Race Relations, Examining Hip Hop Culture, Going Deep


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Greeting. I believe in facts and medical science.

Now let's go *really deep* examining an aspect of Hip Hop culture most citizens decline or refuse to discuss.

In the early 80s through 90s I spent the first 12 years of my police career as a uniformed cop, robbery and homicide investigator serving the traumatized Brooklyn, NY community where Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victims Jay-Z (born 1969) and the late Biggie Smalls (born 1972) were raised, nurtured and socialized.

During those 12 years, sadly, I regularly witnessed SELFISH, immature, apathetic, incompetent child rearing behaviors explaining exactly why Biggie and Jay-Z, as well as countless numbers of their Hip Hop peers produce music hatefully denigrating women as inhuman b!t©hes and hoes undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

During those 12 years I witnessed exactly why the late gun violence homicide and Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur created his often misinterpreted, much ignored *THUGLIFE* Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment *AWARENESS PREVENTION* PSA.

THUGLIFE = *"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everybody"*

Unfortunately, *THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN,* large numbers of American kids and teens of African descent suffer an easily preventable, though potential life scarring disease that Medical Doctors and Child Brain Development Scientists characterize as Childhood Trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Are citizens aware *THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN* American children & teens of African descent *SUFFER* our Nation's highest rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse & Maltreatment!

Child Brain Development Scientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD Educates An American Billionaire:

California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Child Neglect and Abuse Prevention Advocate Dr. Harris offers real SOULutions for PREVENTING Violence & HATE:

If you took the time to learn how Childhood Trauma (ACEs) affects a young developing brain, do you recognize why an apparent emotionally troubled, suicidal homicidal thinking teen or adult citizen can walk up to two cops and attempt to assassinate them.


Or actually assassinate police as was the case of NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos, 40, and Wenjian Liu, 32, who were murdered in the same community where Jay-Z and Biggie Smalls were raised, nurtured and socialized.


In fact officers Ramos and Liu died one bus stop away from the Marcy housing projects where 12 year old Shawn Carter, later known as Jay-Z, reportedly shot a substance abusing sibling for stealing from a family member.

My question, how much longer will caring responsible citizens *WILLFULLY IGNORE* the fact that large numbers of teen and adult moms are raising perfectly healthy newborns maturing into suicidal homicidal thinking teen and adult citizens largely lacking empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful neighbors!!!

Are caring responsible citizens actually fearful of being labelled RACIST by America's large emotionally troubled, Female dominated, Child Neglecting, *NO SNITCHING,* Segregation minded, Intra-Racial Discrimination and HATE practicing ProBlack community that chooses to denigrate as C°°ns, Sellouts or Traitors, our caring responsible American neighbors, friends and co-workers African descent choosing to peacefully pursue *THEIR OWN* unique vision for Life, Liberty, (Love) and Happiness!?

Okay, did I go deep enough for you?

Or would you like me to discuss more victims of HATE who Tupac Shakur had in mind when creating his THUGLIFE Child Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment and Maltreatment Public Service Announcement?


In the early 80s through 90s I spent the first 12 years of my police career as a uniformed cop, robbery and . . .
do you recognize why an apparent emotionally troubled, suicidal homicidal thinking teen or adult citizen can walk up to two cops and attempt to assassinate them. Or actually assassinate police as was the case of NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos, 40, and Wenjian Liu, 32, who were murdered in the same community where Jay-Z and Biggie Smalls were raised, nurtured and socialized.
They were assassinated by a man on the run from a murder warrant in Baltimore. He wanted to kill some police so he could be a star in prison.

Any cop from Brooklyn would know that.

You are a fraud.
The worst thing ever to happen to America. Poor black culture, rap trash. It embodies the worst of the worst. Rape, violence hate. What positive thing has poor black culture aspired to? What?
I agree ... there are certain forms of dancing that absolutely lead to the decline of society and civilization.

In the early 80s through 90s I spent the first 12 years of my police career as a uniformed cop, robbery and . . .
do you recognize why an apparent emotionally troubled, suicidal homicidal thinking teen or adult citizen can walk up to two cops and attempt to assassinate them. Or actually assassinate police as was the case of NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos, 40, and Wenjian Liu, 32, who were murdered in the same community where Jay-Z and Biggie Smalls were raised, nurtured and socialized.
They were assassinated by a man on the run from a murder warrant in Baltimore. He wanted to kill some police so he could be a star in prison.

Any cop from Brooklyn would know that.

You are a fraud.

Hi, professor. I'm also a blood clot, but that's a whole other story.

Can you provide some more details?
Maybe a video or two to provide more information in an entertaining manner.
Rap music/poor black culture dehumanizes us all, period. Why is poor black culture held in such high regard?Rap dehumanizes and normalizes racial hate, misogyny and homophobia. Its trash. Why is it so popular? I can't figure that out.
Cardi B legitimizes misogyny because...poor black culture! Every sin ever is excusable because..."you don't understand poor black culture!" I DO. I know an asshole when I see one, and poor black culture is no excuse.

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