Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply!

Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


One of the chosen ones, they destroyed the drinking water in Gaza and well they say the W. Bank is very polluted. Lucky for the Gazans their shit is flowing north to the Israel coast. A zealot, they hate everyone.

Shows just how little you know as there is no long shore drift in the Med
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


One of the chosen ones, they destroyed the drinking water in Gaza and well they say the W. Bank is very polluted. Lucky for the Gazans their shit is flowing north to the Israel coast. A zealot, they hate everyone.

Shows just how little you know as there is no long shore drift in the Med

Now who knows "little"?

Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


Palestinian Authority resurrects poisoned well blood libel
Arutz Sheva · 13 minutes ago
False allegations of Jews poisoning drinking water - along with other rumors such as those ... media outlers - the PA's …

The image is from a conspiracy/hate site from 2010. It is call bad make-up for propaganda purposes.

You never seem to learn.
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


Palestinian Authority resurrects poisoned well blood libel
Arutz Sheva · 13 minutes ago
False allegations of Jews poisoning drinking water - along with other rumors such as those ... media outlers - the PA's …

The image is from a conspiracy/hate site from 2010. It is call bad make-up for propaganda purposes.

You never seem to learn.

Nazi's never learn because they can't afford to. The truth just does not sufficiently express their mindless hatred.
Let's see how many of the Israel supporters condemn this incitement for terrorism!

The sheeps were already poisoned by settlers in palestinian lands.


'01, during negotiations, sheep poisoned by get Arafat to walk away from table.
there are a number of common plants/weeds that cause the frothing of the mouth and bloat in sheep in the area.

Do you ever question articles before posting them?

propaganda sites gave theories from injection to nerve gas, but it was just common plants.
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


Palestinian Authority resurrects poisoned well blood libel
Arutz Sheva · 13 minutes ago
False allegations of Jews poisoning drinking water - along with other rumors such as those ... media outlers - the PA's …

The image is from a conspiracy/hate site from 2010. It is call bad make-up for propaganda purposes.

You never seem to learn.

Of course they deny it. I for one believe it.

Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life. Our work aims to bring an end to the occupation.
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

Palestinian Authority promotes well-poisoning blood libel
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic canard thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

Antisemtic Canard

Accusations of well poisoning

During the Black Death (often identified as bubonic plague epidemic) throughout the late Middle Ages, crowded cities were especially hard hit by the disease, with death tolls as high as 50% of the population. In their distress, emotionally distraught survivors searched for something, or someone, to blame. The Jews proved to be a convenient scapegoat.

There were no mass attacks against "Jewish poisoners" after the period of the Black Death, but the accusation became part and parcel of antisemitic dogma and language. It appeared again in early 1953 in the form of the "doctors' plot" in Stalin's last days, when hundreds of Jewish physicians in the Soviet Union were arrested and some of them killed on the charge of having caused the death of prominent Communist leaders... Similar charges were made in the 1980s and 1990s in radical Arab nationalist and Muslim fundamentalist propaganda that accused the Jews of spreading AIDS and other infectious diseases.
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I'm sure these guys must be lying:

A moving human shield

testimony catalog number: 17453
rank: Lieutenant
unit: Civil Administration
area: Bethlehem area

He gathered everyone and said, “Guys, I’m putting three snipers on the hilltop, and I’m parking the jeep right smack in the middle of the village.” You have to understand, they go out on patrol in Takua, it’s legitimate. To locate vehicles and to demonstrate a presence. But what he tried to do was get the [Palestinians] to crowd around and start throwing rocks. He said, “I don’t respond to rocks. When there’s enough of a crowd, the soldiers on the hill will take out their legs.”

Kids do whatever they please in Hebron

testimony catalog number: 75697
rank: Staff Sergeant
unit: Nahal Brigade
area: Hebron

At 44 (a military post next to the Tel Rumeida settlement in Hebron)?
Yes. The extremely cute child who would regularly visit our position decided that he didn't like Palestinians walking right under his home, so he took a brick and threw it at her head. Kids do whatever they please there. No one does anything about it. No one cares. Afterwards, his parents only praised him. The parents there encourage their children to behave this way. I had many such cases. 11-12 year old Jewish children beat up Palestinians and their parents come to help them along, set their dogs on them; a thousand and one stories

Breaking the Silence › Testimony - Kids do whatever they please in Hebron
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??
Umm Free of Mind is an antisemtic Sunni Islamist. Playing word games again?
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??
Umm Free of Mind is an antisemtic Sunni Islamist. Playing word games again?

No jews hijacked the real mean of the word Semite. Of couse it only now applies to them, just like the only people who suffered in WWII were jews. Everything about them. On a whole as a clan of people they steal everything from others.
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??
Umm Free of Mind is an antisemtic Sunni Islamist. Playing word games again?

No jews hijacked the real mean of the word Semite. Of couse it only now applies to them, just like the only people who suffered in WWII were jews. Everything about them. On a whole as a clan of people they steal everything from others.
What is the asylum escapee blabbering now? The word antisemite or antisemtic means JEW HATER. Look it up. You lunatics go from one antisemitic canard to another. It's never ending.

Now the Evil Jooooos are "hijacking the English language." Wow. Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love it.

Please tell us, what else have Jews done?
It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??

As always you lead with your vast ignorance. The world's largest (by far) Sunni population is located outside of the Mideast (India, Pakistan, Indonesia) and are not Semites.

In my experience those who hate as you do are blinded to truth, reality and facts.
Let's see how many of the Israel supporters condemn this incitement for terrorism!

About as many as team Palestine could muster when the Palestinians chanted " DEATH TO THE JEWS " during Fridays prayers.

You don't condemn it then Phoney?

No more than you condemn the arab muslims, islamofascists, neo Nazi's and Jew haters when they same the same thing about the Jews. In fact you support their words
Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News

Another jewish bearded crow calls settlers to kill the palestinians.

Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply

The foreign ministry of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Sunday, demanded the arrest of a Jewish Rabbi, who called on Israeli settlers to poison water used by Palestinians in hundreds of towns and villages across the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian national office for the defense of land and resistance of settlements warned of the dangers and consequences of such calls.
» Rabbi Calls for Poisoning of Palestinian Water Supply– IMEMC News


One of the chosen ones, they destroyed the drinking water in Gaza and well they say the W. Bank is very polluted. Lucky for the Gazans their shit is flowing north to the Israel coast. A zealot, they hate everyone.

Shows just how little you know as there is no long shore drift in the Med

Now who knows "little"?


Did you check your link for dates, because if you did you would see the study was in 1990's and deals with wave direction and height. NOT THE MOVEMENT OF EFFLUENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. This is how the EU fiddle the figures for water quality by using the north Med coast as the start point for coliforms. No tidal flows you see so no movement of the effluent along or towards the shoreline

Yet another of your failed deflections when it looks like team Palestine is losing the argument
It's interesting and quite entertaining how the Jew haters descend upon yet another bullshit antisemtic thread brought to us by the Sunni enemy within Islamic invader "Free of mind", like flies to shit.

UM, Sunni's are Semtic for the most part. Oh pray tell, Semitic only is for who??

As always you lead with your vast ignorance. The world's largest (by far) Sunni population is located outside of the Mideast (India, Pakistan, Indonesia) and are not Semites.

In my experience those who hate as you do are blinded to truth, reality and facts.

And with more closely linked to the area but spread out. Ashkenazi's are not Semites, came from Japheth, not Shem..
Let's see how many of the Israel supporters condemn this incitement for terrorism!

About as many as team Palestine could muster when the Palestinians chanted " DEATH TO THE JEWS " during Fridays prayers.

You don't condemn it then Phoney?

No more than you condemn the arab muslims, islamofascists, neo Nazi's and Jew haters when they same the same thing about the Jews. In fact you support their words

Lets see a source other than a LYING islamonazi one

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