Psaki Played The 'Biden Dead Son/Grief' Card In Response To Drone Strike Fiasco Question...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and got HAMMERED for it!

In a completely disgusting, pathetic display, WH spokesperson Psaki, when asked about the drone strike Biden & the WH claimed was a successful strike on ISIS-K members but turned out to be 10 civilians - to include 7 children, made the issue all about BIDEN'S past pain, about HIS loss.

Holy shit, is there no low this administration won't stoop to in order to distract from Biden's failures?!

...and got HAMMERED for it!

In a completely disgusting, pathetic display, WH spokesperson Psaki, when asked about the drone strike Biden & the WH claimed was a successful strike on ISIS-K members but turned out to be 10 civilians - to include 7 children, made the issue all about BIDEN'S past pain, about HIS loss.

Holy shit, is there no low this administration won't stoop to in order to distract from Biden's failures?!

Poor Ginger Goebbels. I give her another month...
"White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hammered Monday following her decision to invoke President Joe Biden's personal losses and grief while responding to a question on the botched drone strike in Afghanistan."


"Oh come on. Psaki just brought up fact that "as you know, Biden has personally experienced loss" as part of her answer on how he felt about his strike that killed 7 innocent children."

Biden & his administration have made it a habit of using his dead family members as a shield and defense mechanism against criticism for failed leadership and mistakes.

Psaki also invoked Biden's dead family and Biden's pain to respond to criticism for getting American servicemen killed in Kabul during his failed Afghanistan withdrawal.
Democrats are shameless

Capt Bo Biden served honorably and deserves to be remembered as Capt Bo Jones who has no connection to that drooling old man

And who was not KIA.

I really believe that Joe has a serious psychological problem from back when his first wife and daughter were killed in that accident. He's been living in a fantasy world for a long time now. And now, at his age, it has gotten much worse.

Criminal what Jill is doing to America and to Joe.
"White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hammered Monday following her decision to invoke President Joe Biden's personal losses and grief while responding to a question on the botched drone strike in Afghanistan."


"Oh come on. Psaki just brought up fact that "as you know, Biden has personally experienced loss" as part of her answer on how he felt about his strike that killed 7 innocent children."

Biden & his administration have made it a habit of using his dead family members as a shield and defense mechanism against criticism for failed leadership and mistakes.

Psaki also invoked Biden's dead family and Biden's pain to respond to criticism for getting American servicemen killed in Kabul during his failed Afghanistan withdrawal.

It’s amazing….just like that, Republicans suddenly rediscovered that scrap of toilet paper that passes for a conscience and are horrified, yes horrified, at a drone strike that killed civilians…as they SHOULD be. Wouldn’t you agree? There is way too much “collateral damage” and not enough accountability In drone strikes…not to mention…if you don’t have boots on the ground and lives at stake in the process…it’s easy to distance oneself from the actual people you kill.

The problem though, when your conscience is little more than biodegradable tissue, is that it is only activated by a partisan moment and then discarded after use.

The civilian death toll from drone strikes: Ten years investigating US covert warfare

During the Trump administration both drone strikes and civilian casualties increased dramatically. Civilian deaths increased by 330% during the Trump administration, with over 700 in 2019 alone.

I looked real hard for any outrage…this thread seems to be it.
wow just how pathetic is this man? to cheapen the death of his own family members by using them as a political tool to deflect from his incompetent leadership

It’s amazing….just like that, Republicans suddenly rediscovered that scrap of toilet paper that passes for a conscience and are horrified, yes horrified, at a drone strike that killed civilians…as they SHOULD be. Wouldn’t you agree? There is way too much “collateral damage” and not enough accountability In drone strikes…not to mention…if you don’t have boots on the ground and lives at stake in the process…it’s easy to distance oneself from the actual people you kill.

The problem though, when your conscience is little more than biodegradable tissue, is that it is only activated by a partisan moment and then discarded after use.

The civilian death toll from drone strikes: Ten years investigating US covert warfare

During the Trump administration both drone strikes and civilian casualties increased dramatically. Civilian deaths increased by 330% during the Trump administration, with over 700 in 2019 alone.

I looked real hard for any outrage…this thread seems to be it.
There was no outrage against Obama, except that one time he assassinated a US citizen. Either way, this is about Biden's failure. We only know of two drone strikes in Afghanistan. 50% failure rate sucks by any measure. Nor do we even know the truth about the other one.
"White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hammered Monday following her decision to invoke President Joe Biden's personal losses and grief while responding to a question on the botched drone strike in Afghanistan."


"Oh come on. Psaki just brought up fact that "as you know, Biden has personally experienced loss" as part of her answer on how he felt about his strike that killed 7 innocent children."

Biden & his administration have made it a habit of using his dead family members as a shield and defense mechanism against criticism for failed leadership and mistakes.

Psaki also invoked Biden's dead family and Biden's pain to respond to criticism for getting American servicemen killed in Kabul during his failed Afghanistan withdrawal.

I wonder if they have a profound lack of insight or they're just nasty sociopaths?
There was no outrage against Obama, except that one time he assassinated a US citizen. Either way, this is about Biden's failure. We only know of two drone strikes in Afghanistan. 50% failure rate sucks by any measure. Nor do we even know the truth about the other one.
That was one of my very few complaints about Obama.

Over a thousand civilians killed during Trumps escalation of drone strikes but you only care about Biden’s. Amazing.
That was one of my very few complaints about Obama.

Over a thousand civilians killed during Trumps escalation of drone strikes but you only care about Biden’s. Amazing.
Biden put himself in the whole withdrawal, buck stops here speech and all that. The previous presidents did not inject themselves in that manner. Biden put himself there. He takes credit for the people that were airlifted out, but denies all responsibility for anything that went wrong. From the failed airstrike, to abandoned Americans. He's pathetic, as are his defenders.
Biden put himself in the whole withdrawal, buck stops here speech and all that. The previous presidents did not inject themselves in that manner. Biden put himself there. He takes credit for the people that were airlifted out, but denies all responsibility for anything that went wrong. From the failed airstrike, to abandoned Americans. He's pathetic, as are his defenders.
I don’t see how that is any different than Trump. He took credit for successful drone strikes but denied anything that went wrong, his mode plus operandi his entire life. He put himself in front of everything he did and made everything about him. In this his drone strikes killed over a thousand civilians…and not a peep? It only matters when Biden does it?
I don’t see how that is any different than Trump. He took credit for successful drone strikes but denied anything that went wrong, his mode plus operandi his entire life. He put himself in front of everything he did and made everything about him. In this his drone strikes killed over a thousand civilians…and not a peep? It only matters when Biden does it?
Why in the fuck can’t you focus on this one issue. If your entire life centers on Trump that’s fine but can you focus for a fucking minute here and discuss a move that wasn’t Trump? Holy fuck.

Bidumb needed a quick strike to ease the pressure of his getting 13 of our military killed. He droned someone vaguely and claimed revenge had been served. I said at the time someone had lost a goat to a drone strike and that’ll show those people not to fuck with Bidumb. Little did I know it was an aid worker and his kids getting water.

you can question the other drone strikes by obie and Trump. That’s fine. But this one, this strike done by Bidumb was only meant to appease YOU, his supporters. See? We did something now tell your conservative board members Bidumb is a badass and they should fuck off. This entire clown show was for you. And you’re still cheering and clapping. Blaming someone else. Because this is what you wanted, needed really, desperately. And even now knowing you were the target and the reason for a family of ten dying for your loyalty to the idiot. You still play his game. As designed.

It’s amazing….just like that, Republicans suddenly rediscovered that scrap of toilet paper that passes for a conscience and are horrified, yes horrified, at a drone strike that killed civilians…as they SHOULD be. Wouldn’t you agree? There is way too much “collateral damage” and not enough accountability In drone strikes…not to mention…if you don’t have boots on the ground and lives at stake in the process…it’s easy to distance oneself from the actual people you kill.

The problem though, when your conscience is little more than biodegradable tissue, is that it is only activated by a partisan moment and then discarded after use.

The civilian death toll from drone strikes: Ten years investigating US covert warfare

During the Trump administration both drone strikes and civilian casualties increased dramatically. Civilian deaths increased by 330% during the Trump administration, with over 700 in 2019 alone.

I looked real hard for any outrage…this thread seems to be it.
But.....but ....but................ORANGE MAN BAD!

You are fucking pathetic.
I don’t see how that is any different than Trump. He took credit for successful drone strikes but denied anything that went wrong, his mode plus operandi his entire life. He put himself in front of everything he did and made everything about him. In this his drone strikes killed over a thousand civilians…and not a peep? It only matters when Biden does it?
ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why in the fuck can’t you focus on this one issue. If your entire life centers on Trump that’s fine but can you focus for a fucking minute here and discuss a move that wasn’t Trump? Holy fuck.

Bidumb needed a quick strike to ease the pressure of his getting 13 of our military killed. He droned someone vaguely and claimed revenge had been served. I said at the time someone had lost a goat to a drone strike and that’ll show those people not to fuck with Bidumb. Little did I know it was an aid worker and his kids getting water.

you can question the other drone strikes by obie and Trump. That’s fine. But this one, this strike done by Bidumb was only meant to appease YOU, his supporters. See? We did something now tell your conservative board members Bidumb is a badass and they should fuck off. This entire clown show was for you. And you’re still cheering and clapping. Blaming someone else. Because this is what you wanted, needed really, desperately. And even now knowing you were the target and the reason for a family of ten dying for your loyalty to the idiot. You still play his game. As designed.
Bidumb? How childish. Can’t even own your own hypocrisy when your unaccountable MAGA killed over a thousand civilians, over 100 children in a deliberately careless and botched manner, because those lives were just collateral and his supporters (you) don’t give a damn what happens to people in “shithole” countries, so you just mindlessly applaud and defend every strike because it’s Trump and what ever he does is “right”.

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