Powell says 'Biblical' Lawsuit Coming

Bat Crap Crazy Sidney Powell Fired.

Bat Crap Crazy Sidney Powell Fired.

Hmm I wonder if Trump has been compromised somehow.. Weird stuff going on.
Skylar is a far leftist but polite
You won’t answer my question ?? I can then assume your answers ?

At least you’re cordial

What question am I supposed to be answering?

And I always try to be civil with folks that can return in kind.
Do you support Blm and Antifa ??
Do you want open borders ??
Do you want to defund the police
Do you want to eliminate ice

Yes, no.


I think its unfair to make police act as social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals with the small amount of training they have. I support shifting a small portion of their funding to actual social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals....and free police up to do what they do best: protect the peace.

Sounds Nazi enough to me.... Let'em get in your head eh ??

And that tell us way more about you than it does about me.
Skylar is a far leftist but polite
You won’t answer my question ?? I can then assume your answers ?

At least you’re cordial

What question am I supposed to be answering?

And I always try to be civil with folks that can return in kind.
Do you support Blm and Antifa ??
Do you want open borders ??
Do you want to defund the police
Do you want to eliminate ice

Yes, no.


I think its unfair to make police act as social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals with the small amount of training they have. I support shifting a small portion of their funding to actual social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals....and free police up to do what they do best: protect the peace.

Sounds Nazi enough to me.... Let'em get in your head eh ??

A photo of cowboy coward as you avatar. Not surprised. The Impeached Gutless Wonder 45 is a draft dodging coward as well.

Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a "biblical" voter fraud case this week.

"We've got tons of evidence; it's so much, it's hard to pull it all together," Powell told Saturday night's "The Count" co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.

"Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical."

Looking forward to seeing what she does. I'm betting the GOP is deep into this cheating as well. They never wanted Trump to begin with. He's been battling this by himself with no help from them.

Also today....from the judge that dismissed the Trump campaign's attempted injunction of the certification of the Pennsylvania election....

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

The grand promises made by Powell on what evidence they have.......and the pathetic presentations void of that evidence in court, have nothing to do with other.
You can't even read your own post wording where the word "Rampant" is used then you conveniently lose sight of the word when saying no evidence of fraud (instead of saying no rampant evidence). THERE IS EVIDENCE, WHAT DO YOU THINK AFFIDAVITS TESTIMONY OF WITNESSES AND LITERAL VIDEO EVIDENCE IS.

Tossed out of court for being essentially worthless.

For example, Jesse Jacobs....the person cited in the disasterous pudding drip news conference. Her affidavit had already submitted and rejected by the courts for being too general and lacking specifics enough to be admissible...a week before Gulliani cited her.

“Ms. Jacob’s information is generalized. It asserts behavior with no date, location or frequency or names of employees,” he wrote. “In addition, [she] offers no indication of whether she took steps to address the alleged misconduct or to [alert] any supervisor about the alleged voter fraud. Ms. Jacob only came forward after the unofficial results of the voting indicated former Vice President Biden was the winner in the state of Michigan.”

But good luck with that 'checkmate move'.

The subjective court opinion in corrupt PA is there isn't rampant proof not that there is no proof, which is liken to saying there is no flip flop or lying in politics, it's so absurd to say that you'd be the fraud or delusional in saying it. Obama the great liar said it, the Fake news said it that way too for sake of narrative political tactical spin that insults the intelligence of the viewers, which is what you are doing.
Why would you need such tactical spin if everything is legit and you are so sure will go your way? You are not scared of something are you?
Like a checkmate move you never saw coming?

Or.....the affidavits don't back the accusations. If you're claiming, for example, that Dominion Software hacked the election.......but your affidavits are that one of the pollworkers was wearing a black lives T shirt (an actual example), the affidavit doesn't match the claim.

You don't seem to get the level of incompetence involved in Trump's legal efforts.
You lost your argument and validated mine, you used an ad hominem reply that used only 1 instance out of the many.

I don't think 'ad hominem' means what you think it means. My evisceration of your argument was based on evidence. Or more specifically, the lack of it to support Trump's claims.

Jesse Jacobs' affidavit was already long rejected as being uselessly general with no specific evidence of any wrong doing a week before Gulliani cited her in his disasterous news conference.

And Judge Matthew Brann tossed Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania because it lacked evidence.

Failure after failure demonstrates neither skill nor success. Trump's legal team is quite awful at this.
When you smokescreen to avoid answering especially when taking selective portions leaving out the whole issue= is an ad hominem response as was your insult.

I still don't think ad hominem means what you think it means. I'm not arguing that Trump is wrong because his counsel is terrible. I'm arguing that his counsel is incompetent because of the poor job they've done in court and their record of failure.

With examples. Gulliani citing the affidavit from a woman when that affidavit was *already* rejected for providing no specific evidence of wrong doing is incompetent.

Trump's lawyers submitting no evidence to support their allegations in the Pennsylvania injunction was incompetent. As their injunction failed miserably, the lawsuit being dismissed with prejudice. And this by a Republican judge.

Its the lack of evidence that renders Trump's legal effort a failure. And incompetence in his counsel to argue claims that they can't back up with evidence.

Fact: CNN stated there was no evidence of fraud instead of saying not enough to change the lead or significant enough to matter.
They had a week or so prior done a story on the fraud with a politicians arrest rigging his own election. CNN lied plain and simple, like you lied plain and simple, by way of word play used for propaganda. When you use such tactics to pander to a race of people to "pull the wool over their head" you are comitting a racist act, by claiming you think they are dumb enough to buy your malarkey. You are insulting them by using them, pandering through insulting means.
If you really believed your own subjective opinions then you would not do it in such a coniving & racist manner.

This was a legal finding by a Federal Judge. You can ignore it as 'subjective opinion'. But it doesn't change the fact that Trump's law suit was dismissed with prejudice.

Meaning he can't refile it with amendments. And the certification that he sought to prevent with the failed injunction attempt....is less than 24 hours away.
Your reply was once again an ad hominem smokescreen technique that did nothing for your case. How do you know the lawyers strategy isn't to use this judge's standard as precedence or evidence to use for a supreme court ruling. You are not seeing it in the bigger picture as a whole thus missing the future entrapment checkmate move. ;-)
That is exactly the strategy Rudy is using based on the video that Sky doesn't want to watch.
My hate of the left is far higher than Isis times the Nazis

Your hate of the US is obvious. Otherwise, why would you have made this statement: "It exposes how corrupt and what a banana republic the USA is?"

The hatred for the USA among conservatives is epidemic.
Yes , I utterly hate what the nation has become with the big tech censorships , fake Soviet news, corruption not seen since the Roman Empire!!

We must break it up

Nope. We won't be doing that.
Great nation collapse after a certain period of time and USA is a fake nation!!
We break up or we have a second CW and I die and you
No, we're not doing that.

Two problems with your analysis; 1) You're too blinded by your hatred of the USA to be rational 2) There's no need for our nation to split up.
You can’t have a nation where both sides have utter hate and contempt for the other side

And who says 'both sides have utter hate and contempt for each other'?

You may be projecting your own hate and contempt. Especially given how much you loathe the good ol' US of A.
The news is 24/7 hate of conservatives, Christianity and white males
My side is no different

Or....you're so mired in hate for the USA, that you see nothing but hatred. And of course, your own victimhood.

Typical leftie, accusing the other side of exactly what you are guilty of.

You always accuse the right of "hating America" yet it is YOU who votes for a candidate who says they want to "fundamentally change America."

Sounds to me as if YOUR SIDE hates America. We're fine with it just as it is, we don't need to change it.
Dems believe in a more perfect union.

We're making America great again.
You want the following :
Defunding of cops
Zero borders
No ice
More taxes
Trillions in green deals
End of coal
OMG! You're expecting someone who supports BLM to reject chaos?

Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a "biblical" voter fraud case this week.

"We've got tons of evidence; it's so much, it's hard to pull it all together," Powell told Saturday night's "The Count" co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.

"Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical."

Looking forward to seeing what she does. I'm betting the GOP is deep into this cheating as well. They never wanted Trump to begin with. He's been battling this by himself with no help from them.

Also today....from the judge that dismissed the Trump campaign's attempted injunction of the certification of the Pennsylvania election....

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

The grand promises made by Powell on what evidence they have.......and the pathetic presentations void of that evidence in court, have nothing to do with other.
You can't even read your own post wording where the word "Rampant" is used then you conveniently lose sight of the word when saying no evidence of fraud (instead of saying no rampant evidence). THERE IS EVIDENCE, WHAT DO YOU THINK AFFIDAVITS TESTIMONY OF WITNESSES AND LITERAL VIDEO EVIDENCE IS.

Tossed out of court for being essentially worthless.

For example, Jesse Jacobs....the person cited in the disasterous pudding drip news conference. Her affidavit had already submitted and rejected by the courts for being too general and lacking specifics enough to be admissible...a week before Gulliani cited her.

“Ms. Jacob’s information is generalized. It asserts behavior with no date, location or frequency or names of employees,” he wrote. “In addition, [she] offers no indication of whether she took steps to address the alleged misconduct or to [alert] any supervisor about the alleged voter fraud. Ms. Jacob only came forward after the unofficial results of the voting indicated former Vice President Biden was the winner in the state of Michigan.”

But good luck with that 'checkmate move'.

The subjective court opinion in corrupt PA is there isn't rampant proof not that there is no proof, which is liken to saying there is no flip flop or lying in politics, it's so absurd to say that you'd be the fraud or delusional in saying it. Obama the great liar said it, the Fake news said it that way too for sake of narrative political tactical spin that insults the intelligence of the viewers, which is what you are doing.
Why would you need such tactical spin if everything is legit and you are so sure will go your way? You are not scared of something are you?
Like a checkmate move you never saw coming?

Or.....the affidavits don't back the accusations. If you're claiming, for example, that Dominion Software hacked the election.......but your affidavits are that one of the pollworkers was wearing a black lives T shirt (an actual example), the affidavit doesn't match the claim.

You don't seem to get the level of incompetence involved in Trump's legal efforts.
You lost your argument and validated mine, you used an ad hominem reply that used only 1 instance out of the many.

I don't think 'ad hominem' means what you think it means. My evisceration of your argument was based on evidence. Or more specifically, the lack of it to support Trump's claims.

Jesse Jacobs' affidavit was already long rejected as being uselessly general with no specific evidence of any wrong doing a week before Gulliani cited her in his disasterous news conference.

And Judge Matthew Brann tossed Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania because it lacked evidence.

Failure after failure demonstrates neither skill nor success. Trump's legal team is quite awful at this.
When you smokescreen to avoid answering especially when taking selective portions leaving out the whole issue= is an ad hominem response as was your insult.

I still don't think ad hominem means what you think it means. I'm not arguing that Trump is wrong because his counsel is terrible. I'm arguing that his counsel is incompetent because of the poor job they've done in court and their record of failure.

With examples. Gulliani citing the affidavit from a woman when that affidavit was *already* rejected for providing no specific evidence of wrong doing is incompetent.

Trump's lawyers submitting no evidence to support their allegations in the Pennsylvania injunction was incompetent. As their injunction failed miserably, the lawsuit being dismissed with prejudice. And this by a Republican judge.

Its the lack of evidence that renders Trump's legal effort a failure. And incompetence in his counsel to argue claims that they can't back up with evidence.

Fact: CNN stated there was no evidence of fraud instead of saying not enough to change the lead or significant enough to matter.
They had a week or so prior done a story on the fraud with a politicians arrest rigging his own election. CNN lied plain and simple, like you lied plain and simple, by way of word play used for propaganda. When you use such tactics to pander to a race of people to "pull the wool over their head" you are comitting a racist act, by claiming you think they are dumb enough to buy your malarkey. You are insulting them by using them, pandering through insulting means.
If you really believed your own subjective opinions then you would not do it in such a coniving & racist manner.

This was a legal finding by a Federal Judge. You can ignore it as 'subjective opinion'. But it doesn't change the fact that Trump's law suit was dismissed with prejudice.

Meaning he can't refile it with amendments. And the certification that he sought to prevent with the failed injunction attempt....is less than 24 hours away.
Your reply was once again an ad hominem smokescreen technique that did nothing for your case. How do you know the lawyers strategy isn't to use this judge's standard as precedence or evidence to use for a supreme court ruling. You are not seeing it in the bigger picture as a whole thus missing the future entrapment checkmate move. ;-)
That is exactly the strategy Rudy is using based on the video that Sky doesn't want to watch.

Why would I watch the videos when even you refuse to watch it? Your dude rambles incoherently.
Skylar is a far leftist but polite
You won’t answer my question ?? I can then assume your answers ?

At least you’re cordial

What question am I supposed to be answering?

And I always try to be civil with folks that can return in kind.
Do you support Blm and Antifa ??
Do you want open borders ??
Do you want to defund the police
Do you want to eliminate ice

Yes, no.


I think its unfair to make police act as social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals with the small amount of training they have. I support shifting a small portion of their funding to actual social workers, child psychologists, therapists, and mental health professionals....and free police up to do what they do best: protect the peace.

Sounds Nazi enough to me.... Let'em get in your head eh ??

A photo of cowboy coward as you avatar. Not surprised. The Impeached Gutless Wonder 45 is a draft dodging coward as well.
How old are you 10 ???
If anyone followed my original post to follow the money to find connections they'd know I mentioned the lesser known company bought out by Dominion.
SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS ‘Fox & Friends’ Debunks Trump’s Dominion Voter Fraud Conspiracy While it's being Pushed by Fox Stars

Sidney Powell was correct to state the connection to Chavez and The software however with MSM as corrupt and tactical to cover up real news and being to lazy to ever look up their history nor investigated to know how to connect the dots, their inadequacy as reporters stated falsely that she was spewing conspiracies. They were wrong and she was right all along.

The software at the time was called

On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced[20] that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia's parent company, "Smartmatic".

In April 2008, competitor Hart InterCivic attempted a hostile takeover of Sequoia[21]. Court documents unearthed at this time revealed that Smartmatic still retained some financial control over several aspects of Sequoia.

On June 4, 2010 Dominion Voting Systems, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems.

So Dominion under it's bought out system
DID INDEED have access to the same software used in Venezuela (and the Phillipines) that it purchased and Smartmatic's denial of being connected to Dominion or MSM seperation of Smartmatic from Dominion is false through word play and semantics. Smartmatic was still part of SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS which is owned by Dominion.
Now why is Venezuela important and why are they lying to disconnect the dot?
Because Meduro who Bernie supports promised revenge on Trump as did the drug cartels.

An equal act in Meduros eyes who thought we interfered with his election thus would be returned in kind, however if anyone interfered it would have been our rogue CIA and not Trump.
Enough to warrant concern and investigation, where there's smoke there's fire thus to call it conspiracy is for Dems and MSM to inadvertantly admit they were throwing Rusia conspiracy nonsense against the wall for almost 4 years and as Obama himself said would have been undermining democracy in using it to DELIGITIMIZE the 2016 election.
-bam the left has just been lawyered, by someone who went to community college not some $200,000 university. That's gotta hurt!


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My hate of the left is far higher than Isis times the Nazis

Your hate of the US is obvious. Otherwise, why would you have made this statement: "It exposes how corrupt and what a banana republic the USA is?"

The hatred for the USA among conservatives is epidemic.
Yes , I utterly hate what the nation has become with the big tech censorships , fake Soviet news, corruption not seen since the Roman Empire!!

We must break it up

Nope. We won't be doing that.
Great nation collapse after a certain period of time and USA is a fake nation!!
We break up or we have a second CW and I die and you
No, we're not doing that.

Two problems with your analysis; 1) You're too blinded by your hatred of the USA to be rational 2) There's no need for our nation to split up.
You can’t have a nation where both sides have utter hate and contempt for the other side

And who says 'both sides have utter hate and contempt for each other'?

You may be projecting your own hate and contempt. Especially given how much you loathe the good ol' US of A.
The news is 24/7 hate of conservatives, Christianity and white males
My side is no different

Or....you're so mired in hate for the USA, that you see nothing but hatred. And of course, your own victimhood.
Patriots (conservatives) love the United States and our Constitution. Marxist like you hate the United States, our Constitution, our way of life, and democracy.

Aren't you the guy calling for mass executions of American citizens and civil war?

That doesn't sound like love the USA at all. But a seething hatred of the US and a desire to watch it burn.
Calling for eradication of threats to our constitutional democratic republic. Not citizens.
No, its definitely US citizens you're calling to be murdered in mass. Terrorists don't want to kill as many Americans as you do.

That's how much you hate the USA.

No thank you. Your call for mass executions is rejected.
Terrorist try to overturn a democratically elected President through impeachment. Terrorist March in the streets under the banner of " Black Lives Matter" and "Antifa" and burn neighborhoods. Terrorist suppress free speech and burn American flags on campus. Terrorist criticize a President who takes out Iran's murderous special forces chief. Terrorist support draconian measures under the guise of a virus to enact socialist doctrine by destroying our economy. Terrorist support the type of Orwellian society that liberal professors, media editorial boards, and political leaders have pushed since the 1960's. The last recourse of action for patriotic Americans is to fight back. No measure is to extreme when trying to save the great Republic.

Why can't you learn how to use the plural form of words that end in "ist"? Are you stupid?

Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a "biblical" voter fraud case this week.

"We've got tons of evidence; it's so much, it's hard to pull it all together," Powell told Saturday night's "The Count" co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.

"Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical."

Looking forward to seeing what she does. I'm betting the GOP is deep into this cheating as well. They never wanted Trump to begin with. He's been battling this by himself with no help from them.
Preach! Your instincts are very sharp, I think. And yeah, to think the GOP is immune from their own
forms of corruption are naive and childish.
We can look at actual computer print outs of how votes came into targeted battleground states and
look with our own two eyes at the corruption!

The liars are anxious to spread lies and muddy the waters.

Shutting out their voices is important. Because if you give these leftists any credence at all,
they will use it to slit your throat. And once America is gone, how do we get it back?
Georgia Gov was bought off
If true , I am not surprised
We need the evidence

Or....Biden won and you poor souls are clutching at any conspiracy straw you can find rather than face the obvious truth.
No way that Biden outdid Obama in all these counties even among negroes

Grab a phone and record video of yourself calling any adult black person a "negro". Thanks.
Sorry , I mean blacks
Georgia Gov was bought off
If true , I am not surprised
We need the evidence

Or....Biden won and you poor souls are clutching at any conspiracy straw you can find rather than face the obvious truth.
No way that Biden outdid Obama in all these counties even among negroes

Grab a phone and record video of yourself calling any adult black person a "negro". Thanks.
Sorry , I mean blacks

Almost. Try black PEOPLE.
Bat Crap Crazy Sidney Powell Fired.

Hmm I wonder if Trump has been compromised somehow.. Weird stuff going on.
why do they say what powell has said without a quote to her saying it? the only quote i see is to a general CBS story.

found her statement. she is talking about events of long ago when hugo chavez used this system to win. she never said hugo chavez said a THING about this election.

the reaches they are going through are incredible.

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