Poem: Global warming could be good for some parts of the world. We The Saharawi

Dec 29, 2016
We The Saharawi Of The Desert

We the Saharawi of the desert welcome climate change
Could be good for you, could be bad for you
We of the scorched earth would like to see some rain
Rain, rain, oh rain
Rain in the Sahara
How we so desire

The brown dusty earth sprouting in green
Beautiful flowery combinations out of this barren dust?
It would be Eden again!

Water running on the surface of the earth
Could this be possible?
Gurgling brooks, fish and croaking frogs
In this Sahara?
We the Saharawi of the desert need a climate change.

-Dozy Zewy([email protected])
The best thing about global warming is that emerging African nations don't have to worry about picking crops when they can pick the pockets of Americans who get blamed for droughts and floods throughout the world.
Let the climate change then. It has always been an almost inevitable event with the homo sapien on this planet. Nature taking its cause.
However Spaceship Earth is not meant to sail forever. It is simply approaching decommissioning. We need a "new heaven and a new earth".

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