

Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?

Yesterday I listened to a Orthodox Priest he explained what "sins and passions are". And he said after death our passion are still with us, and thats why we are not in heaven if we do not fight our passions. He quoted the Bible saying "Where there is sin there is no God and where God is there is no sin". That made somehow sense but yet I think the orthodox still reject the concept of Purgatory but all of a sudden the purgatory made totally sense to me. Because we need to get purified to get saved from all sins, but it is also wrong that someone who was a convinced christian cannot enter heaven because of some sins or passions though no one is a saint everyone has a passion even if he is a convinced christian. So purgatory made totally sense that we are purified and then enter sinless heaven. It doesnt make any sense if they reject purgatory. Opinions?

Yesterday I listened to a Orthodox Priest he explained what "sins and passions are". And he said after death our passion are still with us, and thats why we are not in heaven if we do not fight our passions. He quoted the Bible saying "Where there is sin there is no God and where God is there is no sin". That made somehow sense but yet I think the orthodox still reject the concept of Purgatory but all of a sudden the purgatory made totally sense to me. Because we need to get purified to get saved from all sins, but it is also wrong that someone who was a convinced christian cannot enter heaven because of some sins or passions though no one is a saint everyone has a passion even if he is a convinced christian. So purgatory made totally sense that we are purified and then enter sinless heaven. It doesnt make any sense if they reject purgatory. Opinions?

Purgatory DOES exist in America. Its name is Detroit. Or Portland, or Seattle, or Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Any city that is run by Democrats here in America IS purgatory on earth, a sh*thole, if you will.
As there remains no actual evidence of any Heaven, Hell or, Purgatory....and....as there are around 260 recognized religions and none believe the same, the likelihood of anyone being a member of the "one true religion," is highly unlikely....AND....as the dead can't speak. I'm going to remain skeptical of ALL religions. I believe in what I can see, touch, smell and hear....plus the molecules, atoms and quantum world that science has shown us. But, as far as some figure that we're supposed to look like, or some other entity professed by the other religions, I'm sticking with a sound....NO for now.
Svet, I knew this time was coming. And with all respect to Catholics, there is no such thing as purgatory. To say there is, is to say that Jesus' work on the cross was incomplete. The Bible says that children go straight up to their Father and Paul said, "Absent from the body means present with the Lord". Straight up, Mort.
The Catholic religion has created more religious dogma than any other established branch of Christianity. To the extent that they had to create a "new" Bible to give credence to everything they changed.
90% of my friends are Catholic as is my husband's family and I love them all. You won't find better Christians, regardless of what misinformation they were given.
I want you to pray for discernment and read the King James so you'll know the truth from religious doctrine when you hear it from any church affiliation, because they all fall short.
You are doing great. I am proud of you.
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He quoted the Bible saying "Where there is sin there is no God and where God is there is no sin".

This means God the Father isn't in this universe anymore. Sin has filled this world and we know this because of the Adamic covenant. We had the Edemic covenant, but it wasn't followed.:
Edenic covenant
Mankind (male and female) created in God’s image.
Mankind’s dominion (rule) over the animal kingdom.
Divine directive for mankind to reproduce and inhabit the entire Earth.
Mankind to be vegetarian (eating of meat established in the Noahic covenant: Genesis 9:3).
Eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil forbidden (with death as the stated penalty).

Adamic covenant
Enmity between Satan and Eve and her descendants.
Painful childbirth for women.
Marital strife.
The soil cursed.
Introduction of thorns and thistles.
Survival to be a struggle.
Death introduced.
Death will be the inescapable fate of all living things.

What the last part of the Adamic covenant means is there is no purgatory. We would have to have some way of escaping death and there are none. After death, comes our final judgement.
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Yesterday I listened to a Orthodox Priest he explained what "sins and passions are". And he said after death our passion are still with us, and thats why we are not in heaven if we do not fight our passions. He quoted the Bible saying "Where there is sin there is no God and where God is there is no sin". That made somehow sense but yet I think the orthodox still reject the concept of Purgatory but all of a sudden the purgatory made totally sense to me. Because we need to get purified to get saved from all sins, but it is also wrong that someone who was a convinced christian cannot enter heaven because of some sins or passions though no one is a saint everyone has a passion even if he is a convinced christian. So purgatory made totally sense that we are purified and then enter sinless heaven. It doesn't make any sense if they reject purgatory. Opinions?

No, I believe once the saved individual dies, all his old traits pass away with the old dead body, and all things become brand spanking new. In heaven the saints, and the angels who remained steadfast to GOD, are all sealed for all eternity. The choices have been made. The past is forgotten, everything moves forward into the forever future.
It must be totally understood that, Transubstantiation, Immaculate Conception, Purgatory, and Pontiff/Pope are not in either the Old or New Testament. Jesus never spoke on any of this. What was mentioned is Catching Away, Saints, Supper, Bishop, Deacon, Elder.
And he said after death our passion are still with us, and thats why we are not in heaven if we do not fight our passions.
morty, they made that up in the 4th century - their passion was the reason for their crucifixion, all the others ran away.

Yesterday I listened to a Orthodox Priest he explained what "sins and passions are". And he said after death our passion are still with us, and thats why we are not in heaven if we do not fight our passions. He quoted the Bible saying "Where there is sin there is no God and where God is there is no sin". That made somehow sense but yet I think the orthodox still reject the concept of Purgatory but all of a sudden the purgatory made totally sense to me. Because we need to get purified to get saved from all sins, but it is also wrong that someone who was a convinced christian cannot enter heaven because of some sins or passions though no one is a saint everyone has a passion even if he is a convinced christian. So purgatory made totally sense that we are purified and then enter sinless heaven. It doesnt make any sense if they reject purgatory. Opinions?

purgatory is the most dangerous false teaching Mortimer- please read the article I gave here.... also there are no second chances after death- a decision for Jesus must be made while alive.
As there remains no actual evidence of any Heaven, Hell or, Purgatory....and....as there are around 260 recognized religions and none believe the same, the likelihood of anyone being a member of the "one true religion," is highly unlikely....AND....as the dead can't speak. I'm going to remain skeptical of ALL religions. I believe in what I can see, touch, smell and hear....plus the molecules, atoms and quantum world that science has shown us. But, as far as some figure that we're supposed to look like, or some other entity professed by the other religions, I'm sticking with a sound....NO for now.

wrong---in my childhood town----if you dig in the soil---it eventually becomes RED---like 2 feet down. ---because you are APPROACHING HELL. We all agreed

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