Playing politics with kids lives

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
"If we keep kids out of school for another year, what's going to happen is the poor and underprivileged kids who don't have a parent that's able to teach them at home are not going to learn for a full year. I think it's a huge mistake if we don't open the schools in the fall." -- Rand Paul to Wuhan Fauci

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
Our President is well-supported by scientific study in his directives, Tommy. You should consider to stop picking out the splinter in the president's eye until you remove the mote from your own.
I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
I don't know if it's like this over there, but virtually everything over here immediately gets divided up and jammed into one side or the other. Schools. Facts. Sports. Restaurants. You name it.

Then all the partisan nutters fling poo at each other until the next topic pops up.

One would be justified in wondering if we've peaked as a species.

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.

The Unions over here have been completely co-opted by the dem party activists. THey are too busy pushing trans right to care about the children.

AND, they really don't care about the children. At all.

Their priorities are 1. Dem Party/Lib agenda.

A distance second. Their own pockets.

Way behind that, the teachers.

NOthing else. FUCK THE CHILDREN. You should be able to understand that. YOu don't care about children, even if they are being enslaved by massive rape rings with the tacit consent of your government.

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
We car so much about the children that we legalized an anything goes agenda for the adults. And that has affected the children. They are not even taught right when in school today. Children are taught to hate their own nation even as they live off of it.
Yes, he doesn't want safe reopening of schools. Cram them in and who cares about their lives. Too bad the congress holds the power of the purse and he can't defund schools.

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
If he wasn’t a sociopath, we might be surprised
I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
I don't know if it's like this over there, but virtually everything over here immediately gets divided up and jammed into one side or the other. Schools. Facts. Sports. Restaurants. You name it.

Then all the partisan nutters fling poo at each other until the next topic pops up.

One would be justified in wondering if we've peaked as a species.
These shouldn’t be partisan issues. And they wouldn’t be if Donald didn’t find it to his benefit to make them partisan issues.
And his psycho loons jump when their orange Jesus opens his big stupid lying mouth

because all his angry freaks care about is hurting the rest of the country

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
If he wasn’t a sociopath, we might be surprised

people are dying because of the lockdown. Do you care about them?
I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
I don't know if it's like this over there, but virtually everything over here immediately gets divided up and jammed into one side or the other. Schools. Facts. Sports. Restaurants. You name it.

Then all the partisan nutters fling poo at each other until the next topic pops up.

One would be justified in wondering if we've peaked as a species.
These shouldn’t be partisan issues. And they wouldn’t be if Donald didn’t find it to his benefit to make them partisan issues.
And his psycho loons jump when their orange Jesus opens his big stupid lying mouth

because all his angry freaks care about is hurting the rest of the country

You are hysterical. Is there something you can do to calm down?
Everything is partisan because of the policy Democrats call "resist". Resisting is a childish game where you disagree with everything someone says simply because you hate that person.

Very well said. Brilliantly actually. I will be using that. That really sums it all up. Perfectly.
Trump saw the CDC recommendations for school reopening and immediately reached for his Sharpie
Everything is partisan because of the policy Democrats call "resist". Resisting is a childish game where you disagree with everything someone says simply because you hate that person.
The safety of the kids is surely the paramount issue and not trumps tanking economy.Trump wants the kids back so that their parents can get back to work and not because he is concerned about their education.

Classes would have to be halved in size to make them safe and extra staff would be needed to keep basic things like toilet facilities compliant. And of course you would need monitors to ensure that 6 year olds socially distance in a civically responsible fashion. An enhanced cleaning schedule would also be needed and at risk staff and pupils would need to be identified.

Its a huge job that our government just ignored. Looks like trumpy has the same dismal plan.
Yes, he doesn't want safe reopening of schools. Cram them in and who cares about their lives. Too bad the congress holds the power of the purse and he can't defund schools.

There is an election coming up and Trump wants to pretend everything is normal.

Exposing children to the virus is a small price to pay

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.
If he wasn’t a sociopath, we might be surprised

people are dying because of the lockdown. Do you care about them?

How so?

Just what the Worlds Covid Capital needs with the virus running out of control and Americans dying every day.

This seems to sum up the pigs approach to everything. Ignore the science, stamp his foot and then use blackmail to coerce the schools into complying with his dickhead hunches.

Our worthless government just tried the same tactic and it was a stunning failure. Schools ,in many cases, are not built to social distance and unless extra funding is in place it isnt going to happen. But the pig is not offering extra funds, he is threatening to cut funding.

I would hope that your teaching unions give the kids the protection that your President has ignored.

Dipshit....the science shows that kids are safe from this Chinese Flu....the science shows that kids need to be in school, that they are suffering from depression and isolation don't need to social distance, and they don't transmit the Chinese Flu. If you have older teachers, they can stay home and help out from home...........

You don't know what you are talking about.

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