The warmers need to explain the Arctic Circle's ice pattern, and how Co2 is responsible...


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The map is clear. 7% of Earth ice is on Greenland.

Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle, and no ice north of the Arctic Circle on Alaska?


Co2 and sun do not explain this.

The only explanation is the Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole at the top, and hence is in ICE AGE while all the rest of the land outside of 600 miles is not.

Ice ages are continent specific, and land moves = 99% of Earth climate change right there.

So have at it, warmers, explain how Co2 is responsible for the Arctic's pattern of ice documented above...

Start the Jeopardy! music
They won't, can't. They just parrot Obiden stupidity.

And the truth of Earth climate change is in that image, that Climate Change is all about Earth ice, and Earth ice is about WHERE LAND IS, and LAND MOVES...

Ice dictates ocean levels, temperature, atmospheric thickness, and humidity = CLIMATE

If Earth has no land within 600 miles of a pole, it has no ice...
Seems to me that you are just trolling some of the forum members in this area by starting this thread. After all, if you weren't trying to poke them, you would have asked something about the poles that makes more sense than trying to pin something down on just CO2.

If you really want to know what controls the ice patterns (or lack of) at the poles, it's something very simple called wind. Here you go: Which Pole Is Colder?.
Seems to me that you are just trolling some of the forum members in this area by starting this thread. After all, if you weren't trying to poke them, you would have asked something about the poles that makes more sense than trying to pin something down on just CO2.

If you really want to know what controls the ice patterns (or lack of) at the poles, it's something very simple called wind. Here you go: Which Pole Is Colder?.

WIND put all that ice on Greenland?

When the wind blows one way will all 8 million cubic miles of Antarctic ice vanish??

This is a legit question. They claim atmospheric Co2 causes climate change. The satellites and balloons completely refuted that. The Arctic ice pattern does too.

Which pole is colder?

The one with 90% of Earth ice = DUH...

Earth climate is like a room with 2 AC units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with settings 0 = off and 10 = maxCOOL

Right now Arctic AC is set at 1 and Antarctic AC is set at 9. What does that mean. It means air that passes over Antarctic cools 50F more than air that passes over Arctic. It means AA dumps 9 times the ice into the oceans vs. Arctic, and the AA ice is colder. The Antarctic Circle cools Earth more than Arctic. And which way the wind blows doesn't matter SHIT...


Antarctic vs Arctic Infographic | Antarctica activities, Geography ...

Earth ice

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland
0.3% on Ellesmere Island (Canada)

That is 97.3% of Earth ice all on the three largest land masses within 600 miles to an Earth Pole

Now take your wind explanation and blow off...
Seems to me that you are just trolling some of the forum members in this area by starting this thread. After all, if you weren't trying to poke them, you would have asked something about the poles that makes more sense than trying to pin something down on just CO2.

If you really want to know what controls the ice patterns (or lack of) at the poles, it's something very simple called wind. Here you go: Which Pole Is Colder?.
Co2 and man made climate change is a hoax .........hang on......... scientific funds are coming is causing climate change with co2
It is quite telling that the Co2 fraud supporters here cannot explain a MAP of the Arctic....

Jeopardy! music still playing
Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle, and no ice north of the Arctic Circle on Alaska?

Co2 and sun do not explain this.
That's actually a pretty good question. Why does Greenland have ice sheets, but not Alaska?

Precipitation explains it. It snows heavily in Greenland, due to moisture comming off of the warm Gulf Stream. Alaska is very dry in comparison.

That means there's enough snow in Greenland to survive the summer and keep piling up, so ice sheets and glaciers form. In dryer areas, there's not enough snow to survive the summer, so no ice sheets or glaciers.

So have at it, warmers, explain how Co2 is responsible for the Arctic's pattern of ice documented above...
As no rational person ever claimed that CO2 was responsible, just what was the purpose of this thread?
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Precipitation explains it.


Low end Mossad BUSTED LYING...

For Alaska

The average annual precipitation is 196 inches (16 ft). Average annual snowfall is 241 inches (20 ft).

For Greenland

in Greenland is usually scarce but quite frequent, in fact it mainly occurs in the form of light snow in the central and northern areas, while it is more abundant along the coasts located south of the Arctic Circle, but also at high altitudes on the ice sheet, where it always occurs in the form of snow. Precipitation is most abundant on the coast of the far south-east, where it even exceeds 2,000 millimeters (80 inches) per year.
It snows heavily in Greenland, due to moisture comming off of the warm Gulf Stream. Alaska is very dry in comparison.

Need that copied before the Mossad erases it.

Seems to me that you are just trolling some of the forum members in this area by starting this thread. After all, if you weren't trying to poke them, you would have asked something about the poles that makes more sense than trying to pin something down on just CO2.

If you really want to know what controls the ice patterns (or lack of) at the poles, it's something very simple called wind. Here you go: Which Pole Is Colder?.

Thanks for the link = new topic pending...
Thanks for the link = new topic pending...
This poor cult dumbass is so upset about me being right and destroying his idiot premise.

Again, it's the precipitation. Southern Alaska gets dumped on, but Northern Alaska is kind of dry. Moist air from the pacific hits the southern mountains and dumps the snow there.

And no, listing precipitation from the southern part of the state doesn't change that.

Hey dumbass, why are the glaciers in Alaska on the _south_ coast?

(Hint: Precipitation.)

Anyways, why do you think that's all caused by CO2? You're the only one writing such a crazy thing, so it must be your idea.
This poor cult dumbass is so upset about me being right and destroying his idiot premise.

Again, it's the precipitation. Southern Alaska gets dumped on, but Northern Alaska is kind of dry. Moist air from the pacific hits the southern mountains and dumps the snow there.

And no, listing precipitation from the southern part of the state doesn't change that.

Hey dumbass, why are the glaciers in Alaska on the _south_ coast?

(Hint: Precipitation.)

Anyways, why do you think that's all caused by CO2? You're the only one writing such a crazy thing, so it must be your idea.

The data is posted right above. The low end Mossad's "job" is to lie online about all frauds sponsored by Zionist Fascism, whether that is 911 or Co2...

No challenge of the links above. The data is clear. Mamoo lied..
The map is clear. 7% of Earth ice is on Greenland.

Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle, and no ice north of the Arctic Circle on Alaska?


Co2 and sun do not explain this.

The only explanation is the Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole at the top, and hence is in ICE AGE while all the rest of the land outside of 600 miles is not.

Ice ages are continent specific, and land moves = 99% of Earth climate change right there.

So have at it, warmers, explain how Co2 is responsible for the Arctic's pattern of ice documented above...

Start the Jeopardy! music
I love it when people demand explanations that they have zero intention of listening to or engaging with under any circumstances
I love it when people demand explanations that they have zero intention of listening to or engaging with under any circumstances

Well, someone has to attempt to explain it first, and Mamooo tried, and got BUSTED LYING....

Do you have the courage to try??



Co2 does not explain the Arctic ice pattern. Continent specific ice age/land near poles DOES EXPLAIN IT...
The map is clear. 7% of Earth ice is on Greenland.

Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle, and no ice north of the Arctic Circle on Alaska?


Co2 and sun do not explain this.

The only explanation is the Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole at the top, and hence is in ICE AGE while all the rest of the land outside of 600 miles is not.

Ice ages are continent specific, and land moves = 99% of Earth climate change right there.

So have at it, warmers, explain how Co2 is responsible for the Arctic's pattern of ice documented above...

Start the Jeopardy! music
Because it's summertime. The Greenland glacial ice cannot melt because it's 1.9 miles thick.

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