
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Private industry is not always the superior solution:

There are people that believe “government’s the problem rather than solution. I heard Milton Friedman state that half of what our federal government’s spending is wasted. A great proportion of all other than federal spending, (including commercial and personal spending) is also “wasted”.

We, as individuals generally believe that governments’ spending for what we approve of, to the extent that’s spent in manners that we approve of, is justifiable; all other governments’ spending is less than justifiable. That’s politics. There are extremely few items of governments expense that are not controversial. Governments’ lines of expenses are criticized or subject to objections by some aggregate individuals or groups. Political disagreement occurs more so in democracies but also occurs within nations of only one political party or of extremely few leaders.

Outsourcing some specific government functions would be contrary to the public’s interest. There are some government functions that can be outsourced, but government rather than private industry provides them in a superior manner. Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States. It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.

Respectfully, Supposn
It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.

Respectfully, Supposn

Imagine someone who trains by jogging for fun and someone who trains to participate in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competition and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?
Private industry is not always the superior solution:

There are people that believe “government’s the problem rather than solution. I heard Milton Friedman state that half of what our federal government’s spending is wasted. A great proportion of all other than federal spending, (including commercial and personal spending) is also “wasted”.

We, as individuals generally believe that governments’ spending for what we approve of, to the extent that’s spent in manners that we approve of, is justifiable; all other governments’ spending is less than justifiable. That’s politics. There are extremely few items of governments expense that are not controversial. Governments’ lines of expenses are criticized or subject to objections by some aggregate individuals or groups. Political disagreement occurs more so in democracies but also occurs within nations of only one political party or of extremely few leaders.

Outsourcing some specific government functions would be contrary to the public’s interest. There are some government functions that can be outsourced, but government rather than private industry provides them in a superior manner. Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States. It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.

Respectfully, Supposn
OH look,,,another troll reviving and old account to push another socialist bullshit thread,,,
Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.

They don't supply those services at a lower cost ... the spread the cost of those services to those who don't use it, or use less of it, to lower the price to others.

In the private sector, that's called theft.
Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.
They don't supply those services at a lower cost ... the spread the cost of those services to those who don't use it, or use less of it, to lower the price to others.
In the private sector, that's called theft.
Fncceo, no, they provide every individual of their nation’s Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation users at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States. They do this at comparatively tiny additional costs any of their nation’s individuals that do not use those services.
Respectfully, Supposn
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It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.
Respectfully, Supposn
Imagine someone who trains by jogging for fun and someone who trains to participate in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competition and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?
EdwardBaiamonte, what competition? You’re not referring to the USA’s and the German government’s race to build the first nuclear bombs?

In 1951 the U.S government produced a nuclear power plant to serve a building. In 1954, the Russian government produced the first nuclear power plant to be connected to a city’s electrical power grid.

NY state government produced the Erie Canal which connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.

The U.S. government produced Medicare and Medicaid, transcontinental railroad, and scheduled transcontinental air transport.

Governments produced and used the first computers. Before commercial enterprises used computers, they were only used and developed in government facilities. COBOL was a great improvement over the more challenging Assembler computer programming language. It substantially reduced the cost and of training programmers and creation of computer programs. COmmon Business Orientated Language, (COBOL) was created by U.S. government employees.

Commercial enterprises were incapable or unwilling to do these things. Many worthwhile endeavors are of no interest to financial investors because (at the time), there was no likely perceivable profits; (i.e. the costs didn’t justify the financial risks). But these things all contributed to our federal government’s purpose, which is to "establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity".

Respectfully, Supposn
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COmmon Business Orientated Language, (COBOL) was created by U.S. government employees.

In fact, COBOL was a collaboration between government and the private sector to develop a common programming language for the over 200 computers at The Pentagon.
It's a rather good time to look back at our system's obvious failure with some level of perspective Supposn

They've broken capitalism so badly here now, that it will never be the altrusim that made America great in our lifetime again

So economic icons like Friedman, Smith, Keynes , along with their modern toadies Greenspan , Bernanke , etc ad naseum are bantered about

The fact is that we went in from the congressional gala of 'too big to fail' in '08 ,09 with these fools on the front page of news everywhere >>

To the 5th pages news QE4, and the recent $4T QE5 barely mentioned via media is testimony to mass denial and defeat

We are an insolvent nation at this point in time, and i'm far from the only one pointing this out

COmmon Business Orientated Language, (COBOL) was created by U.S. government employees.
In fact, COBOL was a collaboration between government and the private sector to develop a common programming language for the over 200 computers at The Pentagon.
fncceo, if government contracts for products or services to be produced, the government is effectively the “producer” of the product if no other effective production efforts would otherwise be made to create those products, or they would not be created in the desired time frames.

Refer to COBOL - Wikipedia and Grace Hopper - Wikipedia .
Respectfully, Supposn
if government contracts for products or services to be produced, the government is effectively the “producer”

I paid someone to put in my swimming pool ... I didn't build the darn thing.
if government contracts for products or services to be produced, the government is effectively the “producer”
I paid someone to put in my swimming pool ... I didn't build the darn thing.
Fncceo, yes, you purchased the pool. You were not the pool’s builder. If your pool’s an in-ground pool, it would not exist, if you had not purchased it, (analogous to a show or movie producer), you funded the production and you were effectively the “producer” of the product. That pool would otherwise not exist if you had not determined that it should be produced.

To the extent that the plans for your pool, or the any of the pool’s components, materials did not prior exist, (i.e. they were not "off the shelf" items), those items were made because you funded the pool. To that extent, you effectively were not the creator, but you were the “producer” of those items.

If governments did not directly fund the atomic bomb, the first nuclear power plants, the first suspension bridge, the Erie Canal, USA’s transcontinental air transports, Computers, or USA’s transcontinental regularly scheduled air transports, when do you believe private investors would have funded them? If the U.S. government did not subsidize the building of Railroads through the Western U.S. territories, when do you believe we would have had tracks across our entire continent? If the federal government had not funded the development of COBOL, when do you believe that technical advance would have been achieved?

Respectfully, Supposn
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if government contracts for products or services to be produced, the government is effectively the “producer”
I paid someone to put in my swimming pool ... I didn't build the darn thing.
Fncceo, yes, you purchased the pool. You were not the pool’s builder. If your pool’s an in-ground pool, it would not exist, if you had not purchased it, (analogous to a show or movie producer), you funded the production and you were effectively the “producer” of the product. That pool would otherwise not exist if you had not determined that it should be produced.

To the extent that the plans for your pool, or the any of the pool’s components, materials did not prior exist, (i.e. they were not "off the shelf" items), those items were made because you funded the pool. To that extent, you effectively were not the creator, but you were the “producer” of those items.

If governments did not directly fund the atomic bomb, the first nuclear power plants, the first suspension bridge, the Erie Canal, USA’s transcontinental air transports, Computers, or USA’s transcontinental regularly scheduled air transports, when do you believe private investor’s would have funded them? If the U.S. government did not subsidize the building of Railroads through the Western U.S. territories, when do you believe we would have had tracks across our entire continent? If the federal government had not funded the development of COBOL, when do you believe that technical advance would have been achieved?

Respectfully, Supposn
It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.
Respectfully, Supposn
Imagine someone who trains by jogging for fun and someone who trains to participate in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competition and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?
EdwardBaiamonte, what competition? You’re not referring to the USA’s and the German government’s race to build the first nuclear bombs?

In 1951 the U.S government produced a nuclear power plant to serve a building. In 1954, the Russian government produced the first nuclear power plant to be connected to a city’s electrical power grid.

NY state government produced the Erie Canal which connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.

The U.S. government produced Medicare and Medicaid, transcontinental railroad, and scheduled transcontinental air transport.

Governments produced and used the first computers. Before commercial enterprises used computers, they were only used and developed in government facilities. COBOL was a great improvement over the more challenging Assembler computer programming language. It substantially reduced the cost and of training programmers and creation of computer programs. COmmon Business Orientated Language, (COBOL) was created by U.S. government employees.

Commercial enterprises were incapable or unwilling to do these things. Many worthwhile endeavors are of no interest to financial investors because (at the time), there was no likely perceivable profits; (i.e. the costs didn’t justify the financial risks). But these things all contributed to our federal government’s purpose, which is to "establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity".

Respectfully, Supposn

We just saw govt bureaucratic monopolies running things in USSR and Red China: 150 million slowly starved to death. Our genius Founders saw this coming 200 years ago and you still don't see it today. It's tragic and deeply embarrassing that there are many treasonous leftists like you in America who understand absolutely nothing!!

Thomas Jefferson: "Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread".
Fncceo, no, they provide every individual of their nation’s Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation users at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.
This is true in Europe for example because, despite having higher taxes, they have more capitalism in many areas than we do. Remember it was Europe that found Microsoft to be a monopoly first. An average Parisian will choose between 4 cell providers and pay about half what we do in America. You can read the "Brussels Affect" and many others if you want to learn about European capitalism.
Fncceo, no, they provide every individual of their nation’s Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation users at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.
This is true in Europe for example because, despite having higher taxes, they have more capitalism in many areas than we do. Remember it was Europe that found Microsoft to be a monopoly first. An average Parisian will choose between 4 cell providers and pay about half what we do in America. You can read the "Brussels Affect" and many others if you want to learn about European capitalism.
EdwardBaiamonte, the Brussel’s and the California effects refers to the economic pressures due to one government’s regulations required superior standards for a product, effectively inducing other governments to follow the leader; Thus in the USA, California’s higher standards for some products effectively became the national standard.

I’m pleased and surprised that you're amiable to some government regulations. I’m accustomed to responding to many other posters within many groups of internet groups, who are generally opposed to any or most governments’ regulations, (i.e. “pure” libertarians). I (apparently mistakenly) believed you to be such a pure libertarian. You and I certainly have had our differences.

Your post #14, seems contrary to your post #15?

Respectfully, Supposn
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Fncceo, no, they provide every individual of their nation’s Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation users at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.
This is true in Europe for example because, despite having higher taxes, they have more capitalism in many areas than we do. Remember it was Europe that found Microsoft to be a monopoly first. An average Parisian will choose between 4 cell providers and pay about half what we do in America. You can read the "Brussels Affect" and many others if you want to learn about European capitalism.
EdwardBaiamonte, the Brussel’s and the California effects refers to the economic pressures due to one government’s regulations required superior standards for a product, effectively inducing other governments to follow the leader; Thus in the USA, California’s higher standards for some products effectively became the national standard.

I’m pleased and surprised that you're amiable to some government regulations. I’m accustomed to responding to many other posters within many groups of internet groups, who are generally opposed to any or most governments’ regulations, (i.e. “pure” libertarians). I (apparently mistakenly) believed you to be such a pure libertarian. You and I certainly have had our differences.

Your post #14, seems contrary to your post #15?

Respectfully, Supposn
So far as i know you are a worthless communist who supports 1001 interventions in the Republican free market all moving toward communism and more millions dead. I support what Europe has done to the extent it has inadvertently promoted Republican capitalism and resulted in more freedom and capitalism than we have in America.
Fncceo, no, they provide every individual of their nation’s Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation users at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States.
This is true in Europe for example because, despite having higher taxes, they have more capitalism in many areas than we do. Remember it was Europe that found Microsoft to be a monopoly first. An average Parisian will choose between 4 cell providers and pay about half what we do in America. You can read the "Brussels Affect" and many others if you want to learn about European capitalism.
EdwardBaiamonte, the Brussel’s and the California effects refers to the economic pressures due to one government’s regulations required superior standards for a product, effectively inducing other governments to follow the leader; Thus in the USA, California’s higher standards for some products effectively became the national standard.

I’m pleased and surprised that you're amiable to some government regulations. I’m accustomed to responding to many other posters within many groups of internet groups, who are generally opposed to any or most governments’ regulations, (i.e. “pure” libertarians). I (apparently mistakenly) believed you to be such a pure libertarian. You and I certainly have had our differences.

Your post #14, seems contrary to your post #15?

Respectfully, Supposn
contrary???? why?????
Private industry is not always the superior solution:

There are people that believe “government’s the problem rather than solution. I heard Milton Friedman state that half of what our federal government’s spending is wasted. A great proportion of all other than federal spending, (including commercial and personal spending) is also “wasted”.

We, as individuals generally believe that governments’ spending for what we approve of, to the extent that’s spent in manners that we approve of, is justifiable; all other governments’ spending is less than justifiable. That’s politics. There are extremely few items of governments expense that are not controversial. Governments’ lines of expenses are criticized or subject to objections by some aggregate individuals or groups. Political disagreement occurs more so in democracies but also occurs within nations of only one political party or of extremely few leaders.

Outsourcing some specific government functions would be contrary to the public’s interest. There are some government functions that can be outsourced, but government rather than private industry provides them in a superior manner. Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States. It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.

Respectfully, Supposn
You make great sense but some of these guys are indoctrinated into some fantasy of government that really has never existed here. Private businesses do not set the rules of business nor do they determine what business is legal or illegal. Yet these guys seriously believe private business operates independent of government and that's just not so.

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