PPP loans vs student loans- no equivalence


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
PPP loans were established in 2020, and it was understood when they were taken out, that if the money was spent on the approved items that they would be forgiven.

Employers were encouraged to take them, because the government couldn't handle the crunch on the unemployment lines and this would relieve the government.

Totally opposite to the student loan programs.

When student loans were issued, the borrowers were told up front that they would have to pay them back unless they croaked first. Even bankruptcy couldn't get them discharged.

Liberals equivalence of the two forms of lending is really just double talk.

PPP loans were established in 2020, and it was understood when they were taken out, that if the money was spent on the approved items that they would be forgiven.

Employers were encouraged to take them, because the government couldn't handle the crunch on the unemployment lines and this would relieve the government.

Totally opposite to the student loan programs.

When student loans were issued, the borrowers were told up front that they would have to pay them back unless they croaked first. Even bankruptcy couldn't get them discharged.

Liberals equivalence of the two forms of lending is really just double talk.

Wall Street's Willing Wimps Wash Out

The student loans were made under the false pretense that the graduates would get high-paying jobs, no matter what degrees they got. Compounding the deception was the fact that many of those jobs were given to foreigners on H-1B visas. So those who presented those unrealistic promises should be charged with fraud.

As usual, an unworkable obligatory system leads to chaos, compounded by the brainwashing that there's nothing irrational about buying jobs. If corporations want American professionals, they must offer highly paid training.

A critic who resents unpaid internships and is even more outraged at interns having to pay employers for those positions wrote a book about that, but such hypocritical Diploma Dumbos are incapable of realizing that this class-biased indentured-servitude system in college is the same scam as that system.

The writer's clincher was that interns were even told to get the money to pay for internships out of their trust funds. She was incredibly incapable of seeing that college itself is designed solely for richkids living off an adult allowance.

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