Playwright Phelim McAleer 'FBI Lovebirds' A Hit - Democrats FURIOUS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I thought Democrat / Snowflakes just LOVED 'parodies'. :p

Turns out when it is a 'VERBATIM' play consisting of 2 actors reading Strzok and Page's treasonous text messages in front of audiences, not to much:

"Playwright Phelim McAleer, who along with his wife Ann McElhinney has produced several films, isn’t surprised that Saturday Night Live and other venues have ignored the FBI Lovebirds material. “The Left dominates the arts to such an extent, they refuse to produce plays or movies even if they know they’ll be popular and the material is gold,” he told me.

But while left-wing producers won’t touch the material, there are plenty on the left who will try to silence the play.

The Daily Kos calls the production “absolutely sickening” and has called for protestors at CPAC. Esquire magazine says that moviegoers should “DixieChick” both Cain and Swanson so they don’t work again. One blogger offered $100 to a fund to send “one lucky Coronavirus victim to CPAC.”

I would pay to send Obama, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & McCabe, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler - making them sit right in the front row.


"The verbatim play was such a hit that McAleer is back for an encore. CPAC, the nation’s largest conservative gathering will mount a production at their annual Washington convention on February 27 at 5 p.m. In order to meet costs, the project is being crowdfunded on at"

'FBI Lovebirds', a Satire on Anti-Trump FBI Agents, Is Heading to CPAC. The Left Is Threatening Retaliation. | National Review

One of the funniest facts we are reminded of in this article is that it was ROD ROSENSTEIN who released the Strzok/Page text transcripts in an attempt to get the issue / scandal to 'die'. Talk about a world-class F*-up FAIL!


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