Pure hypothetical: let's pretend republicans controlled the entire government


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?
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How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant increase of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1) They would fix it by trying to convince everyone thats not a problem

2) They would fix it by trying to convince everyone those people are the problem

3) They would fix that by telling you to pray and go to college (they dont understand that takes money too, but the rich dont understand hunger the same way. They ask why dont the poor just ring the bell for the butler)

4) They would fix it by trying to convince everyone those people are the problem

All of their solutions wont fix anything but maybe they can invest in Self Help Books to drop off to everyone or something. Tony Robbins?
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?
the economy was MUCH BETTER when repubs ran things
that inst hypothetical; it's a fact

unless you're counting record welfare and food stamps while corporations have RECORD PROFITS as your idea of "forward progress"?

libs are simply morons
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?
Much like it was when the government actually was republican: the 1820s or so. And still heavily republican up to the Progressive Era.

If we had a republican government, the people would be free to go about their business.
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.
Republicans DONT control the entire government?

could have fooled me; all i hear from left-wing crybabies is how republicans from Day One have been able to "obstruct" the Left's Dear Leader; despite Republicans being the MIINORITY PARTY in the US government for the last 8 years

idiots and hypocrites
the economy was MUCH BETTER when repubs ran things
that inst hypothetical; it's a fact

unless you're counting record welfare and food stamps while corporations have RECORD PROFITS as your idea of "forward progress"?

libs are simply morons

All of that doesn't answer the question now does it?
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

1. It is not government's job to take from one to give to another. It is not to equalize outcome
2. Again.. this is not the job of government. What they could to is make it more enticing for business to have it's higher tech and higher productivity jobs here. The tax we have on business does not promote that environment and what you get left with is low paying service jobs.
3. Government does not bring wages except to government employees. But again, see above
4. Stop subsidizing poverty. Make the tax code more business friendly to entice business to do more here, that is worthwhile instead of just serving food while products are made overseas and shipped in for consumption.

You are a very confused person if you think taking more and more from producers is going to fix something... especially creating jobs, or having those jobs for people to escalate their careers into

You want a specific policy... stop enormous government spending to reduce the country's tax burden and borrowing. Make taxes on business less than what they get in other countries that they are flocking to for tech work and manufacturing. Stop making handouts pay like a minimum to low wage job.

And oh.. regulations have a HUGE impact on business, business growth, and business productivity.. and that is where job growth comes from, not from big nanny government... where you get this MYTH that they do not is beyond anyone with any experience at all in business
By getting the government out of our lives.

Or do you think the government is helping you by making you work until April to pay it off?

I am asking for specifics. What policies are you referring to and why would they fix out nation's problems.

you're far too stupid to ponder things you cant understand. you cant conceive of a situation where not doing anything is the best advice. because like most libs and progressives deep down you have no faith in the system we have; and have a deep arrogance that feels only Progressives know the answers to advance society
If I controlled the Entire economy:

1. Export all our Progressives, just ship them overseas without a return address
2. Eliminate the Income tax and the IRS
3. Eliminate the Departments of Education, HUD, Interior, Agriculture, Labor, HHS, Energy and Homeland Security
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

You don't have to hypothesize the GOP being on top. It actually happened. And while they controlled all the branches of government, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, started three wars, lost guns in Mexico, tortured people, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a massive trillion dollar government healthcare program without providing a means to pay for it, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, drone bombed people in other countries, had several diplomatic missions attacked and one diplomat killed, expanded every federal agency except two (the SEC and the EPA), created a massive Cabinet level department with totalitarian police powers, and allowed our banks and the Fed to run the economy off a cliff.

I understand some people have to imagine what it would be like. Those people were in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009. They must have been, because they behave as if they have NO IDEA these things happened during that time.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
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more Americans had jobs when Repubs ran things

there was less welfare and FAR LESS food stamps
gas and food prices were lower; that affects the average American
minority unemployment was LOWER
the Poverty Rate was LOWER
participation in the Labor Market was HIGHER

it is what it is..................................PROGRESSIVE FAILURE

just own it
the economy was MUCH BETTER when repubs ran things
that inst hypothetical; it's a fact

unless you're counting record welfare and food stamps while corporations have RECORD PROFITS as your idea of "forward progress"?

libs are simply morons

All of that doesn't answer the question now does it?

sure it does; reality is right in your face

but dont worry; NOBODY expects left-wing losers to ever own up to anything
How would they fix our economic woes?

How would they fix the following issues:

1) The massive wealth inequality. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. Economists say this issue will only lead to more economic crises because of our consumer based economy.

2) How will they fix the problem of the significant increase of low wage jobs and the significant decrease of mid to high wage jobs since the 2008 crisis?

3) 95% of income gains going to the top 5% of earners. How will republicans bring higher wages to the rest of us?

4) 15% of the nation's population lives in poverty. How will they fix the issue of poverty.

Let me take a wild guess: MORE tax cuts for the wealthy? :lol: Guess what? That won't do shit. Corporate profits are at an all time already. In fact more tax cuts would only add to our national debt. Deregulation? That won't do shit either. In reality regulations have a very minor effect on job growth.

What else is there? Tell me. How will republicans fix everything? How will they continue the consistent job growth since 2009? What specific POLICIES, not rhetoric, will improve our nation's woes?

You don't have to hypothesize. It actually happened. And while they controlled all the branches of government, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, started three wars, lost guns in Mexico, tortured people, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a massive trillion dollar government healthcare program without providing a means to pay for it, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, drone bombed Muslims in other countries, had several diplomatic missions attacked and one diplomat killed, expanded every federal agency except two (the SEC and the EPA), created a massive Cabinet level department with totalitarian police powers, and allowed our banks and the Fed to run the economy off a cliff.

I understand some people have to imagine what it would be like. Those people were in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009.

Ah, but that was the OLD W gop. The Tea Party gop will simply eliminate govt.

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