Police officer to Virginia politicians: We took an oath, and real cops won’t confiscate firearms.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."
Police officer to Virginia politicians: We took an oath, and real cops won’t confiscate firearms.

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?
Last edited:
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.

There you go little boy, do you "feel" better?
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."
Police officer to Virginia politicians: We took an oath, and real cops won’t confiscate firearms.

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?
Every Sheriff in Virginia has vowed to not enforce or assist with the enforcement of this abomination.

Now they need to arrest the Governor and all who voted for this as traitors who have violated their oaths of office and the US Constitution. These bastards need to be barred from ever holding any office again.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.

Same thing happened in NY state several years ago, they tried to institute a massive gun confiscation and the local and state police told them to go pound sand.

National police unions refuse to enforce Beto's gun confiscation plan if elected

250 Connecticut Police Officers Refuse To Enforce Gun Confiscation – 1,100+ Still Undetermined….

Police Chief Pushes Back Against Anti-Gun Laws. In a Big Way...
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

You keeping up with current events? Just about ALL of them.
Last edited:
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."
Police officer to Virginia politicians: We took an oath, and real cops won’t confiscate firearms.

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?
Every Sheriff in Virginia has vowed to not enforce or assist with the enforcement of this abomination.

Now they need to arrest the Governor and all who voted for this as traitors who have violated their oaths of office and the US Constitution. These bastards need to be barred from ever holding any office again.

They can't arrest them. Yet.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
One County Sheriff - so far - has said he’ll deputize every gun owner in the County if he has to.

Richmond is under siege again and still on the wrong side of history.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
One County Sheriff - so far - has said he’ll deputize every gun owner in the County if he has to.

Richmond is under siege again and still on the wrong side of history.
They need a recall vote for all who voted for this abomination... they need to remove these pieces of shit from office.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
One County Sheriff - so far - has said he’ll deputize every gun owner in the County if he has to.

Richmond is under siege again and still on the wrong side of history.
They need a recall vote for all who voted for this abomination... they need to remove these pieces of shit from office.
January 20 will be interesting. Richmond is marched upon.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
Go ahead and start you war traitor.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.

There you go little boy, do you "feel" better?
I do..I'm especially amused at your feeble attempt to plagiarize the article....LOL!

Any cop that does not enforce the law..as written...should be fired..simple as that. BTW..I do not support the Virginia statute. But as long as it is the law....it needs to be enforced. Not like the law..change it..or move the fuck outta the state.
You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.
Your title is a lie.
Go ahead and start you war traitor.
IggleAyeFleagle is a pissant nobody. If a Civil War starts he will flee to Ca-Nada rather than fight on any side at all.
If a civil war starts..I'll look for you on the battlefield..twerp. I'll be the one with the BAR...potting whoever is on the side of rebellion. I'm on the side of the USA. My forefathers killed many a shit-eating Confed...I'd be proud to add to the list.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.

There you go little boy, do you "feel" better?
I do..I'm especially amused at your feeble attempt to plagiarize the article....LOL!

Any cop that does not enforce the law..as written...should be fired..simple as that. BTW..I do not support the Virginia statute. But as long as it is the law....it needs to be enforced. Not like the law..change it..or move the fuck outta the state.

LOL, golly little boi I'm glad I made you "feel" better". Plagiarize? Sue me kid, I forgot to post the link.
The police do NOT have to follow an illegal order.
You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.
Your title is a lie.
Go ahead and start you war traitor.
IggleAyeFleagle is a pissant nobody. If a Civil War starts he will flee to Ca-Nada rather than fight on any side at all.
If a civil war starts..I'll look for you on the battlefield..twerp. I'll be the one with the BAR...potting whoever is on the side of rebellion. I'm on the side of the USA. My forefathers killed many a shit-eating Confed...I'd be proud to add to the list.

Golly look how tough you think are.
You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.
Your title is a lie.
Go ahead and start you war traitor.
IggleAyeFleagle is a pissant nobody. If a Civil War starts he will flee to Ca-Nada rather than fight on any side at all.
If a civil war starts..I'll look for you on the battlefield..twerp. I'll be the one with the BAR...potting whoever is on the side of rebellion. I'm on the side of the USA. My forefathers killed many a shit-eating Confed...I'd be proud to add to the list.

Golly look how tough you think are.
You're confused..it takes no toughness to pull a trigger..any coward can..and often does..just like any piece of shit keyboard warrior can talk about civil war..from the comfort of the freedoms bought for him..with the blood of REAL patriots.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.

There you go little boy, do you "feel" better?
I do..I'm especially amused at your feeble attempt to plagiarize the article....LOL!

Any cop that does not enforce the law..as written...should be fired..simple as that. BTW..I do not support the Virginia statute. But as long as it is the law....it needs to be enforced. Not like the law..change it..or move the fuck outta the state.

LOL, golly little boi I'm glad I made you "feel" better". Plagiarize? Sue me kid, I forgot to post the link.
The police do NOT have to follow an illegal order.
The law..is the law..and some backwoods hardhead does not get to rule on what he thinks is Constitutional.

Again, I'm against the statute..so change it.
In light of all the 2nd Amendment debate and the debacle that is Virginia and its governor (who I don’t respect enough to even know his name) spouting off about “If we have constitutional laws…” blah, blah, blah. Listen up.

I work in civilian law enforcement. I am also a veteran.

I work with many veterans, some of whom still serve in the reserves or National Guard. In both oaths, military and civilian, we all swore to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We did not swear to obey a tyrant or dictator.

I’ve been in law enforcement for over 21 years. In all that time I have met not one law enforcement officer who was anti-gun. Oh, I know they exist, but they are not being intellectually honest.

You see, law enforcement officers everywhere KNOW that guns save lives.

Guns prevent crime.

Guns stop attacks.

Guns even the odds between the criminal and his would-be victim.

Guns stop stalkers when a piece of paper doesn’t. (Shout out to my dear friend Ann who shot and killed her estranged husband when came to attack again.)

Real cops, not politicians, KNOW that more honest gun owners mean less crime.

If there is anyone wearing a badge that disagrees with this they are a liar- statistics prove this time and again. Literally every state that loosens gun carry restrictions nearly immediately sees a drop in violent crime.

When I am on patrol, I take time to reach out and thank civilians for exercising their 2A rights- yes, even the open carriers. I have detained or arrested thousands of people.

Not one legal carrier has ever threatened me or my partners.

I even joke about one particular restaurant in my town where veterans meet for breakfast. I say if anything ever pops off in here we are all going to die in the crossfire!

The populace has so many guns they cannot be counted. They couldn’t be confiscated even if the government threw every available resource at it."

The National Guard won't do it either. Mr Northam was is plan C?

You have provided no link to any police officer in Virginia stating that he will not enforce the law.

Your title is a lie.
One County Sheriff - so far - has said he’ll deputize every gun owner in the County if he has to.

Richmond is under siege again and still on the wrong side of history.
They need a recall vote for all who voted for this abomination... they need to remove these pieces of shit from office.
Has it occurred to you that the majority of the people voted them in? The people decide.....good or ill....

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