Police Issue Statement On Actors Hired For Charlottesville Race Riot


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016



Charlottesville Was Not A “Protest Turned Violent”

And you fks think everything is a fake We told you SOROS create t his bs wake the hell up and get the hell of planet fantasy


BOMBSHELL: New evidence suggests Charlottesville was a complete SET-UP
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Charlottesville Was Not A “Protest Turned Violent”

And you fks think everything is a fake We told you SOROS create t his bs wake the hell up and get the hell of planet fantasy

Any chance you could provide the police statement from the title?

Did you bother to watch the video?

No. I don't want to spend 20+ minutes listening to Alex Jones just to find out what a single supposed statement from police actually is. Maybe I'd be willing to listen if the statement piques my interest. If you don't want to bother providing it, I'll just move on.
I have a one-word solution to these Antifuck riots: napalm. That way, per university thinking, they can self-identify as Vietnamese Buddhists who poured kerosene on themselves and set themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam really knew how to put on a hell of a protest, didn't they?

Charlottesville Violence And Police Non Interference

Good video
I have a one-word solution to these Antifuck riots: napalm. That way, per university thinking, they can self-identify as Vietnamese Buddhists who poured kerosene on themselves and set themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam really knew how to put on a hell of a protest, didn't they?
Of course....what a wonderful Alt-Right solution.
Where can I sign up to these rent a rioter agencies. Ive been doing it for nothing all these years.

Somehow I'm not surprised you admit you're one of those brother-sister-inbred European soccer rioting, rodent-featured, Jeremy-Kyle-animals. Who love to destroy others' property, hurt people and throw violent public baby-tantrums for no reason. I'll bet even other UK members here will admit you are not only a clinically retarded idiot, but you're also a bullying, mindless violent, predatory criminal Jeremy-Kyle-chav-bait. Per your own admission!
I have a one-word solution to these Antifuck riots: napalm. That way, per university thinking, they can self-identify as Vietnamese Buddhists who poured kerosene on themselves and set themselves on fire. You know, morally committed religious people in South Vietnam really knew how to put on a hell of a protest, didn't they?
Of course....what a wonderful Alt-Right solution.

Of course it's wonderful in its sheer, cut-the-problem-off efficiency. I don't know why it's so difficult for violent, bloodthirsty, America-hating anti-Trump lunatics to admit that you are not real human beings.

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