One Trick Pony: Biden Administration Misinformation Spreader Psaki Blames Trump For Biden COVID Failures & Failures & Lack Of Leadership


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Disgusting Liar Jen Psaki Blames Trump for Joe Biden’s COVID Failures and Lack of Leadership (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 1, 2021 at 9:33am
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Disgusting Liar Jen Psaki Again Blames Trump for Joe​

Biden’s COVID Failures and Lack of Leadership (VIDEO)​


Serial liar Jen Psaki blamed President Trump for the failures of the Biden regime regarding the China Virus.

Psaki was asked about Joe Biden’s ongoing troubles with the pandemic. She chose to lie about Trump rather than answer the question.

Jen Psaki: Because we’re in the middle of a pandemic which by the way, we would’ve made progress on had the former President addressed the pandemic and not suggest people inject bleach.
President Trump managed to develop and mass produce a COVID vaccine in record time through his Operation Warp Speed program. The Biden regime then tried to take credit for the program.

And the Biden regime still prevents any drugs that show promise in the treatment of the Coronavirus.

The Democrats' quarantine mandates destroyed over 50% of minority-owned businesses. It was just reported that Biden's Un-Constitutional Vaccine mandates are causing 40 - 60% of minority owned businesses could go under.

Trump was / is not the one issuing Un-Constitutional edicts that trample Americans civil and Constitutional rights.

Trump is not the one ripping the country apart, dividing people, by bullying, threatening, and demonizing Americans, encouraging one part of America to hate another while making freedom of choice seem like a 'bad' thing in the 'Land of the Free'.

'One size does NOT fit all', despite Biden and Fauci declaring every American must be vaccinated because the Federal Government, Biden, and Fauci say so. One's personal medical condition and Doctors' advice / recommendation should not be a factor in the compliance with Biden's mandate. Neither should one's own personal religious beliefs or personal choice.

Americans have watched and monitored daily all of Biden's continuous personal and family scandals, Constitutional and illegal edicts and actions, his constant lies and betrayals - like leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, and his credibility self-destruction. We KNOW Psaki is every bit of a liar with zero credibility, just like Joe. Every day, every time she speaks, she embarrasses this nation, just like her boss.

Psaki is a 'whore' and the worst kind. She is paid, not for sex, to LIE to the entire world twice a day, to tell the most heinous, most obvious lies without blinking...and when the questions asked present no opportunity to lie she walks off, such as when she was asked about her claims that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian propaganda....and it was proven to be all true.
- James Carville was asked about his time as WH Spokesperson for Bill Clinton, about the alternate reality spin he engaged in. When asked if he had deliberately lied Carville declared he had 'lied his ass off' constantly...and was paid a HUGE amount of money to do so.

There is no amount of money I would take to sell my integrity, honesty, and my soul.

Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi....they sold their s a long time ago. Jen Psaki did so for this dementia-ravaged traitor - it must have been a huge sum of money, too.

I don't think anybody outside of the brainwashed far left believes anything she says anymore. It is however the standard democrat response to their own failures: blame somebody else, especially a repub and those who vote for republicans. And it's totally laughable that she talks about a lack of leadership consider who she works for.

Disgusting Liar Jen Psaki Blames Trump for Joe Biden’s COVID Failures and Lack of Leadership (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 1, 2021 at 9:33am
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Disgusting Liar Jen Psaki Again Blames Trump for Joe​

Biden’s COVID Failures and Lack of Leadership (VIDEO)​


Serial liar Jen Psaki blamed President Trump for the failures of the Biden regime regarding the China Virus.

Psaki was asked about Joe Biden’s ongoing troubles with the pandemic. She chose to lie about Trump rather than answer the question.

President Trump managed to develop and mass produce a COVID vaccine in record time through his Operation Warp Speed program. The Biden regime then tried to take credit for the program.

And the Biden regime still prevents any drugs that show promise in the treatment of the Coronavirus.

The Democrats' quarantine mandates destroyed over 50% of minority-owned businesses. It was just reported that Biden's Un-Constitutional Vaccine mandates are causing 40 - 60% of minority owned businesses could go under.

Trump was / is not the one issuing Un-Constitutional edicts that trample Americans civil and Constitutional rights.

Trump is not the one ripping the country apart, dividing people, by bullying, threatening, and demonizing Americans, encouraging one part of America to hate another while making freedom of choice seem like a 'bad' thing in the 'Land of the Free'.

'One size does NOT fit all', despite Biden and Fauci declaring every American must be vaccinated because the Federal Government, Biden, and Fauci say so. One's personal medical condition and Doctors' advice / recommendation should not be a factor in the compliance with Biden's mandate. Neither should one's own personal religious beliefs or personal choice.

Americans have watched and monitored daily all of Biden's continuous personal and family scandals, Constitutional and illegal edicts and actions, his constant lies and betrayals - like leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, and his credibility self-destruction. We KNOW Psaki is every bit of a liar with zero credibility, just like Joe. Every day, every time she speaks, she embarrasses this nation, just like her boss.

Psaki is a 'whore' and the worst kind. She is paid, not for sex, to LIE to the entire world twice a day, to tell the most heinous, most obvious lies without blinking...and when the questions asked present no opportunity to lie she walks off, such as when she was asked about her claims that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian propaganda....and it was proven to be all true.
- James Carville was asked about his time as WH Spokesperson for Bill Clinton, about the alternate reality spin he engaged in. When asked if he had deliberately lied Carville declared he had 'lied his ass off' constantly...and was paid a HUGE amount of money to do so.

There is no amount of money I would take to sell my integrity, honesty, and my soul.

Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi....they sold their s a long time ago. Jen Psaki did so for this dementia-ravaged traitor - it must have been a huge sum of money, too.

I love to see this mission you're on for the pursuit of truth!!!! Where the hell have you been over the past 5 years?! We could have used you and your fact checking skills to help keep the last admin in order. Better late than never. Welcome to the club!!!
The AFG catastrophe was because of Trump.
The southern border disaster is because of Trump.
Biden's senility is because of Trump.
Biden's record of always being wrong is because of Trump.
Everything Xiden touches turns to shit because of Trump.
Biden's falling up the steps was because of Trump...
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I love to see this mission you're on for the pursuit of truth!!!! Where the hell have you been over the past 5 years?! We could have used you and your fact checking skills to help keep the last admin in order. Better late than never. Welcome to the club!!!
The last admin was literally correct on everything including telling The American People that The Democrat Party are Habitual Liars and Traitors, and that Russian Collusion was a big lie funded by Obama, Clinton, Biden and The DNC.

He was also 100% correct on telling America that Obama Bin Spying was spying on him and his fellow Americans.
I love to see this mission you're on for the pursuit of truth!!!! Where the hell have you been over the past 5 years?!
Spanking the hell out of snowflakes like you who defended and backed proven traitors who engaged in proven failed coup attempts, the Illegal and Un-Constitutional spying on Americans, and who defended non-stop attempts to overthrow the elected government and President, such as supporting Pelosi's historic 2 failed Impeachment attempts based on ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses (in fact, both of which exposed Democrats for illegally manufacturing false evidence.)

Years later the FISA Court is still providing evidence that the FBI has been defrauding the FISA Court and engaging in illegal spying for DECADES, that the 'Russia Collusion' narrative was part of Obama's failed coup attempts, and Durham is exposing - and indicting - Hillary's lawyers, proving that criminal bitch was involved, that the evidence of how she initially planned to use Russian propaganda against Trump - before Obama took over - is true..... opposed to what you have been doing for the last 5 years:


The last admin was literally correct on everything including telling The American People that The Democrat Party are Habitual Liars and Traitors, and that Russian Collusion was a big lie funded by Obama, Clinton, Biden and The DNC.

He was also 100% correct on telling America that Obama Bin Spying was spying on him and his fellow Americans.
Oh honey bear, I can’t fix the level of delusion you're living in if you truly feel that Trump didn’t lie and was correct on everything. God bless your soul
Spanking the hell out of snowflakes like you who defended and backed proven traitors who engaged in proven failed coup attempts, the Illegal and Un-Constitutional spying on Americans, and who defended non-stop attempts to overthrow the elected government and President, such as supporting Pelosi's historic 2 failed Impeachment attempts based on ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses (in fact, both of which exposed Democrats for illegally manufacturing false evidence.)

Years later the FISA Court is still providing evidence that the FBI has been defrauding the FISA Court and engaging in illegal spying for DECADES, that the 'Russia Collusion' narrative was part of Obama's failed coup attempts, and Durham is exposing - and indicting - Hillary's lawyers, proving that criminal bitch was involved, that the evidence of how she initially planned to use Russian propaganda against Trump - before Obama took over - is true..... opposed to what you have been doing for the last 5 years:

View attachment 546084 and View attachment 546086

I was talking about calling out lies from leadership smart guy. Try a little harder to follow the subject, random rants do nothing to progress the discussion honey bear, I can’t fix the level of delusion you're living in if you truly feel that Trump didn’t lie and was correct on everything. God bless your soul


Meanwhile Baghdad Bob Mayorkas admits that Illegal alien are not tested or vaccinated and have distributed throughout the U.S.

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