set up toll booth and make all kinds of money if you're interested.
Why do you suppose the ‘Jan6 Committee’ wouldn’t allow any pro-Trump members to sit in?

Because they are Democrats. Democrats are anti-Americans who hate our Constitution and rule of law. Real Americans believe in the right for one to defend themselves. Nazis believe they can accuse, indict, and imprison anybody they want unchallenged even if it's only because they are a political foe.

Look at the people who are still locked up for over a year with no ability to see a judge or have the judge set bail. Read the reports of people who were put in solitary confinement simply because they were part of 1/6. Read how they are taking steps to disarm Americans so we can't defend ourselves against criminals and Democrats (yes, I see the irony). This is the second time they attacked Trump where he was not allowed any kind of defense at all. These are anti-American Nazis. It's what they do.
You can set up toll booth and make all kinds of money if you're interested.
Well, thank you, but I would decline. I'm old. My business and active or partnering role in equity projects is behind me now.
But, to today's topic of the Select Committee's hearings, I am curious poster Ray from Clev. what did you think of the testimonies?

Specifically, so that you are not burdened with a request to analyze every Republican witness that came before the Committee.....how bout just your opinion on two.
I'll query you for the forum, with the same query posed to poster Meister.

To wit:

  • So, after you watched yesterday's hearing, poster Meister, Ray from Cleveland, what did you think of the under-oath testimony of Republican election expert Benjamin Ginsberg yesterday?
  • And, as long as you listened to Ginsberg, well, what was your reaction after watching all of Bill Barr's under oath testimony?
Well, poster Chic, that issue has been autopsied on this gossipboard any number of times. Most important to that debate, is that the Republicans refused to participate in creating a non-partisan panel of experts, ala' the 9/11 Commission.

Then they compounded that recalcitrance by refusing to submit serious knowledgeable Republican members of the Select Committee, instead offering poison-pill disrupters.

Anyway, all that is old news. That was then, this is now.

Poster Political Chic what did you think of Republican elections expert Benjamin Ginsberg's testimony yesterday in the hearing?
Or even his interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS last night?

Let's review Jan6 and and the fake 'trial' you have been tricked to accept.

I suppose it is a lack of creativity, not just honesty, that your sort simply copies their forebears.

First, they took a page from earlier socialists, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, who burned down their capitol and said the other side did it....

The True Story of the Reichstag Fire and the Nazi Rise to ...

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › history › true-story...
— Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's fire, conspiracy theories are sure to follow. At least, that's what happened in Germany on ...

The exact story of Jan6....

And their other cousins.....who tried political enemies on fake charges.

Great Purge​

Soviet history
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Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
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Date: August 1936 - March 13, 1938Location: Moscow RussiaKey People: Lev Kamenev Karl Radek Aleksey Ivanovich Rykov Leon Trotsky Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda...(Show more)
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Read a brief summary of this topic​

Great Purge, also called purge trials, three widely publicized show trials and a series of closed, unpublicized trials held in the Soviet Union during the late 1930s, in which many prominent Old Bolsheviks were found guilty of treason and executed or imprisoned. All the evidence presented in court was derived from preliminary examinations of the defendants and from their confessions. It was subsequently established that the accused were innocent, that the cases were fabricated by the secret police (NKVD), and that the confessions were made under pressure of intensive torture and intimidation.
The trials successfully eliminated the major real and potential political rivals and critics of Joseph Stalin. The trials were the public aspect of the widespread purge that sent millions of alleged “enemies of the people” to prison camps in the 1930s.
Joseph Stalin

Luckily they both had ooodles of brain dead adherents.....you know.....like you.

Have you ever read any history???????

Have you ever read a book???

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.


He was thinking of you.

BTW.....who'd you vote for?
Because they are Democrats. Democrats are anti-Americans who hate our Constitution and rule of law. Real Americans believe in the right for one to defend themselves. Nazis believe they can accuse, indict, and imprison anybody they want unchallenged even if it's only because they are a political foe.

Look at the people who are still locked up for over a year with no ability to see a judge or have the judge set bail. Read the reports of people who were put in solitary confinement simply because they were part of 1/6. Read how they are taking steps to disarm Americans so we can't defend ourselves against criminals and Democrats (yes, I see the irony). This is the second time they attacked Trump where he was not allowed any kind of defense at all. These are anti-American Nazis. It's what they do.

The very same doctrines America defeated in WWII, back again like Michael Myers.
Well, thank you, but I would decline. I'm old. My business and active or partnering role in equity projects is behind me now.
But, to today's topic of the Select Committee's hearings, I am curious poster Ray from Clev. what did you think of the testimonies?

Specifically, so that you are not burdened with a request to analyze every Republican witness that came before the Committee.....how bout just your opinion on two.

I'll query you for the forum, with the same query posed to poster Meister.

To wit:

  • So, after you watched yesterday's hearing, poster Meister, Ray from Cleveland, what did you think of the under-oath testimony of Republican election expert Benjamin Ginsberg yesterday?
  • And, as long as you listened to Ginsberg, well, what was your reaction after watching all of Bill Barr's under oath testimony?

Like most all Americans, I didn't watch the clown show. But since you did, let me ask, what did they testify to that would indicate Trump broke any laws? Be specific.

All I really have to know is our Constitution that guarantees the right to free speech of all Americans. All I need to know is that this is a sham due to the fact the defense was not allowed to have any representation or ask any questions. All I need to know is that this invasion was already investigated by the FBI over a year ago and they found no organization of any kind by Trump or anybody else.

You can have all the fun you want and high hopes that follow. But the real 1/6 investigation won't take place until we are in charge next year. Then we are going to find out the FBI's role to encourage those people to invade the Capital. We are going to make those thousand hours of video the Communists are now hiding available to Congress and the general public. We're going to find out why Piglosi had the Capital police refused Trump's offer of providing the National Guard at the Capital before anybody even arrived. We are going to find out what information the FBI provided to Piglosi and what she did with that information she had four days before the event. We're going to find out why prisoners were held (some in solitary confinement) for over a year with no ability to see their lawyers, have their day in court, and the ability to post bond for trespassing. We're going to find out about everything.
Ah, good poster Meister, don' let yourself be seduced by pop-culture here.
20 million beat out anybody else on that day. Sheldon or Honey BooBoo.

More importantly, what we saw ...and what the Committee is seemingly intending .... is to establish a historical record of what actually happened in the run-up to January 6th, what happened during that tragic day, and who is responsible for the tragedy and the damage it has done to America.

What America does not want is too many Americans who personify that familiar Three Monkey statue of hands over eyes, ears, and mouth. The Committee wants America to know. The least any responsible American can do is take the time, expend the due diligence, to watch. And judge for oneself. We can't see, if we don't look.

  • So, after you watched yesterday's hearing, poster Meister, what did you think of the under-oath testimony of Republican election expert Benjamin Ginsberg yesterday?

  • And, as long as you listened to Ginsberg, well, what was your reaction after watching all of Bill Barr's under oath testimony?
You mean a one sided Kangaroo hearing? got it :smoke:
You mean a one sided Kangaroo hearing? got it :smoke:
OK, we go it. You think it is a "kangaroo court'.
But let's try to advance the discourse beyond that.

  • So, what did you think of yesterday's testimony?
  • The aforementioned Barr and Ginsberg testimony?
  • And also the Trump campaign's manager Stempien's testimony?
Stempien said that the White House staff....at least the lawyers and the professional election data mavens and such.....had become divided into a "Team Normal" and "Rudy's Team". Where the staff began to quit and bail out after Rudy and Pillow Boy and Krakenpot Powell's rise to dominance in Trump's orbit....all of professional managers thinking "this is nuts", this 'election fraud' business is totally unsupported by our own data. So they began to abandon ship to save their professional reputations.

Your opinion of the various testimonies.....after you listened and watched 'em......could be informative to the assembled forum.



The major networks are nothing but a branch of the Democratic Party.

Prove it. Articulate some justification for such an opinion so assertively expressed publicly.
Defend your allegation.
OK, we go it. You think it is a "kangaroo court'.
But let's try to advance the discourse beyond that.

  • So, what did you think of yesterday's testimony?
  • The aforementioned Barr and Ginsberg testimony?
  • And also the Trump campaign's manager Stempien's testimony?
Stempien said that the White House staff....at least the lawyers and the professional election data mavens and such.....had become divided into a "Team Normal" and "Rudy's Team". Where the staff began to quit and bail out after Rudy and Pillow Boy and Krakenpot Powell's rise to dominance in Trump's orbit....all of professional managers thinking "this is nuts", this 'election fraud' business is totally unsupported by our own data. So they began to abandon ship to save their professional reputations.

Your opinion of the various testimonies.....after you listened and watched 'em......could be informative to the assembled forum.



Prove it. Articulate some justification for such an opinion so assertively expressed publicly.
Defend your allegation.
I don't watch Kangaroo courts where the outcome is decided ahead of time as everything is choreographed for that outcome. I did hear, however, that one of the higher ups in the kangaroo court had mentioned that Trump will NOT be referred for criminal charges. More evidence that the whole thing is just a circus show for the upcoming midterms.
OK, we go it. You think it is a "kangaroo court'.
But let's try to advance the discourse beyond that.

  • So, what did you think of yesterday's testimony?
  • The aforementioned Barr and Ginsberg testimony?
  • And also the Trump campaign's manager Stempien's testimony?
Stempien said that the White House staff....at least the lawyers and the professional election data mavens and such.....had become divided into a "Team Normal" and "Rudy's Team". Where the staff began to quit and bail out after Rudy and Pillow Boy and Krakenpot Powell's rise to dominance in Trump's orbit....all of professional managers thinking "this is nuts", this 'election fraud' business is totally unsupported by our own data. So they began to abandon ship to save their professional reputations.

Your opinion of the various testimonies.....after you listened and watched 'em......could be informative to the assembled forum.



Prove it. Articulate some justification for such an opinion so assertively expressed publicly.
Defend your allegation.
defend what? A one sided hearing? There is no defense for that, because not all the facts have been laid out, just what Pelosi was looking for.
Just like the impeachment circus X 2
Still showing your ignorance. You don’t get to add multiple networks together for ratings or network viewership. Epic fail. Young Sheldon still looks down on Cheney and your fellow clowns.
Oh please, if anything less and less people will be watching as it's more exciting to watch grass grow. Anybody with a half a brain knows what this is all about. That's why they hired an ABC exec to try and find a way to make it interesting.

Watching people act who are not actors is like guys telling jokes that are not comedians. People just turn them off.
That moron doesn’t realize that you lead with your biggest thing in order to keep viewers. The kangaroo court failed miserably and got debunked inside of 10 minutes. So few care that they got moved to daytime so they have a built in excuse for low viewership.
"defend what? A one sided hearing?"

Defend what?
Who asked you to defend anything?
Could that be a strawman you've hastily erected?

I say that in jest, but note.......nobody is asking you to defend your assertion the Select Committee's hearings are a 'kangaroo court'.

Rather, what you were queried about was:
What was your opinion of the testimonies of Wm. Barr, Benjamin Ginsburg, and Bill Stempien ....AFTER you had watched and listened to their under-oath testimonies?

And then, as far as your charge that it is "a one sided hearing".....well, take note that yesteray's hearing had plenty....plenty ....of Republicans. In fact, most of the witnesses.....many from Trump's own campaign professionals and the White House.... were Republican....from Ginsburg to Barr to Stempien to any number of White House and campaign lawyers. There were likely far more Republicans at yesterday's hearing than Democrats, or Green Party or whoever.

But back to the topic: What was your opinion of various testimonies after you had watched and listened to 'em?

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